Many users have experienced crash issues with the TeamTalk v5.2.2 client when receiving multiple audio streams. The cause of this crash has been resolved and TeamTalk v5.2.3 is now ready in the Download section.
TeamTalk 5 Classic for Accessibility also has new sound events for transmit start/stop. The previously used sounds were a bit too long.
What was the cause of the crash?
I had made some changes to the existing sound systems in order to support the virtual sound device. This unfortunately could cause audio streams to be closed incorrectly and give access violations. If you’re into programming then it’s what is called a race condition.
— Bjoern
Hi Bjoern!
I have a notebook as a server. I am using a TT5 server on this computer, and running a client that streaming audio from online with Winamp and Virtual Audio Cable.
I will migrate to debian.
Can I do this on Debian as Windows? I will use it in terminal without Mate or ec graphic ui…
I would like listen an internet radio in a TeamTalk channel…
How can I do this?
It can be done but it requires that you’re into how Linux works. So if this is the first time you’re working with Linux then it might be too big a mouthful.
— Bjoern
Actually streaming radio stations works much better on Linux and Mac. The Windows client is quite limited in this matter.
Hi, i’m administrator of polish official server, peoples using iphone questioning me, when you release new public version of i teamtalk? I’m using android and beta5.2.3 has crashing accidentally.
What the type of your phone? On my LG G3s with Android 5 I have this problem, but on Nexus 7 Android 7.1.2 TT work’s correct..
I using lenovo tab2 on android 4
Both iOS and Android are now available in version 5.2.3.
Hi Biern
My friend using iOS noticed 2 bugs.
1. When using the phone speaker and then plugging in headphones notifications are still muted
2. When using another mode, actua;llly forgot which one, the microphone is ery quet even after plugging in the headphones
in version 5.2.3, teamtalk doesn’t want to connect to the server when using teamtalk on android 5.1.1
note: phone is alcatel piksii 3 4.5 4g
i have WIN XP SP3 when i try to strean a media file the client exit
Can you stream the media file in Windows Media Player without problems?
— Bjoern
yes Mr Bjoern ; the stream fails with all types of containers
Help please, have a group that uses 4g and can not connect to the server anymore, what could be wrong ??