The development of TeamTalk v5.5 is progressing steadily and the first test version, v5.5.0.4978, is ready for download.
So far the new features in TeamTalk v5.5 are mainly for people interested in setting up audio codecs. When creating a channel and setting up the OPUS audio codec there are now more configuration options:
- VBR/CBR selection for OPUS codec
- Frame size selection for OPUS codec
- Max transmission interval increased to 500 msec
People who use TeamTalk for streaming media files also has a few new features:
- Control media file offset before streaming to channel
- Pause media file while streaming to channel
- Currently only available in Qt client
- Test media file playback before streaming to channel
TeamTalk v5.5.0.4978 for Windows
TeamTalk Classic v5.5.0.4978 Portable
TeamTalk v5.5.0.4978 for macOS
TeamTalk v5.5.0.4978 for Debian Linux x86
TeamTalk v5.5.0.4978 for Debian Linux x86_64
TeamTalk for iOS and Android are ready for beta testing in app stores
Hi. I found bug TeamTalk beta 5.5 for android.
When I try to stream file, I get like this:
Commands are issued too fast. Flood protection.
And When I checked logs, I am a lot founds this:
2019-10-20 21:10:03.204849 User #2106 nickname: “syukur HD” username: “saya” status: 0 status msg: “” UDP address: updated.
I use an android samsung A7, OS android oreo
The error is due to a server’s abuse configuration. The server can prevent abuse by limiting the number of commands you can send.
— Bjørn
Hi, can you make it possible so that we can choose the bitrate to make a channel in the connection dialog? When you go to connect to a TeamTalk server and ware it says join channel optional.
Hi, the issue you’re describing is partly the same problem as .tt files. They also cannot include audio codec information and channel type: https://github.com/BearWare/TeamTalk5/issues/31
Please monitor this issue for progress.
— Bjørn
Hello, upon testing beta, it tends to kick me off the server, any server whatsoever unexpectedly. Any way to remedy this? Also, any way to implement import TT files on TeamTalk for iOS? Thanks.
Is the connection dropped still an issue? I haven’t experienced it or heard from anyone else.
TT-files are already supported on iOS. If you receive a .tt file in an email you tap it, find the “More” button and then “Copy to TeamTalk”.
— Bjoern
hi, pleas help me toTranslate teamtalk android to persian: and help me for send lang file persian for add to new teamtalk
Please read the instructions here: