1 #if !defined(TEAMTALKDLL_H)
19 #define TEAMTALK_VERSION ""
25 #define TEAMTALKDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
27 #define TEAMTALKDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
42 #if !defined(TEAMTALK_TYPES)
44 #define TEAMTALK_TYPES 1
56 typedef unsigned short UINT16;
58 typedef long long INT64;
59 typedef unsigned int UINT32;
91 #define TT_USERID_MAX 0xFFF
101 #define TT_VIDEOFORMATS_MAX 1024
107 #define TT_TRANSMITUSERS_MAX 128
155 #define TT_SAMPLERATES_MAX 16
162 #define TT_DESKTOPINPUT_MAX 16
534 #define TT_SOUNDDEVICE_ID_SHARED_FLAG 0x00000800
540 #define TT_SOUNDDEVICE_ID_MASK 0x000007FF
709 #define TT_LOCAL_USERID 0
718 #define TT_LOCAL_TX_USERID 0x1002
726 #define TT_MUXED_USERID 0x1001
1125 #define SPEEX_NB_MIN_BITRATE 2150
1128 #define SPEEX_NB_MAX_BITRATE 24600
1131 #define SPEEX_WB_MIN_BITRATE 3950
1134 #define SPEEX_WB_MAX_BITRATE 42200
1137 #define SPEEX_UWB_MIN_BITRATE 4150
1140 #define SPEEX_UWB_MAX_BITRATE 44000
1187 #define OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP 2048
1190 #define OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO 2049
1193 #define OPUS_MIN_BITRATE 6000
1196 #define OPUS_MAX_BITRATE 510000
1199 #define OPUS_MIN_FRAMESIZE 2
1202 #define OPUS_MAX_FRAMESIZE 60
1465 #define WEBM_VPX_DL_REALTIME 1
1468 #define WEBM_VPX_DL_GOOD_QUALITY 1000000
4062 IN
const INT32* pnWaitMs);
4134 OUT INT32* lpnOutputDeviceID);
4140 OUT INT32* lpnInputDeviceID,
4141 OUT INT32* lpnOutputDeviceID);
4157 IN OUT INT32* lpnHowMany);
4183 IN INT32 nOutputDeviceID,
4184 IN INT32 nSampleRate,
4223 IN INT32 nOutputDeviceID,
4224 IN INT32 nSampleRate,
4274 IN INT32 nInputDeviceID);
4308 IN INT32 nFrameSize);
4340 IN INT32 nOutputDeviceID);
4374 IN INT32 nFrameSize);
4410 IN INT32 nInputDeviceID,
4411 IN INT32 nOutputDeviceID);
4919 IN INT32 nDelayMSec);
4984 IN
const TTCHAR* szAudioFileName,
5018 IN INT32 nChannelID,
5019 IN
const TTCHAR* szAudioFileName,
5058 IN
const TTCHAR* szAudioFileName,
5084 IN INT32 nChannelID);
5138 IN OUT INT32* lpnHowMany);
5154 IN
const TTCHAR* szDeviceID,
5181 IN INT32 nDestWidth,
5182 IN INT32 nDestHeight,
5219 IN INT32 nDestWidth,
5220 IN INT32 nDestHeight,
5224 IN INT32 nSrcHeight,
5270 IN
const TTCHAR* szMediaFilePath,
5305 IN
const TTCHAR* szMediaFilePath,
5370 IN
const TTCHAR* szMediaFilePath,
5387 IN INT32 nPlaybackSessionID,
5400 IN INT32 nPlaybackSessionID);
5602 IN INT32 nDestWidth,
5603 IN INT32 nDestHeight);
5644 IN INT32 nDestWidth,
5645 IN INT32 nDestHeight,
5649 IN INT32 nSrcHeight);
5652 #if defined(__APPLE__)
5756 IN INT32 nDesktopInputCount);
5860 IN
const TTCHAR* szHostAddress,
5863 IN INT32 nLocalTcpPort,
5864 IN INT32 nLocalUdpPort,
5895 IN
const TTCHAR* szHostAddress,
5898 IN INT32 nLocalTcpPort,
5899 IN INT32 nLocalUdpPort,
5901 IN
const TTCHAR* szSystemID);
5926 IN
const TTCHAR* szHostAddress,
5929 IN
const TTCHAR* szBindIPAddr,
5930 IN INT32 nLocalTcpPort,
5931 IN INT32 nLocalUdpPort,
6033 IN
const TTCHAR* szNickname,
6034 IN
const TTCHAR* szUsername,
6035 IN
const TTCHAR* szPassword);
6073 IN
const TTCHAR* szNickname,
6074 IN
const TTCHAR* szUsername,
6075 IN
const TTCHAR* szPassword,
6076 IN
const TTCHAR* szClientName);
6163 IN INT32 nChannelID,
6164 IN
const TTCHAR* szPassword);
6208 IN
const TTCHAR* szNewNick);
6232 IN INT32 nStatusMode,
6233 IN
const TTCHAR* szStatusMessage);
6281 IN INT32 nChannelID,
6282 IN
TTBOOL bMakeOperator);
6307 IN INT32 nChannelID,
6308 IN
const TTCHAR* szOpPassword,
6309 IN
TTBOOL bMakeOperator);
6338 IN INT32 nChannelID);
6377 IN INT32 nChannelID,
6378 IN
const TTCHAR* szLocalFilePath);
6412 IN INT32 nChannelID,
6414 IN
const TTCHAR* szLocalFilePath);
6441 IN INT32 nChannelID,
6574 IN INT32 nChannelID);
6599 IN INT32 nChannelID);
6699 IN
const TTCHAR* szUsername);
6731 IN INT32 nChannelID);
6792 IN
const TTCHAR* szIPAddress,
6793 IN INT32 nChannelID);
6819 IN
const TTCHAR* szIPAddress,
6820 IN INT32 nChannelID);
6856 IN INT32 nChannelID,
6945 IN OUT
User* lpUsers,
6946 IN OUT INT32* lpnHowMany);
6983 IN INT32 nChannelID,
6995 IN INT32 nChannelID,
7007 IN
const TTCHAR* szChannelPath);
7023 IN INT32 nChannelID,
7024 IN OUT
User* lpUsers,
7025 IN OUT INT32* lpnHowMany);
7043 IN INT32 nChannelID,
7045 IN OUT INT32* lpnHowMany);
7057 IN INT32 nChannelID,
7071 IN INT32 nChannelID);
7081 IN OUT INT32* lpnHowMany);
7158 IN INT32 nUserID, OUT
User* lpUser);
7181 IN
const TTCHAR* szUsername,
7237 IN INT32 nDelayMSec);
7325 IN
TTBOOL bRightSpeaker);
7365 IN
const TTCHAR* szFolderPath,
7366 IN
const TTCHAR* szFileNameVars,
7395 IN
const TTCHAR* szFolderPath,
7396 IN
const TTCHAR* szFileNameVars,
7398 IN INT32 nStopRecordingExtraDelayMSec);
7490 IN INT32 nTransferID,
7504 IN INT32 nTransferID);
7569 IN INT32 nDesktopInputCount);
7593 IN INT32 nDesktopInputCount);
7632 IN
const INT32* lpnVKCodes,
7633 IN INT32 nVKCodeCount);
7643 IN INT32 nHotKeyID);
7653 IN INT32 nHotKeyID);
7670 IN HWND hWnd, UINT32 uMsg);
7704 IN INT32 nFrequency);
7707 IN INT32 nFrequency);
7927 IN INT32 nControlIndex,
7940 IN INT32 nControlIndex);
7953 IN INT32 nControlIndex);
7995 IN
const TTCHAR* szExecutable);
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_DBG_SetSoundInputTone(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN StreamTypes uStreamTypes, IN INT32 nFrequency)
TeamTalk uses Unicode on Windows.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_DBG_WriteAudioFileTone(IN const MediaFileInfo *lpMediaFileInfo, IN INT32 nFrequency)
The types of channels supported.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetFileTransferInfo(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nTransferID, OUT FileTransfer *lpFileTransfer)
Get information about an active file transfer.
struct FileTransfer FileTransfer
A struct containing the properties of a file transfer.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetChannelPath(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, OUT TTCHAR szChannelPath[TT_STRLEN])
Get the channel's path. Channels are separated by '/'.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetChannelFile(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN INT32 nFileID, OUT RemoteFile *lpRemoteFile)
Get information about a file which can be downloaded.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetMyChannelID(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get the channel which the local client instance is currently participating in.
struct RemoteFile RemoteFile
A struct containing the properties of a file in a Channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CancelFileTransfer(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nTransferID)
Cancel an active file transfer.
Status of a file transfer.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetChannelIDFromPath(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szChannelPath)
Get the channel ID of the supplied path. Channels are separated by '/'.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetChannel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, OUT Channel *lpChannel)
Get the channel with a specific ID.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetChannelFiles(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN OUT RemoteFile *lpRemoteFiles, IN OUT INT32 *lpnHowMany)
Get the list of the files in a channel which can be downloaded.
UINT32 ChannelTypes
Bitmask of ChannelType.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetChannelUsers(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN OUT User *lpUsers, IN OUT INT32 *lpnHowMany)
Get the IDs of all users in a channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetServerChannels(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN OUT Channel *lpChannels, IN OUT INT32 *lpnHowMany)
Get all the channels on the server.
struct Channel Channel
A struct containing the properties of a channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_IsChannelOperator(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID)
Check whether user is operator of a channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetRootChannelID(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get the root channel's ID.
Only channel operators (and administrators) will receive audio/video/desktop transmissions....
Hidden channel which can only be seen with USERRIGHT_VIEW_HIDDEN_CHANNELS.
Only one user can transmit at a time.
Don't allow recording to files in the channel.
Voice and video transmission in the channel is controlled by a channel operator.
A channel which persists even when the last user leaves the channel.
Don't allow voice transmission if it's trigged by voice activation.
A default channel is a channel which disappears after the last user leaves the channel.
File transfer finished.
Error during file transfer.
File transfer active.
struct SpeexDSP SpeexDSP
Speex DSP is used for specifying how recorded audio from a sound input device should be preprocessed ...
The types of supported audio preprocessors.
struct WebMVP8Codec WebMVP8Codec
WebM video codec settings.
The codecs supported.
struct SpeexCodec SpeexCodec
Speex audio codec settings for Constant Bitrate mode (CBR).
struct SpeexVBRCodec SpeexVBRCodec
Speex audio codec settings for Variable Bitrate mode (VBR).
struct AudioConfig AudioConfig
Audio configuration for clients in a channel.
struct OpusCodec OpusCodec
OPUS audio codec settings. For detailed information about the OPUS codec check out http://www....
struct TTAudioPreprocessor TTAudioPreprocessor
Use TeamTalk's internal audio preprocessor for gain audio. Same as used for TT_SetSoundInputGainLevel...
struct AudioPreprocessor AudioPreprocessor
Configure the audio preprocessor specified by nPreprocessor.
struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor WebRTCAudioPreprocessor
WebRTC's audio preprocessor.
struct AudioCodec AudioCodec
Struct used for specifying which audio codec a channel uses.
struct VideoCodec VideoCodec
Struct used for specifying the video codec to use.
Use WebRTC's audio preprocessor from WebRTCAudioPreprocessor. https://webrtc.org.
Use the SpeexDSP audio preprocessor.
Use TeamTalk's internal audio preprocessor TTAudioPreprocessor.
Value for specifying that no audio preprocessing should occur.
No codec specified.
WebM video codec.
Speex audio codec in VBR mode, http://www.speex.org.
Speex audio codec, http://www.speex.org.
OPUS audio codec.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUnBanUserEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const BannedUser *lpBannedUser)
Unban the properties specified in BannedUser.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoJoinChannelByID(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN const TTCHAR *szPassword)
Join an existing channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUnsubscribe(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN Subscriptions uSubscriptions)
Unsubscribe to user events/data. This can be used to ignore messages or voice data from a specific us...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLoginEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szNickname, IN const TTCHAR *szUsername, IN const TTCHAR *szPassword, IN const TTCHAR *szClientName)
Logon to a server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoSendFile(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN const TTCHAR *szLocalFilePath)
Send a file to the specified channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChannelOpEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN const TTCHAR *szOpPassword, IN TTBOOL bMakeOperator)
Make another user operator of a channel using the szOpPassword of Channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoQuit(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Quit from server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUnBanUser(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szIPAddress, IN INT32 nChannelID)
Unban the user with the specified IP-address.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoSubscribe(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN Subscriptions uSubscriptions)
Subscribe to user events and/or data.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoListBans(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN INT32 nIndex, IN INT32 nCount)
Issue a command to list the banned users.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBanUserEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN BanTypes uBanTypes)
Ban the user with nUserID using the ban types specified.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoMoveUser(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID)
Issue command to move a user from one channel to another.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoNewUserAccount(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const UserAccount *lpUserAccount)
Issue command to create a new user account on the server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUpdateServer(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const ServerProperties *lpServerProperties)
Update server properties.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChannelOp(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN TTBOOL bMakeOperator)
Make another user operator of a channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoDeleteFile(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN INT32 nFileID)
Delete a file from a channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoMakeChannel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
Make a new channel on the server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoTextMessage(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TextMessage *lpTextMessage)
Send a text message to either a user or a channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoUpdateChannel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
Update a channel's properties.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoJoinChannel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const Channel *lpChannel)
Create a new channel and join it.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBan(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const BannedUser *lpBannedUser)
Ban the properties specified in lpBannedUser.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBanIPAddress(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szIPAddress, IN INT32 nChannelID)
Issue a ban command on an IP-address user.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLogin(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szNickname, IN const TTCHAR *szUsername, IN const TTCHAR *szPassword)
Same as TT_DologinEx() but without the option to specify szClientName. Kept for backwards compatibili...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoDeleteUserAccount(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szUsername)
Issue command to delete a user account on the server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoRemoveChannel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID)
Remove a channel from a server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoPing(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Ping server and wait for server to reply.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoKickUser(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID)
Kick user from either channel or server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLogout(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Logout of the server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoRecvFile(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN INT32 nFileID, IN const TTCHAR *szLocalFilePath)
Download a file from the specified channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoListUserAccounts(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nIndex, IN INT32 nCount)
Issue command to list user accounts on the server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoLeaveChannel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Leave the current channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChangeStatus(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nStatusMode, IN const TTCHAR *szStatusMessage)
Change the client instance's currect status.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoSaveConfig(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Save the server's current state to its settings file (typically the server's .xml file).
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoChangeNickname(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szNewNick)
Change the client instance's nick name.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoBanUser(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN INT32 nChannelID)
Issue a ban command on a user.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DoQueryServerStats(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get the server's current statistics.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Connect(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szHostAddress, IN INT32 nTcpPort, IN INT32 nUdpPort, IN INT32 nLocalTcpPort, IN INT32 nLocalUdpPort, IN TTBOOL bEncrypted)
Connect to a server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_ConnectSysID(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szHostAddress, IN INT32 nTcpPort, IN INT32 nUdpPort, IN INT32 nLocalTcpPort, IN INT32 nLocalUdpPort, IN TTBOOL bEncrypted, IN const TTCHAR *szSystemID)
Same as TT_Connect() but the option of providing a unique system-ID.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Disconnect(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Disconnect from the server.
struct JitterConfig JitterConfig
Configuration parameters for the Jitter Buffer.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_QueryMaxPayload(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID)
Query the maximum size of UDP data packets to the user or server.
struct ClientKeepAlive ClientKeepAlive
Control timers for sending keep alive information to the server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetClientKeepAlive(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, OUT ClientKeepAlive *lpClientKeepAlive)
Get the client instance's current keep alive settings.
struct EncryptionContext EncryptionContext
Configure peer verification for encrypted connection.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_ConnectEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szHostAddress, IN INT32 nTcpPort, IN INT32 nUdpPort, IN const TTCHAR *szBindIPAddr, IN INT32 nLocalTcpPort, IN INT32 nLocalUdpPort, IN TTBOOL bEncrypted)
Bind to specific IP-address prior to connecting to server.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetClientStatistics(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, OUT ClientStatistics *lpClientStatistics)
Retrieve client statistics of bandwidth usage and response times.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetClientKeepAlive(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const ClientKeepAlive *lpClientKeepAlive)
Update the client instance's default keep alive settings.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetEncryptionContext(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, const EncryptionContext *lpEncryptionContext)
Setup encryption properties prior to TT_Connect().
struct ClientStatistics ClientStatistics
Statistics of bandwidth usage and ping times in the local client instance.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SendDesktopInput(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN const DesktopInput lpDesktopInputs[TT_DESKTOPINPUT_MAX], IN INT32 nDesktopInputCount)
Send a mouse or keyboard event to a shared desktop window.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DesktopInput_Execute(IN const DesktopInput *lpDesktopInputs, IN INT32 nDesktopInputCount)
Execute desktop (mouse or keyboard) input.
TEAMTALKDLL_API DesktopWindow * TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindowEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN BitmapFormat nBitmapFormat)
Same as TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow() except an extra option for converting bitmap to a different for...
TEAMTALKDLL_API unsigned char * TT_Palette_GetColorTable(IN BitmapFormat nBmpPalette, IN INT32 nIndex)
Get RGB values of the palette for the bitmap format.
The bitmap format used for a DesktopWindow.
Enumerate all the handles (HWND) of visible windows. Increment nIndex until the function returns FALS...
TEAMTALKDLL_API HWND TT_Windows_GetDesktopActiveHWND(void)
Get the handle (HWND) of the window which is currently active (focused) on the Windows desktop.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_MacOS_GetWindow(IN INT32 nIndex, OUT ShareWindow *lpShareWindow)
Enumerate all windows on the desktop. Increment nIndex until the function returns FALSE....
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_ReleaseUserDesktopWindow(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN DesktopWindow *lpDesktopWindow)
Release memory allocated by the DesktopWindow.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DesktopInput_KeyTranslate(TTKeyTranslate nTranslate, IN const DesktopInput *lpDesktopInputs, OUT DesktopInput *lpTranslatedDesktopInputs, IN INT32 nDesktopInputCount)
Translate platform key-code to and from TeamTalk's intermediate format.
Translate to and from TeamTalk's intermediate key-codes (TTKEYCODE).
The protocols supported for transferring a DesktopWindow.
TEAMTALKDLL_API DesktopWindow * TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID)
Acquire a user's desktop window (bitmap image).
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Windows_GetWindow(IN HWND hWnd, OUT ShareWindow *lpShareWindow)
Get the properties of a window from its window handle (HWND).
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CloseDesktopWindow(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Close the current desktop session.
struct DesktopInput DesktopInput
A struct containing a mouse or keyboard event.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_SendDesktopWindowFromHWND(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN HWND hWnd, IN BitmapFormat nBitmapFormat, IN DesktopProtocol nDesktopProtocol)
Transmit the specified window in a desktop session.
The state of a key (or mouse button), i.e. if it's pressed or released.
struct ShareWindow ShareWindow
A struct which describes the properties of a window which can be shared.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_MacOS_GetWindowFromWindowID(IN INT64 nWindowID, OUT ShareWindow *lpShareWindow)
Get information about a window by passing its handle (CGWindowID).
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_SendDesktopFromWindowID(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT64 nWindowID, IN BitmapFormat nBitmapFormat, IN DesktopProtocol nDesktopProtocol)
Transmit the specified window in a desktop session.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_PaintDesktopWindowEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN HDC hDC, IN INT32 XDest, IN INT32 YDest, IN INT32 nDestWidth, IN INT32 nDestHeight, IN INT32 XSrc, IN INT32 YSrc, IN INT32 nSrcWidth, IN INT32 nSrcHeight)
Paint user's desktop window using a Windows' DC (device context).
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SendDesktopCursorPosition(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN UINT16 nPosX, IN UINT16 nPosY)
Send the position of mouse cursor to users in the same channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_SendDesktopWindow(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const DesktopWindow *lpDesktopWindow, IN BitmapFormat nConvertBmpFormat)
Transmit a desktop window (bitmap) to users in the same channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_PaintDesktopWindow(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN HDC hDC, IN INT32 XDest, IN INT32 YDest, IN INT32 nDestWidth, IN INT32 nDestHeight)
Paint user's desktop window using a Windows' DC (device context).
Get the handle (HWND) of the Windows desktop (full desktop).
UINT32 DesktopKeyStates
Mask of key states.
struct DesktopWindow DesktopWindow
A struct containing the properties of a shared desktop window.
@ BMP_RGB16_555
The bitmap is a 16-bit colored bitmap. The maximum pixels.
The bitmap is a 256-colored bitmap requiring a palette. The default 256 colored palette is the Netsca...
The bitmap is a 24-bit colored bitmap. The maximum size of a 24-bit bitmap is 4095 blocks of 85 by 16...
The bitmap is a 32-bit colored bitmap. The maximum size of a 32-bit bitmap is 4095 blocks of 51 by 20...
Used to denote nothing selected.
Translate from TTKEYCODE to Mac OS X Carbon kVK_* key-code.
Perform no translation.
Translate from Mac OS X Carbon kVK_* key-code to TTKEYCODE. The Mac OS X key-codes are defined in Car...
Translate from TTKEYCODE to Windows scan-code.
Translate from Windows scan-code to TTKEYCODE. The Windows scan-code can be retrieved in Windows' WM_...
Desktop protocol based on ZLIB for image compression and UDP for data transmission.
The key is ignored.
The key is pressed.
The key is released.
TEAMTALKDLL_API void TT_GetErrorMessage(IN INT32 nError, OUT TTCHAR szErrorMsg[TT_STRLEN])
Get textual discription of an error message.
Errors which can occur either as a result of client commands or as a result of internal errors.
struct ClientErrorMsg ClientErrorMsg
Struct containing an error message.
The login service is currently unavailable.
Command cannot be performed due to missing parameter. Only used internally.
Command has syntax error. Only used internally.
IP-address has been banned from server.
A sound input device failed.
Cannot leave channel because not in channel.
The server uses a protocol which is incompatible with the client instance.
Cannot upload file because disk quota will be exceeded.
Cannot find user account.
Invalid username for UserAccount.
A sound output device failed.
Cannot process command since channel is not empty.
AudioPreprocessor failed to initialize.
Server does not allow file transfers.
Command flooding prevented by server.
The maximum number of logins allowed per IP-address has been exceeded.
Cannot join same channel twice.
Banned IP-address does not exist.
Channel already exists.
Invalid password for becoming channel operator.
Banned from joining a channel.
Channel does not exist.
Audio codec used by channel failed to initialize. Ensure the settings specified in AudioCodec are val...
Client instance has not been authenticated.
The maximum number of channels has been exceeded.
File already exist.
Server failed to open file.
Cannot apply CHANNEL_HIDDEN to Channel's type.
The selected AudioCodec exceeds what the server allows.
Command indicating success. Only used internally.
Already logged in.
User not found.
SoundDeviceEffects failed to initialize.
The server does not support the audio codec specified by the client. Introduced in version 4....
TTMessage event queue overflowed.
File transfer doesn't exists.
File does not exist.
Login failed due to maximum number of users on server.
Invalid username or password for account.
Command not authorized.
Invalid channel password.
The server doesn't support the issued command.
Cannot join channel because it has maximum number of users.
struct TTMessage TTMessage
A struct containing the properties of an event.
TeamTalk client event messages.
The server successfully processed a command issued by the local client instance.
A new video frame from a video capture device was received from a user.
A user has sent a text-message.
A new channel has been created.
A client logged out of the server.
A new video frame from a video media file was received from a user.
A hotkey has been acticated or deactivated.
Used for tracking when a desktop window has been transmitted to the server.
A user account has been received from the server.
A command issued by TT_Do* methods is being processed.
The client instance logged out of the server.
A new audio block can be extracted.
A file has been removed from a channel.
A banned user has been received from the server.
Server has updated its settings (server name, MOTD, etc.)
A user state has changed.
Desktop input (mouse or keyboard input) has been received from a user.
Failed to connect to server.
A user has sent the position of the mouse cursor.
Voice activation has triggered transmission.
Connection to server has been lost.
A file transfer is processing.
A channel's properties has been updated.
The client instance was kicked from a channel.
Connected successfully to the server.
A new or updated desktop window has been received from a user.
User changed properties.
A media file recording has changed status.
The first voice packet of a new voice stream has been received.
Media file played locally is processing.
A user has joined a channel.
A button was pressed or released on the user's keyboard or mouse.
The server rejected a command issued by the local client instance.
The client instance successfully logged on to server.
Server statistics available.
Media file being streamed to a channel is processing.
Progress is audio being injected as STREAMTYPE_VOICE.
A new file is added to a channel.
User has left a channel.
A new user logged on to the server.
A channel has been removed.
The maximum size of the payload put into UDP packets has been updated.
An internal error occurred in the client instance.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Firewall_IsEnabled(void)
Check if the Windows Firewall is currently enabled.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Firewall_RemoveAppException(IN const TTCHAR *szExecutable)
Remove an application from the Windows Firewall exception list.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Firewall_AddAppException(IN const TTCHAR *szName, IN const TTCHAR *szExecutable)
Add an application to the Windows Firewall exception list.
Enable/disable the Windows Firewall.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Firewall_AppExceptionExists(IN const TTCHAR *szExecutable)
Check if an executable is already in the Windows Firewall exception list.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_HotKey_IsActive(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nHotKeyID)
Check whether hotkey is active.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_HotKey_GetKeyString(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nVKCode, OUT TTCHAR szKeyName[TT_STRLEN])
Get a string description of the virtual-key code.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_HotKey_Register(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nHotKeyID, IN const INT32 *lpnVKCodes, IN INT32 nVKCodeCount)
Register a global hotkey.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_HotKey_RemoveTestHook(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Remove the test hook again so the hWnd in TT_HotKey_InstallTestHook will no longer be notified.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_HotKey_Unregister(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nHotKeyID)
Unregister a registered hotkey.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_HotKey_InstallTestHook(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN HWND hWnd, UINT32 uMsg)
Install a test hook so the HWND will be messaged whenever a key or mouse button is pressed.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_PumpMessage(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, ClientEvent nClientEvent, INT32 nIdentifier)
Cause client instance event thread to schedule an update event.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetMessage(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, OUT TTMessage *pMsg, IN const INT32 *pnWaitMs)
Poll for events in the client instance.
VOID TTInstance
Pointer to a TeamTalk client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
UINT32 ClientFlags
A bitmask based on ClientFlag describing the local client instance's current state.
Replace the HWND passed as parameter to TT_InitTeamTalk with this HWND.
Flags used to describe the the client instance current state.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetLicenseInformation(IN const TTCHAR szRegName[TT_STRLEN], IN const TTCHAR szRegKey[TT_STRLEN])
Set license information to disable trial mode.
TEAMTALKDLL_API ClientFlags TT_GetFlags(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get a bitmask describing the client's current state.
TEAMTALKDLL_API const TTCHAR * TT_GetVersion(void)
Get the DLL's version number.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CloseTeamTalk(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Close the TeamTalk client instance and release its resources.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTInstance * TT_InitTeamTalk(IN HWND hWnd, IN UINT32 uMsg)
Create a new TeamTalk client instance where events are posted to a HWND.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTInstance * TT_InitTeamTalkPoll(void)
Create a new TeamTalk client instance where events are 'polled' using TT_GetMessage.
If set the client instance is connected to a server, i.e. CLIENTEVENT_CON_SUCCESS event has been issu...
If set the client instance is currently try to connect to a server, i.e. TT_Connect has been called.
If set the client instance is currently transmitting audio.
If set the client instance is currently transmitting a desktop window. A desktop window update is iss...
If set the client instance is running in sound duplex mode where multiple audio output streams are mi...
If set the client instance has muted all users.
If set the client is currently streaming the video of a media file. When streaming a video file the C...
If set the client instance will auto position users in a 180 degree circle using 3D-sound....
If set the client instance is currently muxing audio streams into a single file. This is enabled by c...
The client instance (TTInstance) is in closed state, i.e. TT_InitTeamTalk has return a valid instance...
If set the client instance's sound input device has been initialized, i.e. TT_InitSoundInputDevice ha...
If set the client instance current have an active desktop session, i.e. TT_SendDesktopWindow() has be...
Helper for CLIENT_CONNECTING and CLIENT_CONNECTED to see if TT_Disconnect should be called.
If set the client instance is logged on to a server, i.e. got CLIENTEVENT_CMD_MYSELF_LOGGEDIN event a...
If set GetSoundInputLevel() is higher than the voice activation level. To enable voice transmission i...
If set the client instance's sound output device has been initialized, i.e. TT_InitSoundOutputDevice ...
If set the client instance will start transmitting audio if the sound level is above the voice activa...
If set the client instance is currently transmitting video.
If set the client is currently streaming the audio of a media file. When streaming a video file the C...
If set the client instance's video device has been initialized, i.e. TT_InitVideoCaptureDevice has be...
Get the name of the mixer associated with a wave-in device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Mixer_GetWaveInControlName(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN INT32 nControlIndex, OUT TTCHAR szDeviceName[TT_STRLEN])
Get the name of the Wave-In device with the specified index.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_Mixer_GetWaveInMute(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID)
See if microphone is muted.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Mixer_SetWaveOutVolume(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN MixerControl nControl, IN INT32 nVolume)
Set the volume of a Windows Mixer Wave-Out device from the 'enum' of devices.
Mute/unmute microphone input.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_Mixer_GetMixerCount(void)
Get the number of Windows Mixers available.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Mixer_SetWaveOutMute(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN MixerControl nControl, IN TTBOOL bMute)
Mute or unmute a Windows Mixer Wave-Out device from the 'enum' of devices.
The Windows mixer controls which can be queried by the TT_Mixer_* functions.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_Mixer_GetWaveInBoost(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID)
See if microphone boost is enabled.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_Mixer_GetWaveOutMute(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN MixerControl nControl)
Get the mute state of a Windows Mixer Wave-Out device from the 'enum' of devices.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_Mixer_GetWaveOutVolume(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN MixerControl nControl)
Get the volume of a Windows Mixer Wave-Out device from the 'enum' of devices.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_Mixer_GetWaveInControlCount(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID)
Get the number of Windows Mixer Wave-In devices.
Get the name of the mixer associated with a wave-out device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Mixer_SetWaveInControlSelected(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN INT32 nControlIndex)
Set the selected state of a Wave-In device in the Windows Mixer.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_Mixer_GetWaveInVolume(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN MixerControl nControl)
Get the volume of a Windows Mixer Wave-In device from the 'enum' of devices.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Mixer_GetWaveInControlSelected(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN INT32 nControlIndex)
Get the selected state of a Wave-In device in the Windows Mixer.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Mixer_SetWaveInVolume(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN MixerControl nControl, IN INT32 nVolume)
Set the volume of a Windows Mixer Wave-In device from the 'enum' of devices.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Mixer_SetWaveInSelected(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN MixerControl nControl)
Set the selected state of a Windows Mixer Wave-In device from the 'enum' of devices.
Enable and disable microphone boost.
Get the name of a Windows Mixer based on its name.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_Mixer_GetWaveInSelected(IN INT32 nWaveDeviceID, IN MixerControl nControl)
Get the selected state of a Windows Mixer Wave-In device from the 'enum' of devices.
UINT32 ServerLogEvents
Bitmask of ServerLogEvent.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetServerUsers(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN OUT User *lpUsers, IN OUT INT32 *lpnHowMany)
Get all the users on the server.
struct BannedUser BannedUser
A struct containing the properties of a banned user.
struct ServerProperties ServerProperties
A struct containing the properties of the server's settings.
Way to ban a user from either login or joining a channel.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetServerProperties(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, OUT ServerProperties *lpServerProperties)
Get the server's properties.
struct UserAccount UserAccount
A struct containing the properties of a user account.
UINT32 UserRights
A bitmask based on UserRight for holding the rights users have who log on the server.
UINT32 BanTypes
A mask of types of bans that apply.
The rights users have once they have logged on to the server.
struct ServerStatistics ServerStatistics
A struct containing the server's statistics, i.e. bandwidth usage and user activity.
Events that are logged by the server, i.e. written to server's log file.
struct AbusePrevention AbusePrevention
Properties to prevent server abuse.
Ban szIPAddress specified in BannedUser.
Ban szUsername specified in BannedUser.
Ban type not set.
The ban applies to the channel specified in the szChannel of BannedUser. Otherwise the ban applies to...
User can see hidden channels, CHANNEL_HIDDEN.
User can upload files to channels.
User is allowed to stream audio files to channel.
User can download files from channels.
User can see users in all other channels.
User can update server properties.
User's nick name is locked. TT_DoChangeNickname() cannot be used and TT_DoLogin() will ignore szNickn...
User can make other users channel operator.
User can move users from one channel to another.
Users who log onto the server has none of the rights below.
User can broadcast text message of type MSGTYPE_BROADCAST to all users.
User can kick users off the server.
User can add and remove banned users.
User is allowed to create permanent channels which are stored in the server's configuration file.
User is allowed to stream media files to channel.
User is allowed to forward video packets through server. TT_StartVideoCaptureTransmission()
User can record voice in all channels. Even channels with CHANNEL_NO_RECORDING.
User is allowed to stream video files to channel.
User's status is locked. TT_DoChangeStatus() cannot be used.
Allow multiple users to log on to the server with the same UserAccount.
User is allowed to forward desktop input packets through server.
User is allowed to forward desktop packets through server.
User is allowed to create temporary channels which disappear when last user leaves the channel.
Users are allowed to forward audio packets through server. TT_EnableVoiceTransmission()
User was moved to another channel is logged to file by the server.
User's status is logged to file by the server.
User's private text messages are logged to file by the server.
User saved server's configuration is logged to file by the server.
User failed to log in is logged to file by the server.
User's channel text messages are logged to file by the server.
User left a channel is logged to file by the server.
User removed a channel is logged to file by the server.
User updated a channel is logged to file by the server.
User was kicked is logged to file by the server.
User's IP-address is logged to file by serer.
User joined a channel is logged to file by the server.
User logged out is logged to file by the server.
User disconnected due to connection timeout is logged to file by the server.
User uploaded a file is logged to file by the server.
User's broadcast text messages are logged to file by the server.
User created new channel is logged to file by the server.
User deleted a file is logged to file by the server.
User's custom text messages are logged to file by the server.
Nothing is logged to file by server.
User was removed from ban list is logged to file by the server.
User was banned is logged to file by the server.
User downloaded a file is logged to file by the server.
User disconnected from server is logged to file by the server.
User updated server's properties is logged to file by the server.
User logged in is logged to file by the server.
VOID TTSoundLoop
Pointer to a sound loop for testing sound devices created by TT_StartSoundLoopbackTest()
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetSoundInputGainLevel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nLevel)
Set voice gaining of recorded audio.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetUserMute(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamType nStreamType, IN TTBOOL bMute)
Mute a user.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetSoundDeviceEffects(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const SoundDeviceEffects *lpSoundDeviceEffect)
Set up audio effects on a sound device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetSoundDeviceEffects(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, OUT SoundDeviceEffects *lpSoundDeviceEffect)
Get the audio effects that are currently enabled.
The supported sound systems.
struct SoundDevice SoundDevice
A struct containing the properties of a sound device for either playback or recording.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_RestartSoundSystem(void)
Reinitialize sound system (in order to detect new/removed devices).
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetDefaultSoundDevices(OUT INT32 *lpnInputDeviceID, OUT INT32 *lpnOutputDeviceID)
Get the default sound devices.
UINT32 SoundDeviceFeatures
A bitmask of available SoundDeviceFeature. Checkout uSoundDeviceFeatures on SoundDevice.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_EnableAudioBlockEvent(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamTypes uStreamTypes, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
Enable/disable access to raw audio from individual users, local microphone input or mixed stream of a...
Features available on a sound device. Checkout uSoundDeviceFeatures on SoundDevice.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetDefaultSoundDevicesEx(IN SoundSystem nSndSystem, OUT INT32 *lpnInputDeviceID, OUT INT32 *lpnOutputDeviceID)
Get the default sound devices for the specified sound system.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetUserAudioStreamBufferSize(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamTypes uStreamType, IN INT32 nMSec)
Change the amount of media data which can be buffered in the user's playback queue.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetUserJitterControl(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamType nStreamType, IN const JitterConfig *lpJitterConfig)
Set the configuration for de-jitter measures for a user.
TEAMTALKDLL_API AudioBlock * TT_AcquireUserAudioBlock(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN StreamTypes uStreamTypes, IN INT32 nUserID)
Extract the raw audio associated with the event CLIENTEVENT_USER_AUDIOBLOCK.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_ReleaseUserAudioBlock(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN AudioBlock *lpAudioBlock)
Release the shared memory of an AudioBlock.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Enable3DSoundPositioning(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
Enable automatically position users using 3D-sound.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetSoundDevices(IN OUT SoundDevice *lpSoundDevices, IN OUT INT32 *lpnHowMany)
Retrieve list of sound devices for recording and playback.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetSoundInputPreprocessEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const AudioPreprocessor *lpAudioPreprocessor)
Enable sound preprocessor which should be used for processing audio recorded by the sound input devic...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetUserJitterControl(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamType nStreamType, IN JitterConfig *lpJitterConfig)
Get the de-jitter configuration for a user.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTSoundLoop * TT_StartSoundLoopbackTestEx(IN INT32 nInputDeviceID, IN INT32 nOutputDeviceID, IN INT32 nSampleRate, IN INT32 nChannels, IN TTBOOL bDuplexMode, IN const AudioPreprocessor *lpAudioPreprocessor, IN const SoundDeviceEffects *lpSoundDeviceEffects)
Perform a record and playback test of specified sound devices along with an audio configuration.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_InitSoundOutputDevice(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nOutputDeviceID)
Initialize the sound output device (for audio playback).
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_InitSoundOutputSharedDevice(IN INT32 nSampleRate, IN INT32 nChannels, IN INT32 nFrameSize)
Setup sample rate, channels and frame size of shared sound output device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CloseSoundOutputDevice(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Shutdown the output sound device.
struct AudioBlock AudioBlock
An audio block containing the raw audio from a user who was talking.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetUserPosition(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamType nStreamType, IN float x, IN float y, IN float z)
Set the position of a user.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetSoundInputLevel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get the volume level of the current recorded audio.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_InitSoundInputDevice(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nInputDeviceID)
Initialize the sound input device (for recording audio).
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_InitSoundDuplexDevices(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nInputDeviceID, IN INT32 nOutputDeviceID)
Enable duplex mode where multiple audio streams are mixed into a single stream using software.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetSoundInputPreprocess(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, OUT SpeexDSP *lpSpeexDSP)
Get the sound preprocessor settings which are currently in use for recorded sound input device (voice...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetUserVolume(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamType nStreamType, IN INT32 nVolume)
Set the volume of a user.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_EnableAudioBlockEventEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamTypes uStreamTypes, IN const AudioFormat *lpAudioFormat, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
Enable/disable access to raw audio from individual users, local microphone input or mixed stream of a...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetSoundInputPreprocessEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, OUT AudioPreprocessor *lpAudioPreprocessor)
Get the sound preprocessor settings which are currently in use for recorded sound input device (voice...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetUserStereo(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamType nStreamType, IN TTBOOL bLeftSpeaker, IN TTBOOL bRightSpeaker)
Set whether a user should speak in the left, right or both speakers. This function only works if Audi...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetSoundOutputMute(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN TTBOOL bMuteAll)
Set all users mute.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetUserMediaStorageDir(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN const TTCHAR *szFolderPath, IN const TTCHAR *szFileNameVars, IN AudioFileFormat uAFF)
Store user's audio to disk.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_AutoPositionUsers(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Automatically position users using 3D-sound.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CloseSoundLoopbackTest(IN TTSoundLoop *lpTTSoundLoop)
Stop recorder and playback test.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetSoundOutputVolume(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nVolume)
Set master volume.
struct SoundDeviceEffects SoundDeviceEffects
Set up audio effects supported by the sound device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_InitSoundInputSharedDevice(IN INT32 nSampleRate, IN INT32 nChannels, IN INT32 nFrameSize)
Setup sample rate, channels and frame size of shared sound input device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetSoundInputPreprocess(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const SpeexDSP *lpSpeexDSP)
Enable sound preprocessor which should be used for processing audio recorded by the sound input devic...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetUserStoppedPlaybackDelay(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN StreamType nStreamType, IN INT32 nDelayMSec)
Set the delay of when a user should no longer be considered as playing audio (either voice or audio f...
An enum encapsulation the minimum, maximum and default sound levels for input and output sound device...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CloseSoundDuplexDevices(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Shut down sound devices running in duplex mode.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetUserMediaStorageDirEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN const TTCHAR *szFolderPath, IN const TTCHAR *szFileNameVars, IN AudioFileFormat uAFF, IN INT32 nStopRecordingExtraDelayMSec)
Store user's audio to disk.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTSoundLoop * TT_StartSoundLoopbackTest(IN INT32 nInputDeviceID, IN INT32 nOutputDeviceID, IN INT32 nSampleRate, IN INT32 nChannels, IN TTBOOL bDuplexMode, IN const SpeexDSP *lpSpeexDSP)
Perform a record and playback test of specified sound devices along with an audio configuration.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetSoundInputGainLevel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get voice gain level of outgoing audio.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CloseSoundInputDevice(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Shutdown the input sound device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetSoundOutputVolume(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get master volume.
Sound system denoting invalid or not found.
DirectSound audio system. Should be used on Windows.
Android sound API.
Windows Audio Session API (WASAPI). Should be used on Windows Vista/7/8/10.
iOS sound API.
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA). Should be used on Linux.
Windows legacy audio system. Should be used on Windows Mobile.
Core Audio. Should be used on MacOS.
The SoundDevice can enable Automatic Gain Control (AGC). Enable AGC use property bEnableAGC on SoundD...
The SoundDevice can position user in 3D.
The SoundDevice is the default communication device. This feature is only supported on SOUNDSYSTEM_WA...
The SoundDevice can enable Acoustic Echo Canceler (AEC). Enable AEC use property bEnableAEC on SoundD...
The SoundDevice can enable denoising. Enable denoising use property bEnableDenoising on SoundDeviceEf...
The SoundDevice can run in duplex mode.
No sound device features are available on this sound device.
The minimum value of recorded audio.
The minimum gain level (since it's zero it means silence).
The default volume. Use this whenever possible since it requires the least amount of CPU usage.
The maximum gain level.
The maximum volume.
The maximum value of recorded audio.
The minimum volume.
The default gain level.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_StopVideoCaptureTransmission(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Stop transmitting from video capture device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_StartVideoCaptureTransmission(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const VideoCodec *lpVideoCodec)
Start transmitting from video capture device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetVoiceActivationLevel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nLevel)
Set voice activation level.
UINT32 StreamTypes
Mask of StreamType.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_StartRecordingMuxedStreams(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN StreamTypes uStreamTypes, IN const AudioCodec *lpAudioCodec, IN const TTCHAR *szAudioFileName, IN AudioFileFormat uAFF)
Mix multiple StreamTypes into a single audio file.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_StopRecordingMuxedAudioFileEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID)
Stop recording conversations from a channel to a single file.
The types of streams which are available for transmission.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_StopRecordingMuxedAudioFile(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Stop an active muxed audio recording.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_EnableVoiceTransmission(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
Start/stop transmitting of voice data from sound input.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_StartRecordingMuxedAudioFileEx(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nChannelID, IN const TTCHAR *szAudioFileName, IN AudioFileFormat uAFF)
Store audio conversations from a specific channel into a single file.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SetVoiceActivationStopDelay(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nDelayMSec)
Set the delay of when voice activation should be stopped.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_InsertAudioBlock(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const AudioBlock *lpAudioBlock)
Transmit application provided raw audio in AudioBlock-structs as STREAMTYPE_VOICE,...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetVoiceActivationStopDelay(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get the delay of when voice active state should be disabled.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetVoiceActivationLevel(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get voice activation level.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_StartRecordingMuxedAudioFile(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const AudioCodec *lpAudioCodec, IN const TTCHAR *szAudioFileName, IN AudioFileFormat uAFF)
Store all audio conversations with specific AudioCodec settings to a single file.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_EnableVoiceActivation(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN TTBOOL bEnable)
Enable voice activation.
Audio stream type from a media file which is being streamed.
Shortcut to allow voice, media files, desktop, webcamera and channel messages.
Desktop input stream type which is keyboard or mouse input being transmitted.
Shortcut to allow both audio and video media files.
Video capture stream type which is video recorded from a webcam.
Desktop window stream type which is a window (or bitmap) being transmitted.
Stream type for audio of local playback.
No stream.
Voice stream type which is audio recorded from a sound input device.
Channel text messages as stream type.
Video stream type from a media file which is being streamed.
The types of users supported.
Text message types.
struct UserStatistics UserStatistics
Packet reception and data statistics for a user.
UINT32 Subscriptions
A bitmask based on Subscription describing which subscriptions are enabled.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetUser(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, OUT User *lpUser)
Get the user with the specified ID.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetUserStatistics(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, OUT UserStatistics *lpUserStatistics)
Get statistics for data and packet reception from a user.
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetMyUserID(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get the local client instance's user ID.
struct TextMessage TextMessage
A struct containing the properties of a text message sent by a user.
UINT32 UserTypes
A bitmask based on UserType describing the user type.
TEAMTALKDLL_API UserRights TT_GetMyUserRights(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Convenience method for TT_GetMyUserAccount()
UINT32 UserStates
A bitmask based on UserState indicating a User's current state.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetMyUserAccount(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, OUT UserAccount *lpUserAccount)
Get the local client instance's UserAccount.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetUserByUsername(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szUsername, OUT User *lpUser)
Get the user with the specified username.
TEAMTALKDLL_API UserTypes TT_GetMyUserType(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Get the client instance's user type.
A user by default accepts audio, video and text messages from all users. Using subscribtions can,...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_GetMyUserData(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
If an account was used in TT_DoLogin then this value will return the nUserData from the UserAccount.
struct User User
A struct containing the properties of a user.
The possible states for a user. Used for User's uUserState variable.
A default user who can join channels.
A user with administrator privileges.
Used internally to denote an unauthenticated user.
A broadcast message. Requires USERRIGHT_TEXTMESSAGE_BROADCAST.
A User to channel text message. Users of type USERTYPE_DEFAULT can only send this text message to the...
A User to user text message. A message of this type can be sent across channels.
A custom user to user text message. Works the same way as MSGTYPE_USER.
An incomplete text message.
Subscribing to broadcast text messsages.
Subscribing to user text messages.
Intercept all voice sent by a user. Only user-type USERTYPE_ADMIN can do this. By enabling this subsc...
Intercept all video sent by a user. Only user-type USERTYPE_ADMIN can do this. By enabling this subsc...
Intercept all desktop data sent by a user. Only user-type USERTYPE_ADMIN can do this....
Subscribing to custom user messages.
Intercept all channel messages sent by a user. Only user-type USERTYPE_ADMIN can do this.
No subscriptions.
Subscribing to channel texxt messages.
Intercept all user text messages sent by a user. Only user-type USERTYPE_ADMIN can do this.
Subscribing to STREAMTYPE_VOICE.
Intercept all custom text messages sent by user. Only user-type USERTYPE_ADMIN can do this.
Intercept all media file data sent by a user. Only user-type USERTYPE_ADMIN can do this....
If set the user is currently talking. If this flag changes the event CLIENTEVENT_USER_STATECHANGE is ...
If set the user currently has an active video stream. If this flag changes the event CLIENTEVENT_USER...
If set the user's media file playback is muted.
If set user is streaming a media file. If this flag changes the event CLIENTEVENT_USER_STATECHANGE is...
If set the user's voice is muted.
The user is in initial state.
If set the user currently streams a video file. If this flag changes the event CLIENTEVENT_USER_STATE...
If set the user currently streams an audio file. If user is streaming a video file with audio then th...
If set the user currently has an active desktop session. If this flag changes the event CLIENTEVENT_U...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CloseVideoCaptureDevice(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
Close a video capture device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_InitVideoCaptureDevice(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const TTCHAR *szDeviceID, IN const VideoFormat *lpVideoFormat)
Initialize a video capture device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API VideoFrame * TT_AcquireUserVideoCaptureFrame(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID)
Extract a user's video capture frame for display.
struct VideoFrame VideoFrame
A RGB32 image where the pixels can be accessed directly in an allocated frameBuffer.
struct VideoFormat VideoFormat
A struct containing the properties of a video capture format.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_PaintVideoFrameEx(IN HDC hDC, IN INT32 XDest, IN INT32 YDest, IN INT32 nDestWidth, IN INT32 nDestHeight, IN INT32 XSrc, IN INT32 YSrc, IN INT32 nSrcWidth, IN INT32 nSrcHeight, IN VideoFrame *lpVideoFrame)
Paint user's video frame using a Windows' DC (device context).
struct VideoCaptureDevice VideoCaptureDevice
A struct containing the properties of a video capture device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_PaintVideoFrame(IN HDC hDC, IN INT32 XDest, IN INT32 YDest, IN INT32 nDestWidth, IN INT32 nDestHeight, IN VideoFrame *lpVideoFrame)
Paint user's video frame using a Windows' DC (device context).
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_ReleaseUserVideoCaptureFrame(IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN VideoFrame *lpVideoFrame)
Delete a user's video frame, acquired through TT_AcquireUserVideoCaptureFrame(), so its allocated res...
The picture format used by a capture device.
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_GetVideoCaptureDevices(IN OUT VideoCaptureDevice *lpVideoDevices, IN OUT INT32 *lpnHowMany)
Get the list of devices available for video capture.
The image format with the highest bandwidth usage. A 640x480 pixel images takes up 1....
Prefered image format with the lowest bandwidth usage. A 640x480 pixel image takes up 460....
Image format where a 640x480 pixel images takes up 614.400 bytes.
Internal use to denote no supported formats.
Properties to prevent server abuse.
INT32 nCommandsIntervalMSec
Commands within given interval.
INT32 nCommandsLimit
Limit number of commands a user can send to the server.
An audio block containing the raw audio from a user who was talking.
VOID * lpRawAudio
The raw audio in 16-bit integer format array. The size of the array in bytes is sizeof(short) * nSamp...
INT32 nSampleRate
The sample rate of the raw audio.
UINT32 uSampleIndex
The index of the first sample in lpRawAudio. Its value will be a multiple of nSamples....
StreamTypes uStreamTypes
The stream types used to generate the AudioBlock's raw audio.
INT32 nChannels
The number of channels used (1 for mono, 2 for stereo).
INT32 nStreamID
The ID of the stream. The stream id changes every time the user enables a new transmission using TT_E...
INT32 nSamples
The number of samples in the raw audio array.
Struct used for specifying which audio codec a channel uses.
SpeexCodec speex
Speex codec settings if nCodec is SPEEX_CODEC.
OpusCodec opus
Opus codec settings if nCodec is OPUS_CODEC.
Codec nCodec
Specifies whether the member speex, speex_vbr or opus holds the codec settings.
SpeexVBRCodec speex_vbr
Speex codec settings if nCodec is SPEEX_VBR_CODEC.
Audio configuration for clients in a channel.
INT32 nGainLevel
Reference gain level to be used by all users.
Users should enable automatic gain control.
Configure the audio preprocessor specified by nPreprocessor.
WebRTCAudioPreprocessor webrtc
Used when nPreprocessor is WEBRTC_AUDIOPREPROCESSOR.
SpeexDSP speexdsp
Used when nPreprocessor is SPEEXDSP_AUDIOPREPROCESSOR.
TTAudioPreprocessor ttpreprocessor
Used when nPreprocessor is TEAMTALK_AUDIOPREPROCESSOR.
AudioPreprocessorType nPreprocessor
The audio preprocessor to use in the union of audio preprocessors.
A struct containing the properties of a banned user.
Channel where user was located when banned.
BanTypes uBanTypes
The type of ban that applies to this banned user.
Date and time when user was banned. Read-only property. Date/time is converted local time.
Nickname of banned user. Read-only property.
Username of banned user.
IP-address of banned user.
A struct containing the properties of a channel.
Password to join the channel. When extracted through TT_GetChannel the password will only be set for ...
Topic of the channel.
INT32 nMaxUsers
Max number of users in channel.
INT32 transmitUsers[TT_TRANSMITUSERS_MAX][2]
List of users who can transmit in a channel.
INT64 nDiskQuota
Number of bytes available for file storage.
TTBOOL bPassword
Whether password is required to join channel. Read-only property.
INT32 nParentID
Parent channel ID. 0 means no parent channel, i.e. it's the root channel.
INT32 nTransmitUsersQueueDelayMSec
Delay for switching to next active voice user in transmitUsersQueue.
ChannelTypes uChannelType
A bitmask of the type of channel based on ChannelType.
AudioConfig audiocfg
The audio configuration which users who join the channel should use.
INT32 transmitUsersQueue[TT_TRANSMITQUEUE_MAX]
The users currently queued for voice or media file transmission.
INT32 nChannelID
The channel's ID. A value from 1 - TT_CHANNELID_MAX.
AudioCodec audiocodec
The audio codec used by users in the channel.
Name of the channel.
INT32 nUserData
User specific data which will be stored on persistent storage on the server if the channel type is CH...
Password to become channel operator.
Struct containing an error message.
INT32 nErrorNo
Error number based on ClientError.
Text message describing the error.
Control timers for sending keep alive information to the server.
INT32 nConnectionLostMSec
The duration before the TTInstance should consider the client/server connection lost.
INT32 nUdpKeepAliveRTXMSec
Client instance's interval for retransmitting UDP keep alive packets. If server hasn't responded to U...
INT32 nUdpKeepAliveIntervalMSec
Client instance's interval between sending UDP keep alive packets. The UDP keep alive packets are use...
INT32 nTcpKeepAliveIntervalMSec
Client instance's interval between automatically doing TT_DoPing() command. Read-only value....
INT32 nUdpConnectRTXMSec
Client instance's interval for retransmitting UDP connect packets. UDP connect packets are only sent ...
INT32 nUdpConnectTimeoutMSec
The duration before the client instance should give up trying to connect to the server on UDP....
Statistics of bandwidth usage and ping times in the local client instance.
INT64 nUdpBytesRecv
Bytes received on UDP.
INT32 nUdpPingTimeMs
Response time to server on UDP (based on ping/pong sent at a specified interval. Set to -1 if not cur...
INT32 nSoundInputDeviceDelayMSec
Delay of sound input device until the first audio frame is delivered (in msec).
INT64 nUdpBytesSent
Bytes sent on UDP.
INT32 nTcpServerSilenceSec
The number of seconds nothing has been received by the client on TCP.
INT64 nMediaFileAudioBytesSent
Audio from media file data sent (on UDP).
INT64 nDesktopBytesSent
Desktop data sent (on UDP).
INT64 nVoiceBytesRecv
Voice data received (on UDP).
INT32 nUdpServerSilenceSec
The number of seconds nothing has been received by the client on UDP.
INT64 nMediaFileVideoBytesRecv
Video from media file data received (on UDP).
INT64 nVoiceBytesSent
Voice data sent (on UDP).
INT64 nMediaFileVideoBytesSent
Video from media file data sent (on UDP).
INT64 nVideoCaptureBytesSent
Video data sent (on UDP).
INT64 nMediaFileAudioBytesRecv
Audio from media file data received (on UDP).
INT32 nTcpPingTimeMs
Response time to server on TCP (based on ping/pong sent at a specified interval. Set to -1 if not cur...
INT64 nVideoCaptureBytesRecv
Video data received (on UDP).
INT64 nDesktopBytesRecv
Desktop data received (on UDP).
A struct containing the properties of a shared desktop window.
INT32 nFrameBufferSize
The size in bytes of the buffer allocate in frameBuffer. Typically nBytesPerLine * nHeight.
INT32 nWidth
The width in pixels of the bitmap.
INT32 nHeight
The height in pixels of the bitmap.
INT32 nBytesPerLine
The number of bytes for each scan-line in the bitmap. Zero means 4-byte aligned.
INT32 nSessionID
The ID of the session which the bitmap belongs to. If the session ID changes it means the user has st...
BitmapFormat bmpFormat
The format of the bitmap.
VOID * frameBuffer
A buffer pointing to the bitmap data (often refered to as Scan0).
DesktopProtocol nProtocol
The desktop protocol used for transmitting the desktop window.
Configure peer verification for encrypted connection.
TTBOOL bVerifyClientOnce
Whether to only verify client's certificate once during initial connection.
TTCHAR szCertificateFile[TT_STRLEN]
Path to SSL certificate in PEM format.
TTCHAR szPrivateKeyFile[TT_STRLEN]
Path to certificate's private key.
Path to directory containing Certificate Authority (CA) Certificates in PEM format.
TTBOOL bVerifyPeer
Verify that peer (client or server) uses a certificate that has been generated by the Certificate Aut...
Path to Certificate Authority (CA) Certificate in PEM format.
INT32 nVerifyDepth
Set limit to depth in the certificate chain during the verification procedure.
A struct containing the properties of a file transfer.
FileTransferStatus nStatus
Status of file transfer.
TTBOOL bInbound
TRUE if download and FALSE if upload.
TTCHAR szRemoteFileName[TT_STRLEN]
The filename in the channel.
INT32 nChannelID
The channel where the file is/will be located.
INT64 nTransferred
The number of bytes transferred so far.
INT64 nFileSize
The size of the file being transferred.
INT32 nTransferID
The ID identifying the file transfer.
The file path on local disk.
Configuration parameters for the Jitter Buffer.
INT32 nActiveAdaptiveDelayMSec
The current adaptive delay. When used with TT_SetUserJitterControl, this value is used as the adaptiv...
INT32 nMaxAdaptiveDelayMSec
A hard maximum delay on the adaptive delay. Only valid when higher than zero. Default = 0.
TTBOOL bUseAdativeDejitter
Turns adaptive jitter buffering ON/OFF. Default is OFF.
INT32 nFixedDelayMSec
The fixed delay in milliseconds. Default = 0.
OPUS audio codec settings. For detailed information about the OPUS codec check out http://www....
INT32 nChannels
Mono = 1 or stereo = 2.
TTBOOL bVBRConstraint
Enable constrained VBR. bVBR must be enabled to enable this.
Forward error correction. Corrects errors if there's packetloss.
INT32 nBitRate
Bitrate for encoded audio. Should be between OPUS_MIN_BITRATE and OPUS_MAX_BITRATE.
Discontinuous transmission. Enables "null" packets during silence.
Enable variable bitrate.
INT32 nFrameSizeMSec
OPUS supports 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 msec. If nFrameSizeMSec is 0 then nFrameSizeMSe...
INT32 nSampleRate
The sample rate to use. Sample rate must be 8000, 12000, 16000, 24000 or 48000 Hz.
INT32 nApplication
Application of encoded audio, i.e. VoIP or music.
INT32 nComplexity
Complexity of encoding (affects CPU usage). Value from 0-10.
INT32 nTxIntervalMSec
Duration of audio before each transmission. Minimum is 2 msec. Recommended is 40 msec....
A struct containing the properties of a file in a Channel.
Username of the person who uploaded the file.
The name of the file.
INT64 nFileSize
The size of the file.
Time when file was uploaded. Date/time is converted local time.
INT32 nFileID
The ID identifying the file.
INT32 nChannelID
The ID of the channel where the file is located.
A struct containing the properties of the server's settings.
The message of the day including variables. The result of the szMOTDRaw string will be displayed in s...
ServerLogEvents uServerLogEvents
The events that are logged on the server.
The server's name.
INT32 nLoginDelayMSec
Number of msec before an IP-address can make another login attempt. If less than this amount then TT_...
INT32 nTcpPort
The server's TCP port.
TTCHAR szServerProtocolVersion[TT_STRLEN]
The version of the server's protocol. Read-only property.
INT32 nMaxUsers
The maximum number of users allowed on the server. A user with admin account can ignore this.
A randomly generated 256 bit access token created by the server to identify the login session.
The message of the day. Read-only property. Use szMOTDRaw to update this property.
TTCHAR szServerVersion[TT_STRLEN]
The server version. Read-only property.
TTBOOL bAutoSave
Whether the server automatically saves changes.
INT32 nUserTimeout
The number of seconds before a user who hasn't responded to keepalives will be kicked off the server.
INT32 nMaxMediaFileTxPerSecond
The maximum number of bytes per second which the server will allow for media file packets....
INT32 nMaxDesktopTxPerSecond
The maximum number of bytes per second which the server will allow for desktop packets....
INT32 nMaxLoginsPerIPAddress
The maximum number of users allowed to log in with the same IP-address. 0 means disabled.
INT32 nUdpPort
The server's UDP port.
INT32 nMaxLoginAttempts
The maximum number of logins with wrong password before banning user's IP-address.
INT32 nMaxVoiceTxPerSecond
The maximum number of bytes per second which the server will allow for voice packets....
INT32 nMaxVideoCaptureTxPerSecond
The maximum number of bytes per second which the server will allow for video input packets....
INT32 nMaxTotalTxPerSecond
The amount of bytes per second which the server will allow for packet forwarding. If this value is ex...
A struct containing the server's statistics, i.e. bandwidth usage and user activity.
INT64 nVideoCaptureBytesTX
The number of bytes in video packets sent from the server to clients.
INT64 nVoiceBytesRX
The number of bytes in audio packets received by the server from clients.
INT64 nUptimeMSec
The server's uptime in msec.
INT64 nVoiceBytesTX
The number of bytes in audio packets sent from the server to clients.
INT64 nDesktopBytesTX
The number of bytes in desktop packets sent from the server to clients.
INT64 nFilesTx
The number of bytes for file transmission transmitted from the server.
INT64 nTotalBytesRX
The number of bytes received by the server from clients.
INT64 nDesktopBytesRX
The number of bytes in desktop packets received by the server from clients.
INT64 nMediaFileBytesTX
The number of bytes in media file packets sent from the server to clients.
INT64 nVideoCaptureBytesRX
The number of bytes in video packets received by the server from clients.
INT64 nMediaFileBytesRX
The number of bytes in media file packets received by the server from clients.
INT64 nFilesRx
The number of bytes for file transmission received by the server.
INT64 nTotalBytesTX
The number of bytes sent from the server to clients.
INT32 nUsersPeak
The highest numbers of users online.
INT32 nUsersServed
The number of users who have logged on to the server.
A struct which describes the properties of a window which can be shared.
The title of the window.
The PID of the owning process.
INT64 nWindowID
The CGWindowID.
INT32 nWndY
Y coordinate of the window relative to the Windows desktop.
INT32 nWindowY
Y coordinate of window.
INT32 nWidth
The width in pixels of the window.
INT32 nWndX
X coordinate of the window relative to the Windows desktop.
INT32 nHeight
The height in pixels of the window.
INT32 nWindowX
X coordinate of window.
The Windows handle of the window.
Set up audio effects supported by the sound device.
TTBOOL bEnableEchoCancellation
Enable echo cancellation.
Enable Automatic Gain Control.
TTBOOL bEnableDenoise
Enable noise suppression.
A struct containing the properties of a sound device for either playback or recording.
INT32 nMaxOutputChannels
The maximum number of output channels.
INT32 inputSampleRates[TT_SAMPLERATES_MAX]
Supported sample rates by device for recording. A zero value terminates the list of supported sample ...
INT32 outputSampleRates[TT_SAMPLERATES_MAX]
Supported sample rates by device for playback. A zero value terminates the list of supported sample r...
The name of the sound device.
INT32 nDeviceID
The ID of the sound device. Used for passing to TT_InitSoundInputDevice and TT_InitSoundOutputDevice....
SoundSystem nSoundSystem
The sound system used by the sound device.
TTBOOL bSupports3D
Whether the sound device supports 3D-sound effects.
INT32 nDefaultSampleRate
The default sample rate for the sound device.
INT32 nWaveDeviceID
A Windows specific ID to the sound device.
SoundDeviceFeatures uSoundDeviceFeatures
Additional features available for this sound device. The sound device features can be used to enable ...
INT32 nMaxInputChannels
The maximum number of input channels.
An identifier uniquely identifying the sound device even when new sound devices are being added and r...
Speex audio codec settings for Constant Bitrate mode (CBR).
INT32 nQuality
A value from 1-10. As of DLL version 4.2 also 0 is supported.
INT32 nBandmode
Set to 0 for 8 KHz (narrow band), set to 1 for 16 KHz (wide band), set to 2 for 32 KHz (ultra-wide ba...
INT32 nTxIntervalMSec
Milliseconds of audio data before each transmission.
TTBOOL bStereoPlayback
Playback should be done in stereo. Doing so will disable 3d-positioning.
Speex DSP is used for specifying how recorded audio from a sound input device should be preprocessed ...
INT32 nGainLevel
A value from 0 to 32768. Default is 8000. Value is ignored if bEnableAGC is FALSE.
INT32 nEchoSuppress
Set maximum attenuation of the residual echo in dB (negative number). Default is -40....
INT32 nMaxIncDBSec
Used so volume should not be amplified too quickly (maximal gain increase in dB/second)....
TTBOOL bEnableEchoCancellation
Enable/disable acoustic echo cancellation (AEC).
INT32 nMaxGainDB
Ensure volume doesn't become too loud (maximal gain in dB). Default is 30. Value is ignored if bEnabl...
TTBOOL bEnableDenoise
Whether clients who join the channel should automatically enable denoising.
INT32 nMaxNoiseSuppressDB
Maximum attenuation of the noise in dB. Negative value! Default value is -30. Value is ignored if bEn...
INT32 nEchoSuppressActive
Set maximum attenuation of the residual echo in dB when near end is active (negative number)....
INT32 nMaxDecDBSec
Used so volume should not be attenuated too quickly (maximal gain decrease in dB/second)....
Whether to enable AGC with the settings specified nGainLevel, nMaxIncDBSec, nMaxDecDBSec and nMaxGain...
Speex audio codec settings for Variable Bitrate mode (VBR).
INT32 nQuality
A value from 0-10. If nBitRate is non-zero it will override this value.
INT32 nTxIntervalMSec
Milliseconds of audio data before each transmission.
Enable/disable discontinuous transmission. When enabled Speex will ignore silence,...
INT32 nMaxBitRate
The maximum bitrate at which the audio codec is allowed to output audio. Set to zero if it should be ...
TTBOOL bStereoPlayback
Playback should be done in stereo. Doing so will disable 3d-positioning.
INT32 nBitRate
The bitrate at which the audio codec should output encoded audio data. Dividing it by 8 gives roughly...
INT32 nBandmode
Set to 0 for 8 KHz (narrow band), set to 1 for 16 KHz (wide band), set to 2 for 32 KHz (ultra-wide ba...
Use TeamTalk's internal audio preprocessor for gain audio. Same as used for TT_SetSoundInputGainLevel...
INT32 nGainLevel
Gain level between SOUND_GAIN_MIN and SOUND_GAIN_MAX. Default is SOUND_GAIN_DEFAULT (no gain).
TTBOOL bMuteLeftSpeaker
Whether to mute left speaker in stereo playback.
TTBOOL bMuteRightSpeaker
Whether to mute right speaker in stereo playback.
A struct containing the properties of an event.
INT32 nStreamID
Valid if ttType is __INT32.
StreamType nStreamType
Valid if ttType is __STREAMTYPE.
INT32 nBytesRemain
Valid if ttType is __INT32.
MediaFileInfo mediafileinfo
Valid if ttType is __MEDIAFILEINFO.
UINT32 uReserved
Reserved. To preserve alignment.
ClientErrorMsg clienterrormsg
Valid if ttType is __CLIENTERRORMSG.
INT32 nPayloadSize
Valid if ttType is __INT32.
DesktopInput desktopinput
Valid if ttType is __DESKTOPINPUT.
TextMessage textmessage
Valid if ttType is __TEXTMESSAGE.
UserAccount useraccount
Valid if ttType is __USERACCOUNT.
RemoteFile remotefile
Valid if ttType is __REMOTEFILE.
TTBOOL bActive
Valid if ttType is __TTBOOL.
User user
Valid if ttType is __USER.
AudioInputProgress audioinputprogress
Valid if ttType is __AUDIOINPUTPROGRESS.
BannedUser banneduser
Valid if ttType is __BANNEDUSER.
ClientEvent nClientEvent
The event's message number.
ServerStatistics serverstatistics
Valid if ttType is __SERVERSTATISTICS.
FileTransfer filetransfer
Valid if ttType is __FILETRANSFER.
ServerProperties serverproperties
Valid if ttType is __SERVERPROPERTIES.
INT32 nSource
The source of the event depends on wmMsg.
Channel channel
Valid if ttType is __CHANNEL.
TTType ttType
Specifies which member to access in the union.
A struct containing the properties of a text message sent by a user.
Whether this text message is to be merged with next text message.
TextMsgType nMsgType
The type of text message.
INT32 nToUserID
Set to zero if channel message.
INT32 nChannelID
Set to zero if nMsgType is MSGTYPE_USER or MSGTYPE_BROADCAST.
The actual text message. The message can be multi-line (include EOL).
TTCHAR szFromUsername[TT_STRLEN]
The originators username.
INT32 nFromUserID
Will be set automatically on outgoing message.
A struct containing the properties of a user account.
Additional notes about this user.
INT32 nUserData
A user data field which can be used for additional information. The nUserData field of the User struc...
AbusePrevention abusePrevent
Properties which can be set to prevent abuse of a server, e.g. limit number of commands issued.
UserRights uUserRights
A bitmask based on UserRight which specifies the rights the user have who logs onto the server....
UserTypes uUserType
A bitmask of the type of user based on UserType.
TTCHAR szLastModified[TT_STRLEN]
Timestamp of last modification of user account. Date/time is converted local time.
User should (manually) join this channel after login. If an initial channel is specified in the user'...
INT32 autoOperatorChannels[TT_CHANNELS_OPERATOR_MAX]
Channels where this user will automatically become channel operator when joining. The channels must b...
INT32 nAudioCodecBpsLimit
Bandwidth restriction for audio codecs created by this user. This value will hold the highest bitrate...
The account's password.
The account's username.
A struct containing the properties of a user.
TTCHAR szMediaStorageDir[TT_STRLEN]
Store audio received from this user to this folder.
Subscriptions uPeerSubscriptions
A bitmask of what this user subscribes to from local client instance. Invoking TT_DoSubscribe() and T...
INT32 nBufferMSecVoice
The size of the buffer (in msec) to hold voice content.
UserTypes uUserType
The uUserType of the user's UserAccount. This property is set by the server and will not change after...
TTBOOL stereoPlaybackMediaFile[2]
Check what speaker a user is outputting to. If index 0 is TRUE then left speaker is playing....
Subscriptions uLocalSubscriptions
A bitmask of what the local user subscribes to from this user. Invoking TT_DoSubscribe() and TT_DoUns...
INT32 nChannelID
The channel which the user is currently participating in. 0 if none. This value can change as a resul...
INT32 nActiveAdaptiveDelayMSec
the currently active adaptive jitter delay for received voice streams for this user.
float soundPositionMediaFile[3]
User's position when using 3D-sound (DirectSound option). Index 0 is x-axis, index 1 is y-axis and in...
The user's nickname. Invoking TT_DoChangeNickname() changes this value. Event CLIENTEVENT_CMD_USER_UP...
The user's IP-address. This value is set by the server.
INT32 nStoppedDelayVoice
The delay of when a user should no longer be considered as talking.
INT32 nStatusMode
The user's current status mode. Invoke TT_DoChangeStatus() to change this value. Event CLIENTEVENT_CM...
INT32 nVolumeMediaFile
The user's voice volume level. Note that it's a virtual volume which is being set since the master vo...
float soundPositionVoice[3]
User's position when using 3D-sound (DirectSound option). Index 0 is x-axis, index 1 is y-axis and in...
TTBOOL stereoPlaybackVoice[2]
Check what speaker a user is outputting to. If index 0 is TRUE then left speaker is playing....
INT32 nStoppedDelayMediaFile
The delay of when a user should no longer be considered playing audio of a media file.
The szUsername of the user's UserAccount. A user account is created by calling TT_DoNewUserAccount()....
INT32 nVolumeVoice
The user's voice volume level. Note that it's a virtual volume which is being set since the master vo...
UserStates uUserState
A bitmask of the user's current state, e.g. talking, muted, etc.
UINT32 uVersion
The user's client version. This property is set by the server and will not change after login....
INT32 nUserID
The user's ID. A value from 1 - TT_USERID_MAX. This property is set by the server and will not change...
INT32 nBufferMSecMediaFile
The size of the buffer (in msec) to hold media file content.
INT32 nUserData
The nUserData of the user's UserAccount. This field can be use to denote e.g. a database ID....
The user's current status message. Invoke TT_DoChangeStatus() to change this value....
The name of the client application which the user is using. This is the value passed as szClientName ...
Packet reception and data statistics for a user.
INT64 nMediaFileAudioPacketsLost
Number of media file audio packets lost from user.
INT64 nMediaFileVideoFramesRecv
Number of media file video frames received from user.
INT64 nVideoCaptureFramesRecv
Number of video frames received from user.
INT64 nMediaFileAudioPacketsRecv
Number of media file audio packets received from user.
INT64 nMediaFileVideoPacketsRecv
Number of media file video packets received from user. A video frame can consist of several video pac...
INT64 nVideoCaptureFramesDropped
Number of video frames dropped because user application didn't retrieve video frames in time.
INT64 nMediaFileVideoFramesLost
Media file video frames which couldn't be shown because packets were lost.
INT64 nVoicePacketsLost
Number of voice packets lost from user.
INT64 nVoicePacketsRecv
Number of voice packets received from user.
INT64 nVideoCapturePacketsRecv
Number of video packets received from user. A video frame can consist of several video packets.
INT64 nVideoCaptureFramesLost
Video frames which couldn't be shown because packets were lost.
INT64 nMediaFileVideoFramesDropped
Number of media file video frames dropped because user application didn't retrieve video frames in ti...
A struct containing the properties of a video capture device.
VideoFormat videoFormats[TT_VIDEOFORMATS_MAX]
The supported capture formats.
The name of the API used to capture video.
The name of the capture device.
INT32 nVideoFormatsCount
The number of capture formats available in videoFormats array.
A string identifying the device.
Struct used for specifying the video codec to use.
Codec nCodec
Specifies member holds the codec settings. So far there is only one video codec to choose from,...
A RGB32 image where the pixels can be accessed directly in an allocated frameBuffer.
INT32 nWidth
The width in pixels of the image contained in frameBuffer.
INT32 nHeight
The height in pixels of the image contained in imageBuffer.
VOID * frameBuffer
A buffer allocated internally by client instance.
INT32 nStreamID
A unique identifier for the frames which are part of the same video sequence. If the stream ID change...
TTBOOL bKeyFrame
Whether the image acquired is a key-frame. If it is not a key-frame and there has been packet loss or...
INT32 nFrameBufferSize
The size in bytes of the buffer allocate in frameBuffer.
WebM video codec settings.
UINT32 nEncodeDeadline
Time that should be spent on encoding a frame.
UINT32 rc_target_bitrate
Target bitrate in kbits/sec. This value must be greater than 0.
INT32 nRcTargetBitrate
Same as rc_target_bitrate.
WebRTC's audio preprocessor.
INT32 nLevel
Noise suppression level. 0 = Low, 1 = Moderate, 2 = High, 3 = VeryHigh. Default: 1.
struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor::@4::@6 fixeddigital
Gain level for AGC. Only active when bEnable is true.
float fMaxGainChangeDBPerSecond
TTBOOL bEnable
Enable pre-amplifier. Replacement for TT_SetSoundInputGainLevel()
float fMaxOutputNoiseLevelDBFS
struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor::@0 preamplifier
Configuration of WebRTC pre-amplifier.
struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor::@5 levelestimation
Configuration of WebRTC's level estimater.
float fInitialSaturationMarginDB
struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor::@4 gaincontroller2
Configuration of WebRTC's gain controller 2 for AGC.
float fExtraSaturationMarginDB
float fFixedGainFactor
Gain factor. Default: 1.
struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor::@2 noisesuppression
Configuration of WebRTC's noise suppression. See also SpeexDSP.
struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor::@4::@7 adaptivedigital
Configuration for fine tuning gain level.
struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor::@1 echocanceller
Configuration of WebRTC's echo canceller. See also TT_SetSoundDeviceEffects()
struct WebRTCAudioPreprocessor::@3 voicedetection
Configuration of WebRTC's voice detection.
float fGainDB
Gain level in dB. Range: 0 <= x < 50. Default: 0.