TeamTalk 5 C-API DLL  Version 5.14A
Audio and Video Codecs

This section explains how to configure audio and video codecs. More...


struct  SpeexCodec
 Speex audio codec settings for Constant Bitrate mode (CBR). More...
struct  SpeexVBRCodec
 Speex audio codec settings for Variable Bitrate mode (VBR). More...
struct  OpusCodec
 OPUS audio codec settings. For detailed information about the OPUS codec check out More...
struct  SpeexDSP
 Speex DSP is used for specifying how recorded audio from a sound input device should be preprocessed before transmission. More...
struct  TTAudioPreprocessor
 Use TeamTalk's internal audio preprocessor for gain audio. Same as used for TT_SetSoundInputGainLevel(). More...
struct  WebRTCAudioPreprocessor
 WebRTC's audio preprocessor. More...
struct  AudioPreprocessor
 Configure the audio preprocessor specified by nPreprocessor. More...
struct  WebMVP8Codec
 WebM video codec settings. More...
struct  AudioCodec
 Struct used for specifying which audio codec a channel uses. More...
struct  AudioConfig
 Audio configuration for clients in a channel. More...
struct  VideoCodec
 Struct used for specifying the video codec to use. More...


#define SPEEX_NB_MIN_BITRATE   2150
 The minimum bitrate for Speex codec in 8 KHz mode. Bandmode = 0. More...
#define SPEEX_NB_MAX_BITRATE   24600
 The maximum bitrate for Speex codec in 8 KHz mode. Bandmode = 0. More...
#define SPEEX_WB_MIN_BITRATE   3950
 The minimum bitrate for Speex codec in 16 KHz mode. Bandmode = 1. More...
#define SPEEX_WB_MAX_BITRATE   42200
 The maximum bitrate for Speex codec in 16 KHz mode. Bandmode = 1. More...
#define SPEEX_UWB_MIN_BITRATE   4150
 The minimum bitrate for Speex codec in 32 KHz mode. Bandmode = 2. More...
#define SPEEX_UWB_MAX_BITRATE   44000
 The maximum bitrate for Speex codec in 32 KHz mode. Bandmode = 2. More...
 Audio encoding is for VoIP. This value should be set as nApplicaton in OpusCodec. More...
 Audio encoding is for music. This value should be set as nApplicaton in OpusCodec. More...
#define OPUS_MIN_BITRATE   6000
 The minimum bitrate for OPUS codec. Checkout nBitRate of OpusCodec. More...
#define OPUS_MAX_BITRATE   510000
 The maximum bitrate for OPUS codec. Checkout nBitRate of OpusCodec. More...
#define OPUS_MIN_FRAMESIZE   2 /* Actually it's 2.5 */
 The minimum frame size for OPUS codec. Checkout nFrameSizeMSec of OpusCodec. More...
 The maximum frame size for OPUS codec. Checkout nFrameSizeMSec of OpusCodec. More...
 The real maximum frame size for OPUS codec. Checkout nFrameSizeMSec of OpusCodec. Although OPUS states it only supports 2.5 - 60 msec, it actually support up to 120 msec. More...
 Max value for fGainDB in WebRTCAudioPreprocessor's gaincontroller2. More...
 nEncodeDeadline value for fastest encoding. More...
#define WEBM_VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY   1000000
 nEncodeDeadline value for good encoding. More...
 nEncodeDeadline value for best encoding. More...


typedef struct SpeexCodec SpeexCodec
 Speex audio codec settings for Constant Bitrate mode (CBR). More...
typedef struct SpeexVBRCodec SpeexVBRCodec
 Speex audio codec settings for Variable Bitrate mode (VBR). More...
typedef struct OpusCodec OpusCodec
 OPUS audio codec settings. For detailed information about the OPUS codec check out More...
typedef struct SpeexDSP SpeexDSP
 Speex DSP is used for specifying how recorded audio from a sound input device should be preprocessed before transmission. More...
typedef struct TTAudioPreprocessor TTAudioPreprocessor
 Use TeamTalk's internal audio preprocessor for gain audio. Same as used for TT_SetSoundInputGainLevel(). More...
typedef struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor WebRTCAudioPreprocessor
 WebRTC's audio preprocessor. More...
typedef enum AudioPreprocessorType AudioPreprocessorType
 The types of supported audio preprocessors. More...
typedef struct AudioPreprocessor AudioPreprocessor
 Configure the audio preprocessor specified by nPreprocessor. More...
typedef struct WebMVP8Codec WebMVP8Codec
 WebM video codec settings. More...
typedef enum Codec Codec
 The codecs supported. More...
typedef struct AudioCodec AudioCodec
 Struct used for specifying which audio codec a channel uses. More...
typedef struct AudioConfig AudioConfig
 Audio configuration for clients in a channel. More...
typedef struct VideoCodec VideoCodec
 Struct used for specifying the video codec to use. More...


 The types of supported audio preprocessors. More...
enum  Codec {
  WEBM_VP8_CODEC = 128
 The codecs supported. More...

Detailed Description

This section explains how to configure audio and video codecs.

The client is able to encode audio in Speex and OPUS format whereas video can be encoded in WebM format. OPUS is recommended for audio encoding, both for voice and music.

Choosing the right codec settings in an end-user application is very important and proper settings depend entirely on the user scenario. Always ensure that the codec settings do not require too much bandwidth and thereby resulting in packetloss causing inaudible conversations and poor video quality. Detecting packetloss can be done using UserStatistics and ClientStatistics.

Every channel must configure which audio codec to use in order for users to be able to talk to each other. The audiocodec member of Channel specifies which audio codec (AudioCodec) should be used. A channel does not restrict the video codec (VideoCodec) users are using.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SPEEX_NB_MIN_BITRATE   2150

The minimum bitrate for Speex codec in 8 KHz mode. Bandmode = 0.

Definition at line 1125 of file TeamTalk.h.


#define SPEEX_NB_MAX_BITRATE   24600

The maximum bitrate for Speex codec in 8 KHz mode. Bandmode = 0.

Definition at line 1128 of file TeamTalk.h.


#define SPEEX_WB_MIN_BITRATE   3950

The minimum bitrate for Speex codec in 16 KHz mode. Bandmode = 1.

Definition at line 1131 of file TeamTalk.h.


#define SPEEX_WB_MAX_BITRATE   42200

The maximum bitrate for Speex codec in 16 KHz mode. Bandmode = 1.

Definition at line 1134 of file TeamTalk.h.


#define SPEEX_UWB_MIN_BITRATE   4150

The minimum bitrate for Speex codec in 32 KHz mode. Bandmode = 2.

Definition at line 1137 of file TeamTalk.h.


#define SPEEX_UWB_MAX_BITRATE   44000

The maximum bitrate for Speex codec in 32 KHz mode. Bandmode = 2.

Definition at line 1140 of file TeamTalk.h.



Audio encoding is for VoIP. This value should be set as nApplicaton in OpusCodec.

Definition at line 1187 of file TeamTalk.h.



Audio encoding is for music. This value should be set as nApplicaton in OpusCodec.

Definition at line 1190 of file TeamTalk.h.


#define OPUS_MIN_BITRATE   6000

The minimum bitrate for OPUS codec. Checkout nBitRate of OpusCodec.

Definition at line 1193 of file TeamTalk.h.


#define OPUS_MAX_BITRATE   510000

The maximum bitrate for OPUS codec. Checkout nBitRate of OpusCodec.

Definition at line 1196 of file TeamTalk.h.


#define OPUS_MIN_FRAMESIZE   2 /* Actually it's 2.5 */

The minimum frame size for OPUS codec. Checkout nFrameSizeMSec of OpusCodec.

Definition at line 1199 of file TeamTalk.h.



The maximum frame size for OPUS codec. Checkout nFrameSizeMSec of OpusCodec.

Definition at line 1202 of file TeamTalk.h.



The real maximum frame size for OPUS codec. Checkout nFrameSizeMSec of OpusCodec. Although OPUS states it only supports 2.5 - 60 msec, it actually support up to 120 msec.

Definition at line 1206 of file TeamTalk.h.



Max value for fGainDB in WebRTCAudioPreprocessor's gaincontroller2.

Definition at line 1401 of file TeamTalk.h.



nEncodeDeadline value for fastest encoding.

See also

Definition at line 1465 of file TeamTalk.h.


#define WEBM_VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY   1000000

nEncodeDeadline value for good encoding.

See also

Definition at line 1468 of file TeamTalk.h.



nEncodeDeadline value for best encoding.

See also

Definition at line 1471 of file TeamTalk.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ SpeexCodec

typedef struct SpeexCodec SpeexCodec

Speex audio codec settings for Constant Bitrate mode (CBR).

Use OpusCodec.
See also

◆ SpeexVBRCodec

typedef struct SpeexVBRCodec SpeexVBRCodec

Speex audio codec settings for Variable Bitrate mode (VBR).

Use OpusCodec.

◆ OpusCodec

typedef struct OpusCodec OpusCodec

OPUS audio codec settings. For detailed information about the OPUS codec check out

◆ SpeexDSP

typedef struct SpeexDSP SpeexDSP

Speex DSP is used for specifying how recorded audio from a sound input device should be preprocessed before transmission.

Use WebRTCAudioPreprocessor.

Users' audio levels may be diffent due to how their microphone is configured in their OS. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) can be used to ensure all users in the same channel have the same audio level.

Enable the preprocessing configuration by calling TT_SetSoundInputPreprocess().

When joining a Channel and bEnableGainControl of AudioConfig is enabled in the channel then enable sound input preprocessing by setting bEnableAGC to TRUE and nGainLevel of SpeexDSP to the nGainLevel of AudioConfig.

◆ TTAudioPreprocessor

Use TeamTalk's internal audio preprocessor for gain audio. Same as used for TT_SetSoundInputGainLevel().

◆ WebRTCAudioPreprocessor

WebRTC's audio preprocessor.

Use WebRTC's audio preprocessor,

Note that WebRTC's can only operate on 10 msec audio frame, so nTxIntervalMSec in AudioCodec must a multiple of 10.

WebRTCAudioPreprocessor is recommended to TT_SetSoundDeviceEffects() on desktop platforms.

Activate WebRTCAudioPreprocessor by calling TT_SetSoundInputPreprocessEx().

◆ AudioPreprocessorType

The types of supported audio preprocessors.

See also

◆ AudioPreprocessor

Configure the audio preprocessor specified by nPreprocessor.

◆ WebMVP8Codec

◆ Codec

typedef enum Codec Codec

The codecs supported.

See also

◆ AudioCodec

typedef struct AudioCodec AudioCodec

Struct used for specifying which audio codec a channel uses.

◆ AudioConfig

typedef struct AudioConfig AudioConfig

Audio configuration for clients in a channel.

An audio configuration can be used to set common audio properties for all users in a channel. Checkout audiocfg of Channel.

The audio configuration only supports same audio level for all users by manually converting the values to the selected AudioPreprocessor.

See also

◆ VideoCodec

typedef struct VideoCodec VideoCodec

Struct used for specifying the video codec to use.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AudioPreprocessorType

The types of supported audio preprocessors.

See also

Value for specifying that no audio preprocessing should occur.


Use the SpeexDSP audio preprocessor.


Use TeamTalk's internal audio preprocessor TTAudioPreprocessor.


Use WebRTC's audio preprocessor from WebRTCAudioPreprocessor.

Definition at line 1406 of file TeamTalk.h.

◆ Codec

enum Codec

The codecs supported.

See also

No codec specified.


Speex audio codec,

See also

Speex audio codec in VBR mode,

See also

OPUS audio codec.

See also

WebM video codec.

See also

Definition at line 1476 of file TeamTalk.h.