TeamTalk 5 C-API DLL  Version 5.14A
Server Notification Callbacks

Notification events for server changes. More...


typedef void UserConnectedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a new user is connecting to the server. More...
typedef void UserLoggedInCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has logged in. More...
typedef void UserLoggedOutCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has logged out. More...
typedef void UserDisconnectedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when user has disconnected. More...
typedef void UserTimedoutCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user's connection has timed out. More...
typedef void UserKickedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpKicker, IN const User *lpKickee, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Callback when a user has been kicked. More...
typedef void UserBannedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpBanner, IN const User *lpBanee, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Callback when a user has been banned. More...
typedef void UserUnbannedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUnbanner, IN const TTCHAR *szIPAddress)
 Callback when a ban is removed. More...
typedef void UserUpdatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user's properties are being updated. More...
typedef void UserJoinedChannelCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Callback when a user has joined a channel. More...
typedef void UserLeftChannelCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
 Callback when a user has left a channel. More...
typedef void UserMovedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpMover, IN const User *lpMovee)
 Callback when a user has been moved. More...
typedef void UserTextMessageCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser, IN const TextMessage *lpTextMessage)
 Callback when a user is sending a text message. More...
typedef void ChannelCreatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const Channel *lpChannel, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a new channel has been created. More...
typedef void ChannelUpdatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const Channel *lpChannel, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a channel has been updated. More...
typedef void ChannelRemovedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const Channel *lpChannel, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when channel has been removed. More...
typedef void FileUploadedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a new file has been uploaded to a channel. More...
typedef void FileDownloadedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has downloaded a file. More...
typedef void FileDeletedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has deleted a file. More...
typedef void ServerUpdatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const ServerProperties *lpServerProperties, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has updated the server properties. More...
typedef void SaveServerConfigCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)
 Callback when a user has reguested to save the server configuration. More...


TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserConnectedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserConnectedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user connects to the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLoggedInCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserLoggedInCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user logs on to the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLoggedOutCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserLoggedOutCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user logs out of the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserDisconnectedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserDisconnectedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user disconnects from the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserTimedoutCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserTimedoutCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is dropped because of inactivity. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserKickedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserKickedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is kicked from the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserBannedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserBannedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is banned from the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserUnbannedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserUnbannedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when an IP-address is unbanned from the server. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserUpdatedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserUpdatedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when an user's properties are updated. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserJoinedChannelCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserJoinedChannelCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when an user joins a channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLeftChannelCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserLeftChannelCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when an user leaves a channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserMovedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserMovedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user is moved. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserTextMessageCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN UserTextMessageCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user send a text message. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterChannelCreatedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN ChannelCreatedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a channel is created. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterChannelUpdatedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN ChannelUpdatedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a channel is updated. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterChannelRemovedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN ChannelRemovedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a channel is removed. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterFileUploadedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN FileUploadedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a file is uploaded. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterFileDownloadedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN FileDownloadedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a file is downloaded. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterFileDeletedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN FileDeletedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a file is deleted. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterServerUpdatedCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN ServerUpdatedCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a server's properties has been updated. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterSaveServerConfigCallback (IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN SaveServerConfigCallback *lpCallback, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
 Register a callback when a user requests the server to save its configuration. More...

Detailed Description

Notification events for server changes.

Callbacks of this type are mainly meant for logging so it's possible to see what is going on the server. Examples of logging events are when a user is dropped due to connection timeout.

Typedef Documentation

◆ UserConnectedCallback

typedef void UserConnectedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a new user is connecting to the server.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserConnectedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe user properties gathered so far.

Definition at line 203 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserLoggedInCallback

typedef void UserLoggedInCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a user has logged in.

This callback occurs in the context of TT_DoLogin() and if UserLoginCallback returned CMDERR_SUCCESS.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserLoggedInCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe user properties of the user who logged in.

Definition at line 216 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserLoggedOutCallback

typedef void UserLoggedOutCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a user has logged out.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserLoggedInCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe properties of the user.

Definition at line 226 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserDisconnectedCallback

typedef void UserDisconnectedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when user has disconnected.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserDisconnectedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe properties of the user.

Definition at line 236 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserTimedoutCallback

typedef void UserTimedoutCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a user's connection has timed out.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserTimedoutCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe properties of the user.

Definition at line 246 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserKickedCallback

typedef void UserKickedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpKicker, IN const User *lpKickee, IN const Channel *lpChannel)

Callback when a user has been kicked.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserKickedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpKickerThe user who had initiated the kick. This can be 0.
lpKickeeThe user who has been kicked.
lpChannelThe channel where the user is kicked from. The can be 0.

Definition at line 258 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserBannedCallback

typedef void UserBannedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpBanner, IN const User *lpBanee, IN const Channel *lpChannel)

Callback when a user has been banned.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserBannedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpBannerThe user who had initiated the ban. This can be 0.
lpBaneeThe user who has been banned. This may only contain an IP-address.
lpChannelThe channel where the user is banned from. The can be 0.

Definition at line 272 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserUnbannedCallback

typedef void UserUnbannedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUnbanner, IN const TTCHAR *szIPAddress)

Callback when a ban is removed.

This callback occurs in the contect of TT_DoUnBanUser().

Register using TTS_RegisterUserUnbannedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUnbannerThe user removing the ban.
szIPAddressThe IP-address which is unbanned.

Definition at line 286 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserUpdatedCallback

typedef void UserUpdatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a user's properties are being updated.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserUpdatedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe properties of the user.

Definition at line 297 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserJoinedChannelCallback

typedef void UserJoinedChannelCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser, IN const Channel *lpChannel)

Callback when a user has joined a channel.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserJoinedChannelCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe properties of the user.
lpChannelThe properties of the channel being joined.

Definition at line 308 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserLeftChannelCallback

typedef void UserLeftChannelCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser, IN const Channel *lpChannel)

Callback when a user has left a channel.

Register using TTS_RegisterUserLeftChannelCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe properties of the user.
lpChannelThe properties of the channel being left.

Definition at line 320 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserMovedCallback

typedef void UserMovedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpMover, IN const User *lpMovee)

Callback when a user has been moved.

This callback occurs in the context of TT_DoMoveUser().

Register using TTS_RegisterUserMovedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpMoverThe user who initiated the move.
lpMoveeThe user who has been moved.

Definition at line 334 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ UserTextMessageCallback

typedef void UserTextMessageCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser, IN const TextMessage *lpTextMessage)

Callback when a user is sending a text message.

This callback occurs in the context of TT_DoTextMessage().

Register using TTS_RegisterUserTextMessageCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe properties of the user.
lpTextMessageThe text message being sent.

Definition at line 348 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ ChannelCreatedCallback

typedef void ChannelCreatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const Channel *lpChannel, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a new channel has been created.

This callback occurs in the context of TT_DoMakeChannel() or TT_DoJoinChannel().

Register using TTS_RegisterChannelCreatedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpChannelThe channel which has been created.
lpUserThe user who created the channel. This can be 0.

Definition at line 363 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ ChannelUpdatedCallback

typedef void ChannelUpdatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const Channel *lpChannel, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a channel has been updated.

This callback occurs in the context of TT_DoUpdateChannel().

Register using TTS_RegisterChannelUpdatedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpChannelThe new properties of the channel.
lpUserThe user who initiated the update. This can be 0.

Definition at line 377 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ ChannelRemovedCallback

typedef void ChannelRemovedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const Channel *lpChannel, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when channel has been removed.

Register using TTS_RegisterChannelRemovedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpChannelThe properties of the channel which has been removed.
lpUserThe properties of the who initiated the removal. This can be 0.

Definition at line 390 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ FileUploadedCallback

typedef void FileUploadedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a new file has been uploaded to a channel.

Register using TTS_RegisterFileUploadedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpRemoteFileThe properties of the file.
lpUserThe properties of the user who uploaded the file.

Definition at line 402 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ FileDownloadedCallback

typedef void FileDownloadedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a user has downloaded a file.

Register using TTS_RegisterFileDownloadedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpRemoteFileThe properties of the file.
lpUserThe properties of the user who downloaded the file.

Definition at line 415 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ FileDeletedCallback

typedef void FileDeletedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a user has deleted a file.

Register using TTS_RegisterFileDeletedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpRemoteFileThe properties of the file.
lpUserThe properties of the user who deleted the file.

Definition at line 428 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ ServerUpdatedCallback

typedef void ServerUpdatedCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const ServerProperties *lpServerProperties, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a user has updated the server properties.

This callback occurs in the context of TT_DoUpdateServer().

Register using TTS_RegisterServerUpdatedCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpServerPropertiesThe properties of the server.
lpUserThe user who initiated the server update.

Definition at line 443 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

◆ SaveServerConfigCallback

typedef void SaveServerConfigCallback(IN TTSInstance *lpTTSInstance, IN VOID *lpUserData, IN const User *lpUser)

Callback when a user has reguested to save the server configuration.

Register using TTS_RegisterSaveServerConfigCallback().

lpTTSInstanceThe server instance where the event is occurring.
lpUserDataThe user data supplied to register-callback function.
lpUserThe properties of the user who requested to save the server configuration. This can be 0.

Definition at line 457 of file TeamTalkSrv.h.

Function Documentation

◆ TTS_RegisterUserConnectedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserConnectedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserConnectedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user connects to the server.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserLoggedInCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLoggedInCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserLoggedInCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user logs on to the server.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserLoggedOutCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLoggedOutCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserLoggedOutCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user logs out of the server.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserDisconnectedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserDisconnectedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserDisconnectedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user disconnects from the server.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserTimedoutCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserTimedoutCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserTimedoutCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user is dropped because of inactivity.

See nUserTimeout in ServerProperties.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserKickedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserKickedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserKickedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user is kicked from the server.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserBannedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserBannedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserBannedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user is banned from the server.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserUnbannedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserUnbannedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserUnbannedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when an IP-address is unbanned from the server.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserUpdatedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserUpdatedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserUpdatedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when an user's properties are updated.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserJoinedChannelCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserJoinedChannelCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserJoinedChannelCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when an user joins a channel.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserLeftChannelCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserLeftChannelCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserLeftChannelCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when an user leaves a channel.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserMovedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserMovedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserMovedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user is moved.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterUserTextMessageCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterUserTextMessageCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN UserTextMessageCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user send a text message.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterChannelCreatedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterChannelCreatedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN ChannelCreatedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a channel is created.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterChannelUpdatedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterChannelUpdatedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN ChannelUpdatedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a channel is updated.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterChannelRemovedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterChannelRemovedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN ChannelRemovedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a channel is removed.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterFileUploadedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterFileUploadedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN FileUploadedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a file is uploaded.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterFileDownloadedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterFileDownloadedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN FileDownloadedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a file is downloaded.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterFileDeletedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterFileDeletedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN FileDeletedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a file is deleted.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterServerUpdatedCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterServerUpdatedCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN ServerUpdatedCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a server's properties has been updated.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.

◆ TTS_RegisterSaveServerConfigCallback()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TTS_RegisterSaveServerConfigCallback ( IN TTSInstance lpTTSInstance,
IN SaveServerConfigCallback lpCallback,
IN VOID *  lpUserData,
IN TTBOOL  bEnable 

Register a callback when a user requests the server to save its configuration.

lpTTSInstancePointer to the server instance created by TTS_InitTeamTalk().
lpCallbackPointer to a function which will handle the callback.
lpUserDataA pointer which will be passed to the callback function.
bEnableWhether to register or unregister the callback.
Returns TRUE if the call was successful.