TeamTalk 5 .NET DLL
Version 5.14A
This section explains how to handle errors occuring in the client instance or as a result of server commands. More...
Classes | |
struct | BearWare.ClientErrorMsg |
Functions | |
static string | BearWare.TeamTalkBase.GetErrorMessage (ClientError nError) |
Get textual discription of an error message. More... | |
This section explains how to handle errors occuring in the client instance or as a result of server commands.
There are two types errors which can occur in the client, either server command error or internal errors. Section Client/Server Commands describes all the commands a client can issue to a server. If a server commands fails the client instance notifies the user application through the event TeamTalkBase.OnCmdError(). An example of a server command error could be to issue the TeamTalkBase.DoLogin() command with an incorrect password. The server will in this case respond with the error ClientError.CMDERR_INVALID_ACCOUNT. The user application must be designed to process these errors so application users can be notified of errors.
Internal errors are errors due to failing devices. Currently only two such errors exist ClientError.INTERR_SNDINPUT_FAILURE and ClientError.INTERR_SNDOUTPUT_FAILURE.
strong |
Errors which can occur either as a result of client commands or as a result of internal errors.
Use TeamTalkBase.GetErrorMessage() to get a text-description of the error.
Enumerator | |
CMDERR_SUCCESS | Command indicating success. |
CMDERR_SYNTAX_ERROR | Command has syntax error. Only used internally. |
CMDERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND | The server doesn't support the issued command. This error may occur if the server is an older version than the client instance. |
CMDERR_MISSING_PARAMETER | Command cannot be performed due to missing parameter. Only used internally. |
CMDERR_INCOMPATIBLE_PROTOCOLS | The server uses a protocol which is incompatible with the client instance. |
CMDERR_UNKNOWN_AUDIOCODEC | The server does not support the audio codec specified by the client. Introduced in version |
CMDERR_INVALID_USERNAME | Invalid username for BearWare.UserAccount.
CMDERR_INCORRECT_SERVER_PASSWORD | Invalid server password. The TeamTalkBase.DoLogin() command passed a server password which was invalid. @see TeamTalkBase.DoLogin |
CMDERR_INCORRECT_CHANNEL_PASSWORD | Invalid channel password. The TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel() or TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel()ByID passed an invalid channel password. TeamTalkBase.DoMakeChannel() can also cause a this error if the password is longer than #BearWare.TeamTalkBase.TT_STRLEN. |
CMDERR_INVALID_ACCOUNT | Invalid username or password for account. The TeamTalkBase.DoLogin() command was issued with invalid account properties. This error can also occur by TeamTalkBase.DoNewUserAccount() if username is empty. |
CMDERR_MAX_SERVER_USERS_EXCEEDED | Login failed due to maximum number of users on server. TeamTalkBase.DoLogin() failed because the server does not allow any more users. |
CMDERR_MAX_CHANNEL_USERS_EXCEEDED | Cannot join channel because it has maximum number of users. TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel() or TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel()ByID failed because no more users are allowed in the channel. |
CMDERR_SERVER_BANNED | IP-address has been banned from server. TeamTalkBase.DoLogin() failed because the local client's IP-address has been banned on the server. |
CMDERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED | Command not authorized. The command cannot be performed because the client instance has insufficient rights. @see TeamTalkBase.DoDeleteFile @see TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel @see TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannelByID @see TeamTalkBase.DoLeaveChannel @see TeamTalkBase.DoChannelOp @see TeamTalkBase.DoChannelOpEx @see TeamTalkBase.DoKickUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoUpdateChannel @see TeamTalkBase.DoChangeNickname @see TeamTalkBase.DoChangeStatus @see TeamTalkBase.DoTextMessage @see TeamTalkBase.DoSubscribe @see TeamTalkBase.DoUnsubscribe @see TeamTalkBase.DoMakeChannel @see TeamTalkBase.DoRemoveChannel @see TeamTalkBase.DoMoveUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoUpdateServer @see TeamTalkBase.DoSaveConfig @see TeamTalkBase.DoSendFile @see TeamTalkBase.DoRecvFile @see TeamTalkBase.DoBanUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoUnBanUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoListBans @see TeamTalkBase.DoListUserAccounts @see TeamTalkBase.DoNewUserAccount @see TeamTalkBase.DoDeleteUserAccount |
CMDERR_MAX_DISKUSAGE_EXCEEDED | Cannot upload file because disk quota will be exceeded. TeamTalkBase.DoSendFile() was not allowed because there's not enough disk space available for upload. @see Channel |
CMDERR_INCORRECT_OP_PASSWORD | Invalid password for becoming channel operator. The password specified in TeamTalkBase.DoChannelOpEx() is not correct. The operator password is the @a szOpPassword of the #BearWare.Channel-struct. |
CMDERR_AUDIOCODEC_BITRATE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED | The selected BearWare.AudioCodec exceeds what the server allows. A server can limit the vitrate of audio codecs if |
CMDERR_MAX_LOGINS_PER_IPADDRESS_EXCEEDED | The maximum number of logins allowed per IP-address has been exceeded. |
CMDERR_MAX_CHANNELS_EXCEEDED | The maximum number of channels has been exceeded.
CMDERR_COMMAND_FLOOD | Command flooding prevented by server. Commands are issued faster than allowed by the server. See #BearWare.UserAccount @c commandsPerMSec. @see TT_CHANNELID_MAX |
CMDERR_CHANNEL_BANNED | Banned from joining a channel. @see TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel() @see TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannelByID() @see TeamTalkBase.DoBanUser() |
CMDERR_NOT_LOGGEDIN | Client instance has not been authenticated. TeamTalkBase.DoLogin() has not been issued successfully or TeamTalkBase.DoLogout() could not be performed because client instance is already logged in. |
CMDERR_ALREADY_LOGGEDIN | Already logged in. TeamTalkBase.DoLogin() cannot be performed twice. |
CMDERR_NOT_IN_CHANNEL | Cannot leave channel because not in channel. TeamTalkBase.DoLeaveChannel() failed because user is not in a channel. |
CMDERR_ALREADY_IN_CHANNEL | Cannot join same channel twice. TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel() or TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel()ByID failed because client instance is already in the specified channel. |
CMDERR_CHANNEL_ALREADY_EXISTS | Channel already exists. TeamTalkBase.DoMakeChannel() failed because channel already exists. |
CMDERR_CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND | Channel does not exist. Command failed because channel does not exists. @see TeamTalkBase.DoRemoveChannel @see TeamTalkBase.DoUpdateChannel @see TeamTalkBase.DoMakeChannel Due to invalid channel name @see TeamTalkBase.DoSendFile @see TeamTalkBase.DoRecvFile @see TeamTalkBase.DoDeleteFile @see TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel @see TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannelByID @see TeamTalkBase.DoLeaveChannel @see TeamTalkBase.DoChannelOp @see TeamTalkBase.DoKickUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoBanUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoMoveUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoTextMessage |
CMDERR_USER_NOT_FOUND | User not found. Command failed because user does not exists. @see TeamTalkBase.DoChannelOp @see TeamTalkBase.DoKickUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoBanUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoMoveUser @see TeamTalkBase.DoTextMessage @see TeamTalkBase.DoSubscribe @see TeamTalkBase.DoUnsubscribe |
CMDERR_BAN_NOT_FOUND | Banned IP-address does not exist. TeamTalkBase.DoUnBanUser() failed because there is no banned IP-address which matches what was specified. |
CMDERR_FILETRANSFER_NOT_FOUND | File transfer doesn't exists. TeamTalkBase.DoSendFile() or TeamTalkBase.DoRecvFile() failed because the server cannot process the file transfer. |
CMDERR_OPENFILE_FAILED | Server failed to open file. TeamTalkBase.DoSendFile() or TeamTalkBase.DoRecvFile() failed because the server cannot open the specified file (possible file lock). |
CMDERR_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND | Cannot find user account. TeamTalkBase.DoDeleteUserAccount() failed because the specified user account does not exists. |
CMDERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND | File does not exist. TeamTalkBase.DoSendFile(), TeamTalkBase.DoRecvFile() or TeamTalkBase.DoDeleteFile() failed because the server cannot find the specified file. |
CMDERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS | File already exist. TeamTalkBase.DoSendFile() failed because the file already exists in the channel. |
CMDERR_FILESHARING_DISABLED | Server does not allow file transfers. TeamTalkBase.DoSendFile() or TeamTalkBase.DoRecvFile() failed because the server does not allow file transfers. |
CMDERR_CHANNEL_HAS_USERS | Cannot process command since channel is not empty.
CMDERR_LOGINSERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | The login service is currently unavailable. Added in TeamTalk v5.3 to support web-logins. |
CMDERR_CHANNEL_CANNOT_BE_HIDDEN | Cannot apply ChannelType.CHANNEL_HIDDEN to BearWare.Channel's channel type. A hidden channel cannot contain subchannels or have it #ChannelType.CHANNEL_HIDDEN property toggled. |
INTERR_SNDINPUT_FAILURE | A sound input device failed. This can e.g. happen when joining a channel and the sound device has been unplugged. |
INTERR_SNDOUTPUT_FAILURE | A sound output device failed. This can e.g. happen when joining a channel and the sound device has been unplugged. |
INTERR_AUDIOCODEC_INIT_FAILED | Audio codec used by channel failed to initialize. Ensure the settings specified in BearWare.AudioCodec are valid.
INTERR_AUDIOPREPROCESSOR_INIT_FAILED | BearWare.AudioPreprocessor failed to initialize. This error occurs when joining a channel and the #BearWare.AudioPreprocessor is initialized. The settings specified by TeamTalkBase.SetSoundInputPreprocessEx() are invalid or unsupported. @see TeamTalkBase.DoJoinChannel() |
INTERR_TTMESSAGE_QUEUE_OVERFLOW | BearWare.TTMessage event queue overflowed. The message queue for events has overflowed because TeamTalkBase.GetMessage() has not drained the queue in time. The #BearWare.TTMessage message queue will suspend event handling once the queue overflows and resumes event handling again when the message queue has been drained. |
INTERR_SNDEFFECT_FAILURE | BearWare.SoundDeviceEffects failed to initialize. This error occurs when joining a channel and an effect in #BearWare.SoundDeviceEffects failed to initialize. The effects are applied using TeamTalkBase.SetSoundDeviceEffects() |
Definition at line 3038 of file TeamTalk.cs.
static |
Get textual discription of an error message.
Get a description of an error code posted by either OnCmdError or OnInternalError.
nError | The number of the error. |
Definition at line 8117 of file TeamTalk.cs.