The first beta version of the upcoming TeamTalk v5.8.1 is now available for testing.
Please report any issues you find on TeamTalk’s GitHub Project.
New Features in v5.8.1
Again the TeamTalk developers have been busy and here’s the list of new features and corrections:
- Default QT Client
- Create a folder in Sounds-folder to create your own Sound Pack
- Ability to delete items from Stream Media File dialog
- Ctrl+Alt+S to quickly enable/disable Text-To-Speech
- Ctrl+G now outputs Text-To-Speech information for selected user/channel
- Ctrl+Alt+G to hear informations on current channel
- Ability to specify nickname for each server
- New option to configure which events should be displayed in chat history
- Ability to force SAPI usage for Text-To-Speech events on Windows
- Option to automatically expand all channels in channels tree
- Last modification date shown on user accounts
- Upload time shown on files
- Fixed default values for “Transmit ready in “No interruption” channel” and “Transmit stopped in “No interruption” channel” sound events
- Fixed Shift+Tab navigation issues in main window
- Fixed missing accessible labels in main window
- Fixed Croatian file missing for installed version
- Android Client
- Option to disable sound and TTS event when sending a channel message
- Upload time shown on files
- Files update sound played only in appropriate channel
- Fixed a case when not all tts engines were available in Text-To-Speech selection screen
- iOS Client
- Ability to specify nickname for each server
- Server
- Support for SIGHUP to reload server configuration
- Error reported if unable to save configuration file (tt5srv.xml)
TeamTalk v5.8.1.5045 for Windows
TeamTalk v5.8.1.5045 Portable for Windows
TeamTalk v5.8.1.5045 for Ubuntu 18
TeamTalk v5.8.1.5045 for CentOS 7
TeamTalk v5.8.1.5045 for Mac OS
TeamTalk v5.8.1.5045 for Android
TeamTalk v5.8.1.5045 for iOS
TeamTalk Pro Server v5.8.1.5045 for Windows
TeamTalk Pro Server v5.8.1.5045 for Ubuntu 18
TeamTalk Pro Server v5.8.1.5045 for CentOS 7
when there are many users on the server, the client does not always load all connected users. You can take a test by connecting at ts.renovagames.com
remembering that this is not always the case.
Hello. Why android versions are intended to be downloaded from the play store only?
I’ve updated with Android links
— Bjørn
Lovely new version! I really like the switch from the classic accessible client to this version! But again the default port, when installed to a new computer are set to 10335 not 10333 as in earlier versions and for many older servers. Just for your information. 🙂
I noticed that there is a bug when using windows audio session.