TeamTalk 5 C-API DLL  Version 5.14A
TeamTalkSrv.h File Reference
#include "TeamTalk.h"

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 Ensure the header and DLL are exactly the same version. To get the version of the loaded DLL call TT_GetVersion(). A remote client's version can be seen in the szVersion member of the User-struct. More...


typedef VOID TTSInstance
 A server instance. More...
typedef void UserLoginCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, OUT ClientErrorMsg *lpClientErrorMsg, IN const User *lpUser, IN OUT UserAccount *lpUserAccount)
 Callback when a user is requesting to log on to the server. More...
typedef void UserChangeNicknameCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, OUT ClientErrorMsg *lpClientErrorMsg, IN const User *lpUser, IN const TTCHAR *szNewNickname)
 Callback when a user is requesting to change nickname. More...
typedef void UserChangeStatusCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, OUT ClientErrorMsg *lpClientErrorMsg, IN const User *lpUser, IN INT32 nNewStatusMode, IN const TTCHAR *szNewStatusMsg)
 Callback when a user is requesting to change status. More...
typedef void UserCreateUserAccountCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, OUT ClientErrorMsg *lpClientErrorMsg, IN const User *lpUser, IN const UserAccount *lpUserAccount)
 Callback when a user is requesting to create a new user account. More...
typedef void UserDeleteUserAccountCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, OUT ClientErrorMsg *lpClientErrorMsg, IN const User *lpUser, IN const TTCHAR *szUsername)
 Callback when a user is requesting to delete a user account. More...
typedef void UserAddServerBanCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, OUT ClientErrorMsg *lpClientErrorMsg, IN const User *lpBanner, IN const User *lpBanee)
 Callback when a user is requesting to ban a user. More...
typedef void UserAddServerBanIPAddressCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, OUT ClientErrorMsg *lpClientErrorMsg, IN const User *lpBanner, IN const TTCHAR *szIPAddress)
 Callback when a user is requesting to ban an IP-address. More...
typedef void UserDeleteServerBanCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, OUT ClientErrorMsg *lpClientErrorMsg, IN const User *lpUser, IN const TTCHAR *szIPAddress)
 Callback when a user is requesting to remove a ban. More...
typedef void UserConnectedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a new user is connecting to the server. More...
typedef void UserLoggedInCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has logged in. More...
typedef void UserLoggedOutCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has logged out. More...
typedef void UserDisconnectedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when user has disconnected. More...
typedef void UserTimedoutCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user's connection has timed out. More...
typedef void UserKickedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpKicker, IN const User *lpKickee, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Callback when a user has been kicked. More...
typedef void UserBannedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpBanner, IN const User *lpBanee, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Callback when a user has been banned. More...
typedef void UserUnbannedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUnbanner, IN const TTCHAR *szIPAddress)
 Callback when a ban is removed. More...
typedef void UserUpdatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user's properties are being updated. More...
typedef void UserJoinedChannelCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Callback when a user has joined a channel. More...
typedef void UserLeftChannelCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Callback when a user has left a channel. More...
typedef void UserMovedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpMover, IN const User *lpMovee)
 Callback when a user has been moved. More...
typedef void UserTextMessageCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser, IN const TextMessage *lpTextMessage)
 Callback when a user is sending a text message. More...
typedef void ChannelCreatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const Channel *lpChannel, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a new channel has been created. More...
typedef void ChannelUpdatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const Channel *lpChannel, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a channel has been updated. More...
typedef void ChannelRemovedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const Channel *lpChannel, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when channel has been removed. More...
typedef void FileUploadedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a new file has been uploaded to a channel. More...
typedef void FileDownloadedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has downloaded a file. More...
typedef void FileDeletedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has deleted a file. More...
typedef void ServerUpdatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const ServerProperties *lpServerProperties, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has updated the server properties. More...
typedef void SaveServerConfigCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has reguested to save the server configuration. More...


TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_SetEncryptionContext (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szCertificateFile, IN const TTCHAR *szPrivateKeyFile)
 Set certificate and private key for encrypted server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_SetEncryptionContextEx (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, const EncryptionContext *lpEncryptionContext)
 Set up encryption context for encrypted server. More...
 Create new TeamTalk server instance. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_CloseTeamTalk (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance)
 Close TeamTalk server instance. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RunEventLoop (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN INT32 *pnWaitMs)
 Run the server's event loop. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TTS_SetChannelFilesRoot (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szFilesRoot, IN INT64 nMaxDiskUsage, IN INT64 nDefaultChannelQuota)
 The root folder of where users should upload files to. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TTS_UpdateServer (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN const ServerProperties *lpServerProperties)
 Set server properties. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TTS_MakeChannel (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Make new channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TTS_UpdateChannel (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Update an existing channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TTS_RemoveChannel (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID)
 Remove a channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TTS_AddFileToChannel (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szLocalFilePath, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile)
 Add a file to an existing channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TTS_RemoveFileFromChannel (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile)
 Remove a file from a channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TTS_MoveUser (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Move a user from one channel to another. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TTS_SendTextMessage (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, const TextMessage *lpTextMessage)
 Send text message from server to clients. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_StartServer (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szBindIPAddr, IN UINT16 nTcpPort, IN UINT16 nUdpPort, IN TTBOOL bEncrypted)
 Start server on specified IP-address and ports. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_StartServerSysID (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szBindIPAddr, IN UINT16 nTcpPort, IN UINT16 nUdpPort, IN TTBOOL bEncrypted, IN const TTCHAR *szSystemID)
 Same as TTS_StartServer() but with the option of specifying a system-ID. More...
 Stop server and drop all users. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLoginCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserLoginCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is requesting to log on to the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserChangeNicknameCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserChangeNicknameCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback to when user is changing nickname. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserChangeStatusCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserChangeStatusCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback to when user is changing status. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserCreateUserAccountCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserCreateUserAccountCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is requesting to create a new user account on the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserDeleteUserAccountCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserDeleteUserAccountCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is requesting to delete a user account on the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserAddServerBanCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserAddServerBanCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is requesting to add a server ban requested by a user. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserAddServerBanIPAddressCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserAddServerBanIPAddressCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is requesting to add a server IP-address ban requested by a user. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserDeleteServerBanCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserDeleteServerBanCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is requesting to delete a server IP-address ban requested by a user. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserConnectedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserConnectedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user connects to the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLoggedInCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserLoggedInCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user logs on to the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLoggedOutCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserLoggedOutCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user logs out of the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserDisconnectedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserDisconnectedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user disconnects from the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserTimedoutCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserTimedoutCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is dropped because of inactivity. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserKickedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserKickedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is kicked from the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserBannedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserBannedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is banned from the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserUnbannedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserUnbannedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when an IP-address is unbanned from the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserUpdatedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserUpdatedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when an user's properties are updated. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserJoinedChannelCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserJoinedChannelCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when an user joins a channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLeftChannelCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserLeftChannelCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when an user leaves a channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserMovedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserMovedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is moved. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserTextMessageCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserTextMessageCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user send a text message. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterChannelCreatedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN ChannelCreatedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a channel is created. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterChannelUpdatedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN ChannelUpdatedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a channel is updated. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterChannelRemovedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN ChannelRemovedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a channel is removed. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterFileUploadedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN FileUploadedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a file is uploaded. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterFileDownloadedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN FileDownloadedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a file is downloaded. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterFileDeletedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN FileDeletedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a file is deleted. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterServerUpdatedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN ServerUpdatedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a server's properties has been updated. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterSaveServerConfigCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN SaveServerConfigCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user requests the server to save its configuration. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Ensure the header and DLL are exactly the same version. To get the version of the loaded DLL call TT_GetVersion(). A remote client's version can be seen in the szVersion member of the User-struct.

Definition at line 21 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ TTSInstance

typedef VOID TTSInstance

A server instance.

See also

Definition at line 31 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.