TeamTalk 5 Java DLL  Version 5.11A
BearWare.TeamTalkBase Class Reference

Abstract class which encapsulates the TeamTalk 5 client. Instantiate either BearWare.TeamTalk5 (TeamTalk 5 SDK Standard Edition) or BearWare.TeamTalk5Pro (TeamTalk 5 SDK Professional Edition) to create the TeamTalk instance. More...

Inheritance diagram for BearWare.TeamTalkBase:
BearWare.TeamTalk5 BearWare.TeamTalk5Pro

Public Member Functions

void Dispose ()
bool GetMessage (ref TTMessage pMsg, int nWaitMs)
 Poll for events in the client instance. More...
bool PumpMessage (ClientEvent nClientEvent, int nIdentifier)
 Cause client instance event thread to schedule an update event. More...
BearWare.ClientFlag GetFlags ()
 Get a bitmask describing the client's current state. More...
void ProcessMsg (TTMessage msg)
 Event handler for BearWare.TTMessage. More...
bool InitSoundInputDevice (int nInputDeviceID)
 Initialize the sound input device (for recording audio). More...
bool InitSoundInputSharedDevice (int nSampleRate, int nChannels, int nFrameSize)
 Setup sample rate, channels and frame size of shared sound input device. More...
bool InitSoundOutputDevice (int nOutputDeviceID)
 Initialize the sound output device (for audio playback). More...
bool InitSoundOutputSharedDevice (int nSampleRate, int nChannels, int nFrameSize)
 Setup sample rate, channels and frame size of shared sound output device. More...
bool InitSoundDuplexDevices (int nInputDeviceID, int nOutputDeviceID)
 Enable duplex mode where multiple audio streams are mixed into a single stream using software. More...
bool CloseSoundInputDevice ()
 Shutdown the input sound device. More...
bool CloseSoundOutputDevice ()
 Shutdown the output sound device. More...
bool CloseSoundDuplexDevices ()
 Shut down sound devices running in duplex mode. More...
bool SetSoundDeviceEffects (SoundDeviceEffects lpSoundDeviceEffect)
 Set up audio effects on a sound device. More...
bool GetSoundDeviceEffects (ref SoundDeviceEffects lpSoundDeviceEffect)
 Get the audio effects that are currently enabled. More...
int GetSoundInputLevel ()
 Get the volume level of the current recorded audio. More...
bool SetSoundInputGainLevel (int nLevel)
 Set voice gaining of recorded audio. More...
int GetSoundInputGainLevel ()
 Get voice gain level of outgoing audio. More...
bool SetSoundInputPreprocess (SpeexDSP lpSpeexDSP)
 Enable sound preprocessor which should be used for processing audio recorded by the sound input device (voice input). More...
bool GetSoundInputPreprocess (ref SpeexDSP lpSpeexDSP)
 Get the sound preprocessor settings which are currently in use for recorded sound input device (voice input). More...
bool SetSoundInputPreprocess (AudioPreprocessor lpAudioPreprocessor)
 Enable sound preprocessor which should be used for processing audio recorded by the sound input device (voice input). More...
bool GetSoundInputPreprocess (ref AudioPreprocessor lpAudioPreprocessor)
 Get the sound preprocessor settings which are currently in use for recorded sound input device (voice input). More...
bool SetSoundOutputVolume (int nVolume)
 Set master volume. More...
int GetSoundOutputVolume ()
 Get master volume. More...
bool SetSoundOutputMute (bool bMuteAll)
 Set all users mute. More...
bool Enable3DSoundPositioning (bool bEnable)
 Enable automatically position users using 3D-sound. More...
bool AutoPositionUsers ()
 Automatically position users using 3D-sound. More...
bool EnableAudioBlockEvent (int nUserID, StreamType uStreamTypes, bool bEnable)
 Enable/disable access to raw audio from individual users, local microphone input or muxed stream of all users. More...
bool EnableAudioBlockEvent (int nUserID, StreamType uStreamTypes, AudioFormat lpAudioFormat, bool bEnable)
 Same as TeamTalkBase.EnableAudioBlockEvent() but option to specify audio output format. More...
bool InsertAudioBlock (AudioBlock lpAudioBlock)
 Transmit application provided raw audio in BearWare.AudioBlock-structs as StreamType.STREAMTYPE_VOICE, i.e. microphone input. More...
bool EnableVoiceTransmission (bool bEnable)
 Start/stop transmitting of voice data from sound input. More...
bool EnableVoiceActivation (bool bEnable)
 Enable voice activation. More...
bool SetVoiceActivationLevel (int nLevel)
 Set voice activation level. More...
int GetVoiceActivationLevel ()
 Get voice activation level. More...
bool SetVoiceActivationStopDelay (int nDelayMSec)
 Set the delay of when voice activation should be stopped. More...
int GetVoiceActivationStopDelay ()
 Get the delay of when voice active state should be disabled. More...
bool StartRecordingMuxedAudioFile (AudioCodec lpAudioCodec, string szAudioFileName, AudioFileFormat uAFF)
 Store all audio conversations with specific BearWare.AudioCodec settings to a single file. More...
bool StartRecordingMuxedAudioFile (int nChannelID, string szAudioFileName, AudioFileFormat uAFF)
 Store audio conversations from a specific channel into a single file. More...
bool StartRecordingMuxedStreams (StreamType uStreamTypes, AudioCodec lpAudioCodec, string szAudioFileName, AudioFileFormat uAFF)
 Mix multiple BearWare.StreamType into a single audio file. More...
bool StopRecordingMuxedAudioFile ()
 Stop an active muxed audio recording. More...
bool StopRecordingMuxedAudioFile (int nChannelID)
 Stop recording conversations from a channel to a single file. More...
bool StartVideoCaptureTransmission (VideoCodec lpVideoCodec)
 Start transmitting from video capture device. More...
bool StopVideoCaptureTransmission ()
 Stop transmitting from video capture device. More...
bool InitVideoCaptureDevice (string szDeviceID, VideoFormat lpVideoFormat)
 Initialize a video capture device. More...
bool CloseVideoCaptureDevice ()
 Close a video capture device. More...
bool PaintVideoFrame (int nUserID, System.IntPtr hDC, int XDest, int YDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, ref VideoFrame lpVideoFrame)
 Paint user's video frame using a Windows' DC (device context). More...
bool PaintVideoFrameEx (int nUserID, System.IntPtr hDC, int XDest, int YDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, int XSrc, int YSrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight, ref VideoFrame lpVideoFrame)
 Paint user's video frame using a Windows' DC (device context). More...
VideoFrame AcquireUserVideoCaptureFrame (int nUserID, out Bitmap bmp)
 Extract a user's video frame for display. More...
bool ReleaseUserVideoCaptureFrame (VideoFrame lpVideoFrame)
 Delete a user's video frame, acquired through TeamTalkBase.AcquireUserVideoCaptureFrame(), so its allocated resources can be released. More...
bool StartStreamingMediaFileToChannel (string szMediaFilePath, VideoCodec lpVideoCodec)
 Stream media file to channel, e.g. avi-, wav- or MP3-file. More...
bool StartStreamingMediaFileToChannel (string szMediaFilePath, MediaFilePlayback lpMediaFilePlayback, VideoCodec lpVideoCodec)
 Stream media file to channel, e.g. avi-, wav- or MP3-file. More...
bool UpdateStreamingMediaFileToChannel (MediaFilePlayback lpMediaFilePlayback, VideoCodec lpVideoCodec)
 Update active media file being streamed to channel. More...
bool StopStreamingMediaFileToChannel ()
 Stop streaming media file to channel. More...
int InitLocalPlayback (string szMediaFilePath, MediaFilePlayback lpMediaFilePlayback)
 Play media file using settings from TeamTalkBase instance. More...
bool UpdateLocalPlayback (int nPlaybackSessionID, MediaFilePlayback lpMediaFilePlayback)
bool StopLocalPlayback (int nPlaybackSessionID)
VideoFrame AcquireUserMediaVideoFrame (int nUserID, out Bitmap bmp)
 Extract a user's media video frame for display. More...
bool ReleaseUserMediaVideoFrame (VideoFrame lpVideoFrame)
 Delete a user's video frame, acquired through TeamTalkBase.AcquireUserMediaVideoFrame(), so its allocated resources can be released. More...
int SendDesktopWindow (DesktopWindow lpDesktopWindow, BitmapFormat nConvertBmpFormat)
 Transmit a desktop window (bitmap) to users in the same channel. More...
bool CloseDesktopWindow ()
 Close the current desktop session. More...
int SendDesktopWindowFromHWND (System.IntPtr hWnd, BitmapFormat nBitmapFormat, DesktopProtocol nDesktopProtocol)
 Transmit the specified window in a desktop session. More...
bool PaintDesktopWindow (int nUserID, System.IntPtr hDC, int XDest, int YDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight)
 Paint user's desktop window using a Windows' DC (device context). More...
bool PaintDesktopWindowEx (int nUserID, System.IntPtr hDC, int XDest, int YDest, int nDestWidth, int nDestHeight, int XSrc, int YSrc, int nSrcWidth, int nSrcHeight)
 Paint user's desktop window using a Windows' DC (device context). More...
bool SendDesktopCursorPosition (ushort nPosX, ushort nPosY)
 Send the position of mouse cursor to users in the same channel. More...
bool SendDesktopInput (int nUserID, DesktopInput[] lpDesktopInputs)
 Send a mouse or keyboard event to a shared desktop window. More...
DesktopWindow AcquireUserDesktopWindow (int nUserID)
 Get a user's desktop window (bitmap image). More...
DesktopWindow AcquireUserDesktopWindowEx (int nUserID, BitmapFormat nBitmapFormat)
 Same as TeamTalkBase.AcquireUserDesktopWindow() except an extra option for converting bitmap to a different format. More...
bool ReleaseUserDesktopWindow (DesktopWindow lpDesktopWindow)
 Release memory allocated by the BearWare.DesktopWindow. More...
bool SetEncryptionContext (EncryptionContext lpEncryptionContext)
 Setup encryption properties prior to Connect(). More...
bool Connect (string szHostAddress, int nTcpPort, int nUdpPort, int nLocalTcpPort, int nLocalUdpPort, bool bEncrypted)
 Connect to a server. More...
bool ConnectSysID (string szHostAddress, int nTcpPort, int nUdpPort, int nLocalTcpPort, int nLocalUdpPort, bool bEncrypted, string szSystemID)
 Same as Connect() but the option of providing a unique system-ID. More...
bool ConnectEx (string szHostAddress, int nTcpPort, int nUdpPort, string szBindIPAddr, int nLocalTcpPort, int nLocalUdpPort, bool bEncrypted)
 Bind to specific IP-address prior to connecting to server. More...
bool Disconnect ()
 Disconnect from the server. More...
bool QueryMaxPayload (int nUserID)
 Query the maximum size of UDP data packets to the user or server. More...
bool GetClientStatistics (ref ClientStatistics lpClientStatistics)
 Retrieve client statistics of bandwidth usage and response times. More...
bool SetClientKeepAlive (ClientKeepAlive lpClientKeepAlive)
 Update the client instance's default keep alive settings. More...
bool GetClientKeepAlive (ref ClientKeepAlive lpClientKeepAlive)
 Get the client instance's current keep alive settings. More...
int DoPing ()
 Ping server and wait for server to reply. More...
int DoLogin (string szNickname, string szUsername, string szPassword)
 Same as DologinEx() but without the option to specify szClientName. Kept for backwards compatibility. More...
int DoLoginEx (string szNickname, string szUsername, string szPassword, string szClientName)
 Logon to a server. More...
int DoLogout ()
 Logout of the server. More...
int DoJoinChannel (Channel lpChannel)
 Create a new channel and join it. More...
int DoJoinChannelByID (int nChannelID, string szPassword)
 Join an existing channel. More...
int DoLeaveChannel ()
 Leave the current channel. More...
int DoChangeNickname (string szNewNick)
 Change the client instance's nick name. More...
int DoChangeStatus (int nStatusMode, string szStatusMessage)
 Change the client instance's currect status. More...
int DoTextMessage (TextMessage lpTextMessage)
 Send a text message to either a user or a channel. More...
int DoChannelOp (int nUserID, int nChannelID, bool bMakeOperator)
 Make another user operator of a channel. More...
int DoChannelOpEx (int nUserID, int nChannelID, string szOpPassword, bool bMakeOperator)
 Make another user operator of a channel using the szOpPassword of BearWare.Channel. More...
int DoKickUser (int nUserID, int nChannelID)
 Kick user from either channel or server. More...
int DoSendFile (int nChannelID, string szLocalFilePath)
 Send a file to the specified channel. More...
int DoRecvFile (int nChannelID, int nFileID, string szLocalFilePath)
 Download a file from the specified channel. More...
int DoDeleteFile (int nChannelID, int nFileID)
 Delete a file from a channel. More...
int DoSubscribe (int nUserID, Subscription uSubscriptions)
 Subscribe to user events and/or data. More...
int DoUnsubscribe (int nUserID, Subscription uSubscriptions)
 Unsubscribe to user events/data. This can be used to ignore messages or voice data from a specific user. More...
int DoMakeChannel (Channel lpChannel)
 Make a new channel on the server. More...
int DoUpdateChannel (Channel lpChannel)
 Update a channel's properties. More...
int DoRemoveChannel (int nChannelID)
 Remove a channel from a server. More...
int DoMoveUser (int nUserID, int nChannelID)
 Issue command to move a user from one channel to another. More...
int DoUpdateServer (ServerProperties lpServerProperties)
 Update server properties. More...
int DoListUserAccounts (int nIndex, int nCount)
 Issue command to list user accounts on the server. More...
int DoNewUserAccount (UserAccount lpUserAccount)
 Issue command to create a new user account on the server. More...
int DoDeleteUserAccount (string szUsername)
 Issue command to delete a user account on the server. More...
int DoBanUser (int nUserID, int nChannelID)
 Issue a ban command on a user in a specific channel. More...
int DoBanUserEx (int nUserID, BanType uBanTypes)
 Ban the user with nUserID using the ban types specified. More...
int DoBan (BannedUser lpBannedUser)
 Ban the properties specified in lpBannedUser. More...
int DoBanIPAddress (string szIPAddress, int nChannelID)
 Issue a ban command on an IP-address user. More...
int DoUnBanUser (string szIPAddress, int nChannelID)
 Unban the user with the specified IP-address. More...
int DoUnBanUserEx (BannedUser lpBannedUser)
 Unban the properties specified in BearWare.BannedUser. More...
int DoListBans (int nChannelID, int nIndex, int nCount)
 Issue a command to list the banned users. More...
int DoSaveConfig ()
 Save the server's current state to its settings file (typically the server's .xml file). More...
int DoQueryServerStats ()
 Get the server's current statistics. More...
int DoQuit ()
 Quit from server. More...
bool GetServerProperties (ref ServerProperties lpServerProperties)
 Get the server's properties. More...
bool GetServerUsers (out User[] lpUsers)
 Get all the users on the server. More...
int GetRootChannelID ()
 Get the root channel's ID. More...
int GetMyChannelID ()
 Get the channel which the local client instance is currently participating in. More...
bool GetChannel (int nChannelID, ref Channel lpChannel)
 Get the channel with a specific ID. More...
bool GetChannelPath (int nChannelID, ref string szChannelPath)
 Get the channel's path. Channels are separated by '/'. More...
int GetChannelIDFromPath (string szChannelPath)
 Get the channel ID of the supplied path. Channels are separated by '/'. More...
bool GetChannelUsers (int nChannelID, out User[] lpUsers)
 Get the IDs of all users in a channel. More...
bool GetChannelFiles (int nChannelID, out RemoteFile[] lpRemoteFiles)
 Get the list of the files in a channel which can be downloaded. More...
bool GetChannelFile (int nChannelID, int nFileID, ref RemoteFile lpRemoteFile)
 Get information about a file which can be downloaded. More...
bool IsChannelOperator (int nUserID, int nChannelID)
 Check whether user is operator of a channel. More...
bool GetServerChannels (out Channel[] lpChannels)
 Get all the channels on the server. More...
int GetMyUserID ()
 Get the local client instance's user ID. More...
bool GetMyUserAccount (ref UserAccount lpUserAccount)
 Get the local client instance's BearWare.UserAccount. More...
UserType GetMyUserType ()
 Get the client instance's user type. More...
BearWare.UserRight GetMyUserRights ()
 Convenience method for TeamTalkBase.GetMyUserAccount() More...
int GetMyUserData ()
 If an account was used in TeamTalkBase.DoLogin() then this value will return the nUserData from the BearWare.UserAccount. More...
bool GetUser (int nUserID, ref User lpUser)
 Get the user with the specified ID. More...
bool GetUserStatistics (int nUserID, ref UserStatistics lpUserStatistics)
 Get statistics for data and packet reception from a user. More...
bool GetUserByUsername (string szUsername, ref User lpUser)
 Get the user with the specified username. More...
bool SetUserVolume (int nUserID, StreamType nStreamType, int nVolume)
 Set the volume of a user. More...
bool SetUserMute (int nUserID, StreamType nStreamType, bool bMute)
 Mute a user. More...
bool SetUserStoppedPlaybackDelay (int nUserID, StreamType nStreamType, int nDelayMSec)
 Set the delay of when a user should no longer be considered as playing audio (either voice or audio from media file). More...
bool SetUserJitterControl (int nUserID, StreamType nStreamType, JitterConfig lpJitterConfig)
 Set the configuration for de-jitter measures for a user. More...
bool GetUserJitterControl (int nUserID, StreamType nStreamType, ref JitterConfig lpJitterConfig)
 Get the de-jitter configuration for a user. More...
bool SetUserPosition (int nUserID, StreamType nStreamType, float x, float y, float z)
 Set the position of a user. More...
bool SetUserStereo (int nUserID, StreamType nStreamType, bool bLeftSpeaker, bool bRightSpeaker)
 Set whether a user should speak in the left, right or both speakers. This function only works if BearWare.AudioCodec has been set to use stereo. More...
bool SetUserMediaStorageDir (int nUserID, string szFolderPath, string szFileNameVars, AudioFileFormat uAFF)
 Store user's audio to disk. More...
bool SetUserMediaStorageDir (int nUserID, string szFolderPath, string szFileNameVars, AudioFileFormat uAFF, int nStopRecordingExtraDelayMSec)
 Store user's audio to disk. More...
bool SetUserAudioStreamBufferSize (int nUserID, StreamType uStreamType, int nMSec)
 Change the amount of media data which can be buffered in the user's playback queue. More...
AudioBlock AcquireUserAudioBlock (StreamType uStreamTypes, int nUserID)
 Extract the raw audio associated with the event TeamTalkBase.OnUserAudioBlock(). More...
bool ReleaseUserAudioBlock (AudioBlock lpAudioBlock)
 Release the shared memory of an BearWare.AudioBlock. More...
bool GetFileTransferInfo (int nTransferID, ref FileTransfer lpFileTransfer)
 Get information about an active file transfer.
bool CancelFileTranfer (int nTransferID)
 Cancel an active file transfer. More...
bool HotKey_Register (int nHotKeyID, int[] lpnVKCodes)
 Register a global hotkey. More...
bool HotKey_Unregister (int nHotKeyID)
 Unregister a registered hotkey. More...
int HotKey_IsActive (int nHotKeyID)
 Check whether hotkey is active. More...
bool HotKey_InstallTestHook ()
 Install a test hook which calls the event OnHotKeyTest whenever a key or mouse button is pressed. More...
bool HotKey_RemoveTestHook ()
 Remove the test hook again so the OnHotKeyTest event will no longer be notified. More...
bool HotKey_GetKeyString (int nVKCode, ref string szKeyName)
 Get a string description of the virtual-key code. More...
bool DBG_SetSoundInputTone (StreamType uStreamTypes, int nFrequency)
bool DBG_WriteAudioFileTone (MediaFileInfo lpMediaFileInfo, int nFrequency)
delegate void Connection ()
 Delegate for events OnConnectionSuccess, OnConnectionFailed and OnConnectionLost. More...
delegate void MaxPayloadUpdate (int nPayloadSize)
 Delegate for event OnConnectionMaxPayloadUpdated(). More...
delegate void CommandProcessing (int nCmdID, bool bActive)
 Delegate for event OnCmdProcessing. More...
delegate void CommandError (int nCmdID, ClientErrorMsg clienterrormsg)
 Delegate for event OnCmdError. More...
delegate void CommandSuccess (int nCmdID)
 Delegate for event CommandSuccess. More...
delegate void MyselfLoggedIn (int nMyUserID, UserAccount useraccount)
 Delegate for event OnCmdMyselfLoggedIn. More...
delegate void MyselfLoggedOut ()
 Delegate for event OnCmdMyselfLoggedOut. More...
delegate void MyselfKicked (User user)
 Delegate for event OnCmdMyselfKicked. More...
delegate void UserUpdate (User user)
 Delegate for events OnCmdUserLoggedIn, OnCmdUserLoggedOut, OnCmdUserUpdate, OnCmdUserJoinedChannel and OnCmdUserLeftChannel. More...
delegate void UserStreamUpdate (User user, int nStreamID)
 Delegate for events OnUserFirstVoiceStreamPacket. More...
delegate void UserTextMessage (TextMessage textmessage)
 Delegate for events OnCmdUserTextMessage. More...
delegate void ChannelUpdate (Channel channel)
 Delegate for OnCmdChannelNew, OnCmdChannelUpdate and OnCmdChannelRemove. More...
delegate void ServerUpdate (ServerProperties serverproperties)
 Delegate for event OnCmdServerUpdate. More...
delegate void ServerStats (ServerStatistics serverstatistics)
 Delegate for event OnCmdServerStatistics. More...
delegate void FileUpdate (RemoteFile remotefile)
 A delegate for events OnCmdFileNew and OnCmdFileRemove. More...
delegate void ListUserAccount (UserAccount useraccount)
 A delegate for event OnCmdUserAccount. More...
delegate void ListBannedUser (BannedUser banneduser)
 A delegate for event OnCmdUserAccount. More...
delegate void UserVideoFrame (int nUserID, int nStreamID)
 A delegate for the event OnUserVideoCapture. More...
delegate void NewDesktopWindow (int nUserID, int nStreamID)
 Delegate for event OnUserDesktopWindow. More...
delegate void UserDesktopInput (int nSrcUserID, DesktopInput desktopinput)
 Delegate for event OnUserDesktopCursor(). More...
delegate void UserRecordMediaFile (int nUserID, MediaFileInfo mediafileinfo)
 Delegate for event OnUserRecordMediaFile. More...
delegate void NewAudioBlock (int nUserID, StreamType nStreamType)
 Delegate for event OnUserAudioBlock. More...
delegate void ErrorOccured (ClientErrorMsg clienterrormsg)
 Delegate for event OnInternalError. More...
delegate void VoiceActivation (bool bVoiceActive)
 Delegate for event OnVoiceActivation. More...
delegate void HotKeyToggle (int nHotKeyID, bool bActive)
 Delegate for event OnHotKeyToggle. More...
delegate void HotKeyTest (int nVkCode, bool bActive)
 Delegate for event OnHotKeyTest. More...
delegate void FileTransferUpdate (FileTransfer filetransfer)
 Delegate for event OnFileTransfer. More...
delegate void DesktopTransferUpdate (int nSessionID, int nBytesRemain)
 Delegate for event OnDesktopWindowTransfer(). More...
delegate void StreamMediaFile (MediaFileInfo mediafileinfo)
 Delegate for event OnStreamMediaFile. More...
delegate void LocalMediaFile (MediaFileInfo mediafileinfo)
 Delegate for event OnLocalMediaFile. More...
delegate void AudioInput (AudioInputProgress aip)
 Delegate for event OnAudioInput. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static string GetVersion ()
 Get the DLL's version number. More...
static bool SetLicenseInformation (string szRegName, string szRegKey)
 Set license information to disable trial mode. More...
static bool GetDefaultSoundDevices (ref int lpnInputDeviceID, ref int lpnOutputDeviceID)
 Get the default sound devices. More...
static bool GetDefaultSoundDevicesEx (SoundSystem nSndSystem, ref int lpnInputDeviceID, ref int lpnOutputDeviceID)
 Get the default sound devices for the specified sound system. More...
static bool GetSoundDevices (out SoundDevice[] lpSoundDevices)
 Retrieve list of sound devices for recording and playback. More...
static bool RestartSoundSystem ()
 Reinitialize sound system (in order to detect new/removed devices). More...
static IntPtr StartSoundLoopbackTest (int nInputDeviceID, int nOutputDeviceID, int nSampleRate, int nChannels, bool bDuplexMode, SpeexDSP lpSpeexDSP)
 Perform a record and playback test of specified sound devices along with an audio configuration and ability to try echo cancellation. More...
static IntPtr StartSoundLoopbackTest (int nInputDeviceID, int nOutputDeviceID, int nSampleRate, int nChannels, bool bDuplexMode, AudioPreprocessor lpAudioPreprocessor, BearWare.SoundDeviceEffects lpSoundDeviceEffects)
 Perform a record and playback test of specified sound devices along with an audio configuration and ability to try echo cancellation. More...
static bool CloseSoundLoopbackTest (IntPtr lpTTSoundLoop)
 Stop recorder and playback test. More...
static bool GetVideoCaptureDevices (out VideoCaptureDevice[] lpVideoDevices)
 Get the list of devices available for video capture. More...
static bool GetMediaFileInfo (string szMediaFilePath, ref MediaFileInfo lpMediaFileInfo)
 Get the properties of a media file. More...
static System.Drawing.Color Palette_GetColorTable (BitmapFormat nBmpPalette, int nIndex)
 Get RGB values of the palette for the bitmap format. More...
static string GetErrorMessage (ClientError nError)
 Get textual discription of an error message. More...

Static Public Attributes

const int TT_STRLEN = 512
 The maximum length of all strings used in TeamTalkBase. This value includes the zero terminator, so 511 characters. Note that Unicode characters are converted to UTF-8 internally and limited once again to 512 if the string gets longer. More...
const int TT_USERID_MAX = 0xFFF
 The highest user ID. More...
const int TT_CHANNELID_MAX = 0xFFF
 The highest channel ID. Also used for TT_CLASSROOM_FREEFORALL. More...
const int TT_VIDEOFORMATS_MAX = 1024
const int TT_TRANSMITUSERS_MAX = 128
 The maximum number of users allowed to transmit when a BearWare.Channel is configured with ChannelType.CHANNEL_CLASSROOM. More...
const int TT_LOCAL_USERID = 0
 User ID passed to TeamTalkBase.EnableAudioBlockEvent() in order to receive BearWare.AudioBlock directly from sound input device after joining a channel. More...
const int TT_LOCAL_TX_USERID = 0x1002
 User ID passed to TeamTalkBase.EnableAudioBlockEvent() in order to receive BearWare.AudioBlock when voice transmission is activated. More...
const int TT_MUXED_USERID = 0x1001
 User ID used to identify muxed audio that has been mixed into a single stream. More...
const int TT_SAMPLERATES_MAX = 16
const int TT_DESKTOPINPUT_MAX = 16

Protected Member Functions

 TeamTalkBase (bool poll_based)
 Create a new TeamTalk client instance. More...


ClientFlag Flags [get]
 Same as GetFlags(). More...
int ChannelID [get]
 Same as GetMyChannelID(). More...
int UserID [get]
 Same as GetMyUserID(). More...
BearWare.UserType UserType [get]
 Same as GetMyUserType(). More...
BearWare.UserRight UserRights [get]
 Same as GetMyUserRights(). More...
int UserData [get]
 Same as GetMyUserData(). More...


Connection OnConnectionSuccess
 Connected successfully to the server. More...
Connection OnConnectionFailed
 Failed to connect to server. More...
Connection OnConnectionLost
 Connection to server has been lost. More...
MaxPayloadUpdate OnConnectionMaxPayloadUpdated
 The maximum size of the payload put into UDP packets has been updated. More...
CommandProcessing OnCmdProcessing
 A command issued by Do* methods is being processed. More...
CommandError OnCmdError
 The server rejected a command issued by the local client instance. More...
CommandSuccess OnCmdSuccess
 The server successfully processed a command issued by the local client instance. More...
MyselfLoggedIn OnCmdMyselfLoggedIn
 The client instance successfully logged on to server. More...
MyselfLoggedOut OnCmdMyselfLoggedOut
 The client instance logged out of a server.
MyselfKicked OnCmdMyselfKicked
 The client instance was kicked from a channel. More...
UserUpdate OnCmdUserLoggedIn
 A new user logged on to the server. More...
UserUpdate OnCmdUserLoggedOut
 A user logged out of the server. More...
UserUpdate OnCmdUserUpdate
 User changed properties. More...
UserUpdate OnCmdUserJoinedChannel
 A user has joined a channel. More...
UserUpdate OnCmdUserLeftChannel
 User has left a channel. More...
UserTextMessage OnCmdUserTextMessage
 A user has sent a text-message. More...
ChannelUpdate OnCmdChannelNew
 A new channel has been created. More...
ChannelUpdate OnCmdChannelUpdate
 A channel's properties has been updated. More...
ChannelUpdate OnCmdChannelRemove
 A channel has been removed. Event handler for ClientEvent.CLIENTEVENT_CMD_CHANNEL_REMOVE. More...
ServerUpdate OnCmdServerUpdate
 Server has updated its settings (server name, MOTD, etc.) More...
ServerStats OnCmdServerStatistics
 Server statistics available. More...
FileUpdate OnCmdFileNew
 A new file is added to a channel. More...
FileUpdate OnCmdFileRemove
 A file has been removed from a channel. More...
ListUserAccount OnCmdUserAccount
 A new user account has been listed by the server. Event handler for ClientEvent.CLIENTEVENT_CMD_USERACCOUNT. More...
ListBannedUser OnCmdBannedUser
 A new banned user has been listed by the server. Event handler for ClientEvent.CLIENTEVENT_CMD_BANNEDUSER. More...
UserStreamUpdate OnUserFirstVoiceStreamPacket
 The first voice packet of a new voice stream has been received. More...
UserUpdate OnUserStateChange
 A user's state has been updated. More...
UserVideoFrame OnUserVideoCapture
 A new video frame was received from a user. More...
UserVideoFrame OnUserMediaFileVideo
 A new video frame was received from a user. More...
NewDesktopWindow OnUserDesktopWindow
 A new or updated desktop window has been received from a user. More...
UserDesktopInput OnUserDesktopCursor
 A user has sent the position of the mouse cursor. More...
UserDesktopInput OnUserDesktopInput
 Desktop input (mouse or keyboard input) has been received from a user. More...
UserRecordMediaFile OnUserRecordMediaFile
 An media file recording has changed status. More...
NewAudioBlock OnUserAudioBlock
 A new audio block can be extracted. More...
ErrorOccured OnInternalError
 A internal error occured. More...
VoiceActivation OnVoiceActivation
 Voice activation has triggered transmission. More...
HotKeyToggle OnHotKeyToggle
 A hotkey has been acticated or deactivated. More...
HotKeyTest OnHotKeyTest
 A button was pressed or released on the user's keyboard or mouse. More...
FileTransferUpdate OnFileTransfer
 A file transfer is processing. More...
DesktopTransferUpdate OnDesktopWindowTransfer
 Used for tracking when a desktop window has been transmitted to the server. More...
StreamMediaFile OnStreamMediaFile
 Media file being streamed to a channel is processing. More...
LocalMediaFile OnLocalMediaFile
 Media file is being played locally. More...
AudioInput OnAudioInput
 Audio input progress as result of TeamTalkBase.InsertAudioBlock() More...

Detailed Description

Abstract class which encapsulates the TeamTalk 5 client. Instantiate either BearWare.TeamTalk5 (TeamTalk 5 SDK Standard Edition) or BearWare.TeamTalk5Pro (TeamTalk 5 SDK Professional Edition) to create the TeamTalk instance.

Definition at line 4168 of file TeamTalk.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ DBG_SetSoundInputTone()

bool BearWare.TeamTalkBase.DBG_SetSoundInputTone ( StreamType  uStreamTypes,
int  nFrequency 

Definition at line 8213 of file TeamTalk.cs.

◆ DBG_WriteAudioFileTone()

bool BearWare.TeamTalkBase.DBG_WriteAudioFileTone ( MediaFileInfo  lpMediaFileInfo,
int  nFrequency 

Definition at line 8219 of file TeamTalk.cs.