TeamTalk v5.11 released

TeamTalk v5.11 has been released and is ready for download.

This release of the desktop client application and server changes the minimum requirements on several platforms. The reason for these new platform requirements is due to the client application switching to Qt 6. Onwards the minimum supported Windows version is now Windows 10 and macOS requires minimum version 10.14 (Mojave). Ubuntu has changed to Ubuntu 22 but still uses Qt 5, since Ubuntu 22 does not support Qt 6.4.

As the previous couple of releases of the desktop client the main focus is again on accessibility.

New Features and Bug Fixes

Here’s the modifications in TeamTalk v5.11

  • Accessible Windows Client
    • Only 64-bit Windows is now supported
  • Default Qt Client
    • MacOS changed to Qt 6.4 means macOS 10.14 is minimum
    • Windows changed to Qt 6.4 means Windows 10 is minimum
    • See Qt version on “About” dialog
    • Option to configure sound events volume
    • See OS used by client in “User Information” dialog
    • “Entry name” in “Connect to a Server” dialog now shows server list name
    • “Entry name” is now default file name for saving .tt file in “Generate .tt File” dialog
    • Option to choose Text-To-Speech language with “Default” engine
    • Reconfiguration of selected voice for Text-To-Speech required
    • Text-To-Speech message when trying to reconnect to server
    • Ability to see input and output device informations using tab key in “Preferences” dialog
    • Ability to start new client instance using the same profile
    • Ability to connect to latest host in new profile
    • WebLogin changes file permission on TeamTalk5.ini to 600
    • Text-To-Speech message on classroom changes
    • Status bar and TTS event when changing subscription
    • Checkboxes in “User Accounts” dialog replaced by tree view
    • New profile now starts with blank settings
    • Use “Delete” key to delete server and user accounts in “Connect to a Server” and “User Accounts” dialog
    • Added keyboard shortcuts to “Online Users” dialog on macOS and Windows (Qt 6.4)
    • Fixed request to create folder for channel and private histories if none is specified in “Store conversation” dialog
    • Fixed username/password not being applied in “Generate .tt File” dialog
  • Android Client
    • Don’t display male emoji if neutral user
    • Support for Danish language
  • Server
    • TeamTalk Pro server can use email as login name on initial authentication
    • WebLogin account requires initial login upon startup
    • WebLogin changes file permission on tt5prosrv.xml to 600
    • Passwords of auto operator channel are forwarded to clients
    • Operator status is resumed after disconnect when using WebLogin
    • Subscription changes are written to log file
    • Auto operators can update channels they have not joined
    • Auto operators can kick/ban from channels they have not joined
    • Only 64-bit Windows is now supported
    • Fixed bug where bans on renamed channel has no effect


    • Hi,
      And I would like to reach the moon just by jumping from home, and it’s not possible. Windows 7 is nolonger supported by Microsoft. You can update to Windows 10 to use the latest TeamTalk version. If you don’t want to update your OS, that’s your problem. Just stay in 5.10 and stop spamming all these posts.

  1. suggestions for team talk 5.10.1 and 5.10.2:
    in 5.10.1:
    1. A possibilility or ability, only for creators of channels, of modify or create channels without modify others or all channels for example create permanent channels.
    2. A possibility of create a invisible status for join in servers in total anonimity or invisible.
    3. A possibility of create a only listen mode for people that can’t or don’t want to speak.
    In 5.10.2:
    1. A possibility of intercept, for users, i repeat, of intercept others users in other channels.
    2. A possibility of transmit mediafiles or link in windows 7 or seven.
    3. A possibility of record in mp3 in windows 7 or seven.
    4. A possibility of cunfigure audio codecs also if a person is in a channel or a person configure a initial channel in a server.
    5. A possibility of transmit with a minimum intervall of 0 milliseconds.
    I’d like to use these versions 5.10.1 and 5.10.2.

  2. for example for option 1 that i suggested in 5.10.1:
    I create a channel in my server, ovviously firstly I put to enable a option that I said, i repeat, I create a channel, Is clear that i go to set an admin or op password and in this way only me I can modify or edit my channel and if I want, I can put my channel to permanent!

  3. for example for option 1 that i suggested in 5.10.1:
    I create a channel in my server, ovviously firstly I put to enabled the option that I said, i repeat, I create a channel, Is clear that i go to set an admin or operator password and in this way only me I can modify or edit my channel and if I want, I can put my channel to permanent!

  4. Hello. I use team talk 5, when I collapsed or expand a channel with left and right arro key, my screen reader doesn’t automatically say “collapsed” or “expanded” like the classic version. Also, let me to make another example: Assuming the UK team talk server, I enter the server and there are 10 people on the server. I navigate to the server name such as this: English US teamtalk server (10), well there are 10 users on the server, from these people, three of them are in root channel, when I press right and left arrow key, it doesn’t say the member of server and root channel automatically, and I have to check it out with nvda+up arrow key, hope you understand what do I mean if you take a look to classic version.
    Also there is a problem that when I navigate between channels and users, it doesn’t say the exact list information, it just say abolfazl level 1, but it doesn’t say abolfazl, 1 of 3 level 1.
    Another issue is that I unchecked “join root channel upon connection” but I still join root channel when I enter to any server.
    Hope these gets resolved soon and helps people to move to default QT soon.

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  1. TeamTalk SDK v5.11a released –

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