TeamTalk 5 C-API DLL  Version 5.14A
Client/Server Commands

This section contains the list of commands which can be issued by the client instance to the server. More...


TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoPing (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
 Ping server and wait for server to reply. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLogin (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szNickname, IN const TTCHAR *szUsername, IN const TTCHAR *szPassword)
 Same as TT_DologinEx() but without the option to specify szClientName. Kept for backwards compatibility. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLoginEx (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szNickname, IN const TTCHAR *szUsername, IN const TTCHAR *szPassword, IN const TTCHAR *szClientName)
 Logon to a server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLogout (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
 Logout of the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoJoinChannel (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Create a new channel and join it. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoJoinChannelByID (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN const TTCHAR *szPassword)
 Join an existing channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLeaveChannel (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
 Leave the current channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChangeNickname (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szNewNick)
 Change the client instance's nick name. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChangeStatus (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nStatusMode, IN const TTCHAR *szStatusMessage)
 Change the client instance's currect status. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoTextMessage (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TextMessage *lpTextMessage)
 Send a text message to either a user or a channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChannelOp (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN TTBOOL bMakeOperator)
 Make another user operator of a channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChannelOpEx (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN const TTCHAR *szOpPassword, IN TTBOOL bMakeOperator)
 Make another user operator of a channel using the szOpPassword of Channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoKickUser (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID)
 Kick user from either channel or server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoSendFile (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN const TTCHAR *szLocalFilePath)
 Send a file to the specified channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoRecvFile (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN INT32 nFileID, IN const TTCHAR *szLocalFilePath)
 Download a file from the specified channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoDeleteFile (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN INT32 nFileID)
 Delete a file from a channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoSubscribe (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN Subscriptions uSubscriptions)
 Subscribe to user events and/or data. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUnsubscribe (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN Subscriptions uSubscriptions)
 Unsubscribe to user events/data. This can be used to ignore messages or voice data from a specific user. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoMakeChannel (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Make a new channel on the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUpdateChannel (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Update a channel's properties. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoRemoveChannel (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID)
 Remove a channel from a server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoMoveUser (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID)
 Issue command to move a user from one channel to another. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUpdateServer (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const ServerProperties *lpServerProperties)
 Update server properties. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoListUserAccounts (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nIndex, IN INT32 nCount)
 Issue command to list user accounts on the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoNewUserAccount (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const UserAccount *lpUserAccount)
 Issue command to create a new user account on the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoDeleteUserAccount (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szUsername)
 Issue command to delete a user account on the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBanUser (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID)
 Issue a ban command on a user. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBanUserEx (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN BanTypes uBanTypes)
 Ban the user with nUserID using the ban types specified. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBan (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const BannedUser *lpBannedUser)
 Ban the properties specified in lpBannedUser. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBanIPAddress (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szIPAddress, IN INT32 nChannelID)
 Issue a ban command on an IP-address user. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUnBanUser (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szIPAddress, IN INT32 nChannelID)
 Unban the user with the specified IP-address. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUnBanUserEx (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const BannedUser *lpBannedUser)
 Unban the properties specified in BannedUser. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoListBans (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN INT32 nIndex, IN INT32 nCount)
 Issue a command to list the banned users. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoSaveConfig (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
 Save the server's current state to its settings file (typically the server's .xml file). More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoQueryServerStats (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
 Get the server's current statistics. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoQuit (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
 Quit from server. More...

Detailed Description

This section contains the list of commands which can be issued by the client instance to the server.

Client/Server Command Processing

Functions with the prefix TT_Do* are commands which the client can issue to the server. Every TT_Do* function returns a command identifier which can user application can use to check when the server has finished processing the issued command. Once the client receives a response to a command the client instance posts the event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING to the user application containing the command identifier and whether the command is being processed or it has completed.

As an example, say the user application wants to issue the TT_DoLogin command. When the application calls TT_DoLogin the returned command ID is stored in a variable. The application then waits for the CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event to be posted with the stored command ID. The first time CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING is posted to the user application it is to say that processing has begun. The second time CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING is called it is to say that the command has completed. In between the command starting and completing several other events may take place. If e.g. the TT_DoLogin fails the user application would receive the event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_ERROR. If on the other hand the command was successful all the channels and user would be posted as events to the application before the login-command completed processing.

Function Documentation

◆ TT_DoPing()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoPing ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance)

Ping server and wait for server to reply.

Use this command to check if the server is responding.

If the client instance doesn't ping the server within the timeout specified by nUserTimeout in ServerProperties, then the server will disconnect the client.

The client instance automatically pings the server at half the time specified by nUserTimeout in ServerProperties.

CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING is posted if server replies.

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.

◆ TT_DoLogin()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLogin ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const TTCHAR szNickname,
IN const TTCHAR szUsername,
IN const TTCHAR szPassword 

Same as TT_DologinEx() but without the option to specify szClientName. Kept for backwards compatibility.

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
szNicknameThe nickname to use.
szUsernameThe username of the UserAccount set up on the server.
szPasswordThe password of the user account on the server. Leave blank if no account is needed on the server.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.

◆ TT_DoLoginEx()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLoginEx ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const TTCHAR szNickname,
IN const TTCHAR szUsername,
IN const TTCHAR szPassword,
IN const TTCHAR szClientName 

Logon to a server.

Once connected to a server call this function to logon. If the login is successful CLIENTEVENT_CMD_MYSELF_LOGGEDIN is posted, otherwise CLIENTEVENT_CMD_ERROR. Once logged on it's not possible to talk to other users until the client instance joins a channel. Call TT_DoJoinChannel to join a channel.

Possible errors:

Requires TeamTalk version

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
szNicknameThe nickname to use.
szUsernameThe username of the UserAccount set up on the server.
szPasswordThe password of the user account on the server. Leave blank if no account is needed on the server.
szClientNameThe name of the client application used. This is an optional value and can be kept blank.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoLogout()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLogout ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance)

Logout of the server.

If successful the event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_MYSELF_LOGGEDOUT will be posted.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoJoinChannel()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoJoinChannel ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const Channel lpChannel 

Create a new channel and join it.

This function can also be used to join an existing channel and in this case the parameters szTopic and szOpPassword are ignored.

When TT_DoJoinChannel is used to create channels it works similar to IRC. If the client instance tries to join a channel which does not exist it will be created as a new channel. If the client instance is the last user to leave a channel the channel will be removed on the server.

If the channel is created successfully the event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_CHANNEL_NEW will be sent, followed by CLIENTEVENT_CMD_USER_JOINED.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
lpChannelThe channel to join or create if it doesn't already exist.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoJoinChannelByID()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoJoinChannelByID ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nChannelID,
IN const TTCHAR szPassword 

Join an existing channel.

This command basically calls TT_DoJoinChannel but omits the unnecessary parameters for only joining a channel and not creating a new one.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nChannelIDThe ID of the channel to join.
szPasswordThe password for the channel to join.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoLeaveChannel()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLeaveChannel ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance)

Leave the current channel.

Note that TT_DoLeaveChannel() doesn't take any parameters since a user can only participate in one channel at the time. If command is successful the event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_USER_LEFT will be posted.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoChangeNickname()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChangeNickname ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const TTCHAR szNewNick 

Change the client instance's nick name.

The event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_USER_UPDATE will be posted if the update was successful.

Command will be rejected if USERRIGHT_LOCKED_NICKNAME is set.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
szNewNickis the new nick name to use.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoChangeStatus()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChangeStatus ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nStatusMode,
IN const TTCHAR szStatusMessage 

Change the client instance's currect status.

The event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_USER_UPDATE will be posted if the update was successful.

Command will be rejected if USERRIGHT_LOCKED_STATUS is set.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nStatusModeThe value for the status mode.
szStatusMessageThe user's message associated with the status mode.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoTextMessage()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoTextMessage ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const TextMessage lpTextMessage 

Send a text message to either a user or a channel.

Can also be a broadcast message which is received by all users on the server. This, however, requires USERRIGHT_TEXTMESSAGE_BROADCAST.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
lpTextMessageA preallocated text-message struct.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoChannelOp()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChannelOp ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN INT32  nChannelID,
IN TTBOOL  bMakeOperator 

Make another user operator of a channel.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe user who should become channel operator.
nChannelIDThe channel where the user should become operator.
bMakeOperatorWhether user should be op'ed or deop'ed.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoChannelOpEx()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChannelOpEx ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN INT32  nChannelID,
IN const TTCHAR szOpPassword,
IN TTBOOL  bMakeOperator 

Make another user operator of a channel using the szOpPassword of Channel.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe user who should become channel operator.
nChannelIDThe channel where the user should become operator.
szOpPasswordThe szOpPassword of Channel.
bMakeOperatorWhether user should be op'ed or deop'ed.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoKickUser()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoKickUser ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN INT32  nChannelID 

Kick user from either channel or server.

To ban a user call TT_DoBanUser before TT_DoKickUser.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe ID of the user to kick.
nChannelIDThe channel where the user shoul be kicked from or specify 0 to kick the user off the server.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoSendFile()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoSendFile ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nChannelID,
IN const TTCHAR szLocalFilePath 

Send a file to the specified channel.

If user is logged on as an admin the file can be located in any channel. If the user is not an admin the file must be located in the same channel as the user is currently participating in. The file being uploaded must have a file size which is less than the disk quota of the channel, minus the sum of all the files in the channel. The disk quota of a channel can be obtained in the nDiskQuota of the Channel struct passed to TT_GetChannel.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nChannelIDThe ID of the channel of where to put the file. Only admins can upload in channel other then their own.
szLocalFilePathThe path of the file to upload, e.g. C:\myfile.txt.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoRecvFile()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoRecvFile ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nChannelID,
IN INT32  nFileID,
IN const TTCHAR szLocalFilePath 

Download a file from the specified channel.

If user is logged on as an admin the file can be located in any channel. If the user is not an admin the file must be located in the same channel as the user is currently participating in.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nChannelIDThe ID of the channel of where to get the file. Only admins can download in channel other then their own.
nFileIDThe ID of the file which is passed by CLIENTEVENT_CMD_FILE_NEW.
szLocalFilePathThe path of where to store the file, e.g. C:\myfile.txt.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoDeleteFile()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoDeleteFile ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nChannelID,
IN INT32  nFileID 

Delete a file from a channel.

A user is allowed to delete a file from a channel if either the user is an admin, operator of the channel or owner of the file. To be owner of the file a user must have a UserAccount on the server.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nChannelIDThe ID of the channel where the file is located.
nFileIDThe ID of the file to delete. The ID of the file which is passed by CLIENTEVENT_CMD_FILE_NEW.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoSubscribe()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoSubscribe ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN Subscriptions  uSubscriptions 

Subscribe to user events and/or data.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe ID of the user this should affect.
uSubscriptionsUnion of Subscription to subscribe to.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoUnsubscribe()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUnsubscribe ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN Subscriptions  uSubscriptions 

Unsubscribe to user events/data. This can be used to ignore messages or voice data from a specific user.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe ID of the user this should affect.
uSubscriptionsUnion of Subscription to unsubscribe.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoMakeChannel()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoMakeChannel ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const Channel lpChannel 

Make a new channel on the server.

This command only applies to users with USERRIGHT_MODIFY_CHANNELS.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
lpChannelA Channel-structure containing information about the channel being created. The Channel's member nChannelID is ignored.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoUpdateChannel()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUpdateChannel ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const Channel lpChannel 

Update a channel's properties.

Users with USERRIGHT_MODIFY_CHANNELS can update all properties of a channel.

A user with channel-operator status (see TT_DoChannelOp()) can also update a channel's properties, but is not able to change the following properties:

Note that a channel's AudioCodec cannot be changed if there's currently users in the channel.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
lpChannelA Channel-structure containing information about the channel being modified. The channel member's nParentID and szName are ignored.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoRemoveChannel()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoRemoveChannel ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nChannelID 

Remove a channel from a server.

This command only applies to users with USERRIGHT_MODIFY_CHANNELS.

If there's any users in the channel they will be kicked and subchannels will be deleted as well.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nChannelIDThe ID of the channel to remove.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoMoveUser()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoMoveUser ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN INT32  nChannelID 

Issue command to move a user from one channel to another.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDUser to be moved.
nChannelIDChannel where user should be put into.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoUpdateServer()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUpdateServer ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const ServerProperties lpServerProperties 

Update server properties.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
lpServerPropertiesA structure holding the information to be set on the server.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoListUserAccounts()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoListUserAccounts ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nIndex,
IN INT32  nCount 

Issue command to list user accounts on the server.

The event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_USERACCOUNT will be posted for every UserAccount on the server. Ensure not to list too many many user accounts since this may suspend event handling.

User accounts can be used to create users with different user rights.

Only USERTYPE_ADMIN can issue this command.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nIndexIndex of first user to display.
nCountThe number of users to retrieve.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoNewUserAccount()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoNewUserAccount ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const UserAccount lpUserAccount 

Issue command to create a new user account on the server.

Check out section User Administration to see how the server handles users.

Only USERTYPE_ADMIN can issue this command.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
lpUserAccountThe properties of the user account to create.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoDeleteUserAccount()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoDeleteUserAccount ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const TTCHAR szUsername 

Issue command to delete a user account on the server.

Only USERTYPE_ADMIN can issue this command.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
szUsernameThe username of the user account to delete.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoBanUser()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBanUser ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN INT32  nChannelID 

Issue a ban command on a user.

The ban applies to the user's IP-address. Call TT_DoKickUser to kick the user off the server.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe ID of the user to ban.
nChannelIDSet to 0 to ban from logging in. Otherwise specify user's current channel.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoBanUserEx()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBanUserEx ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN BanTypes  uBanTypes 

Ban the user with nUserID using the ban types specified.

If uBanTypes contains BANTYPE_USERNAME then the username cannot join the channel where
nUserID is currently present.

If uBanTypes contains BANTYPE_IPADDR then the IP-address cannot join the channel where
nUserID is currently present.

See also

◆ TT_DoBan()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBan ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const BannedUser lpBannedUser 

Ban the properties specified in lpBannedUser.

The uBanTypes specifies what the ban applies to. If BANTYPE_CHANNEL is specified in the uBanTypes of lpBannedUser then the ban applies to joining a channel, TT_DoJoinChannel(). Otherwise the ban applies to login, TT_DoLogin().

If BANTYPE_IPADDR is specified then the IP-address must be set in szIPAddress and any IP-address matching will receive CMDERR_SERVER_BANNED or CMDERR_CHANNEL_BANNED for TT_DoLogin() or TT_DoJoinChannel(). If instead BANTYPE_USERNAME is specified then szUsername must be set and the same rule applies as for IP-addresses.

See also

◆ TT_DoBanIPAddress()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBanIPAddress ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const TTCHAR szIPAddress,
IN INT32  nChannelID 

Issue a ban command on an IP-address user.

Same as TT_DoBanUser() except this command applies to IP-addresses and therefore doesn't require a user to be logged in.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
szIPAddressThe IP-address to ban.
nChannelIDSet to zero.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoUnBanUser()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUnBanUser ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const TTCHAR szIPAddress,
IN INT32  nChannelID 

Unban the user with the specified IP-address.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
szIPAddressThe IP-address to unban.
nChannelIDSet to zero.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoUnBanUserEx()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUnBanUserEx ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const BannedUser lpBannedUser 

Unban the properties specified in BannedUser.

The uBanTypes in BannedUser determines which properties should have their ban remove. E.g. uBanTypes = BANTYPE_USERNAME and szUsername = "guest" will remove all bans where the username is "guest".

See also

◆ TT_DoListBans()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoListBans ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nChannelID,
IN INT32  nIndex,
IN INT32  nCount 

Issue a command to list the banned users.

The event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_BANNEDUSER will be posted for every BannedUser on the server.

User rights required:

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nChannelIDSet to zero.
nIndexIndex of first ban to display.
nCountThe number of bans to display.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoSaveConfig()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoSaveConfig ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance)

Save the server's current state to its settings file (typically the server's .xml file).

Only USERTYPE_ADMIN can issue this command.

Note that the server only saves channels with the flag CHANNEL_PERMANENT.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.
See also

◆ TT_DoQueryServerStats()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoQueryServerStats ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance)

Get the server's current statistics.

Event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_SERVERSTATISTICS will be posted when server has sent response.

Only USERTYPE_ADMIN can issue this command.

Possible errors:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.

◆ TT_DoQuit()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoQuit ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance)

Quit from server.

Possible errors:

  • none

This will generate a CLIENTEVENT_CON_LOST since the server will drop the client.

Returns command ID which will be passed in CLIENTEVENT_CMD_PROCESSING event when the server is processing the command. -1 is returned in case of error.