The three official TeamTalk servers will now require that users log on with a BearWare.dk Web-Login. A user account for BearWare.dk Web-Login can be created here.
The reason for switching to BearWare.dk web-login is to limit spam and abuse on the public servers.
Note that TeamTalk v5.4 is required for BearWare.dk Web-Login.
Hi Admin, As for the result of that lownch, can you add Bearware.dk login into the public spanish server?
Hi Admin, can you implement this into other TeamTalk servers as well, for example, allow users to have it on their servers?
Hello, whenever I try to do a tt link to share on Twitter, the TCP port is fine but somehow UDP port switches around, Any suggestions as to how I can remedy this? Thanks and keep up the good work.
What client do you use? iPhone, Android, Classic…?
Hello, this happens whether or not I use the iPhone, computer TeamTalk Client. What I’m trying to do is do the TT link deal but when I share the tcp port is fine UDP port switches and defaults to 10333. Thanks.
Good evening admin! I’m having trouble connecting to the U.S. server at the moment… I tried my e-mail and my username/password combination but it doesn’t seem to work. Can you help?
I just tried connecting and it worked fine.
Just tried it again, are the servers down? I realized that my ports don’t default to 10333 for the U.S. server.
The two official TeamTalk servers use port 10335.
— Bjoern
Hi is there anyway I can use the wordpress to login to my teamtalk server please ie members who signs up to a wordpress account can access my teamtalk server?
I plan to make a Professional Edition of the TeamTalk server where it’s
possible to use BearWare.dk Web-Login and activate encryption. In the
server included with the TeamTalk installer it’s not possible to use
Web-Login or encryption.
— Bjoern
I tried to log in but it gives me invalid user account, what info should I use as username and password when trying to connect?
Try to only use Latin characters as username and password. Does that allow you to log in?
— Bjoern
Hi…. Im getting “invalid account” on the US official server using “senorgatos / (PASSWORD)” from the wordpress…
does it take some time to propagate or am I doing something wrong?
The login should work instantly. Could it be because you use some characters in your password that the login system doesn’t support?
— Bjørn
my only special character is a “!”
I am getting the error “invalid account”
Hm, I tried with a ! and several other unusual characters and it works fine.
Have you checked that your IP-address is not listed in http://www.stopforumspam.com?
— Bjørn