TeamTalk 5 C-API DLL  Version 5.14A
Desktop Sharing

This section explains how to use the desktop sharing feature where users can share their desktop applications. More...


struct  DesktopWindow
 A struct containing the properties of a shared desktop window. More...
struct  DesktopInput
 A struct containing a mouse or keyboard event. More...
struct  ShareWindow
 A struct which describes the properties of a window which can be shared. More...




typedef enum BitmapFormat BitmapFormat
 The bitmap format used for a DesktopWindow. More...
typedef enum DesktopProtocol DesktopProtocol
 The protocols supported for transferring a DesktopWindow. More...
typedef struct DesktopWindow DesktopWindow
 A struct containing the properties of a shared desktop window. More...
typedef enum DesktopKeyState DesktopKeyState
 The state of a key (or mouse button), i.e. if it's pressed or released. More...
typedef UINT32 DesktopKeyStates
 Mask of key states.
typedef struct DesktopInput DesktopInput
 A struct containing a mouse or keyboard event. More...
typedef struct ShareWindow ShareWindow
 A struct which describes the properties of a window which can be shared. More...
typedef enum TTKeyTranslate TTKeyTranslate
 Translate to and from TeamTalk's intermediate key-codes (TTKEYCODE). More...


enum  BitmapFormat {
  BMP_NONE = 0 , BMP_RGB8_PALETTE = 1 , BMP_RGB16_555 = 2 , BMP_RGB24 = 3 ,
  BMP_RGB32 = 4
 The bitmap format used for a DesktopWindow. More...
enum  DesktopProtocol { DESKTOPPROTOCOL_ZLIB_1 = 1 }
 The protocols supported for transferring a DesktopWindow. More...
enum  DesktopKeyState { DESKTOPKEYSTATE_NONE = 0x00000000 , DESKTOPKEYSTATE_DOWN = 0x00000001 , DESKTOPKEYSTATE_UP = 0x00000002 }
 The state of a key (or mouse button), i.e. if it's pressed or released. More...
enum  TTKeyTranslate {
 Translate to and from TeamTalk's intermediate key-codes (TTKEYCODE). More...


TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_SendDesktopWindow (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN const DesktopWindow *lpDesktopWindow, IN BitmapFormat nConvertBmpFormat)
 Transmit a desktop window (bitmap) to users in the same channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CloseDesktopWindow (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance)
 Close the current desktop session. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API unsigned char * TT_Palette_GetColorTable (IN BitmapFormat nBmpPalette, IN INT32 nIndex)
 Get RGB values of the palette for the bitmap format. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API HWND TT_Windows_GetDesktopActiveHWND (void)
 Get the handle (HWND) of the window which is currently active (focused) on the Windows desktop. More...
 Get the handle (HWND) of the Windows desktop (full desktop). More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Windows_GetDesktopWindowHWND (IN INT32 nIndex, OUT HWND *lpHWnd)
 Enumerate all the handles (HWND) of visible windows. Increment nIndex until the function returns FALSE. Use TT_Windows_GetWindow() to get information about each window. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Windows_GetWindow (IN HWND hWnd, OUT ShareWindow *lpShareWindow)
 Get the properties of a window from its window handle (HWND). More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_SendDesktopWindowFromHWND (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN HWND hWnd, IN BitmapFormat nBitmapFormat, IN DesktopProtocol nDesktopProtocol)
 Transmit the specified window in a desktop session. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_PaintDesktopWindow (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN HDC hDC, IN INT32 XDest, IN INT32 YDest, IN INT32 nDestWidth, IN INT32 nDestHeight)
 Paint user's desktop window using a Windows' DC (device context). More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_PaintDesktopWindowEx (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN HDC hDC, IN INT32 XDest, IN INT32 YDest, IN INT32 nDestWidth, IN INT32 nDestHeight, IN INT32 XSrc, IN INT32 YSrc, IN INT32 nSrcWidth, IN INT32 nSrcHeight)
 Paint user's desktop window using a Windows' DC (device context). More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_MacOS_GetWindow (IN INT32 nIndex, OUT ShareWindow *lpShareWindow)
 Enumerate all windows on the desktop. Increment nIndex until the function returns FALSE. Use TT_MacOS_GetWindowFromWindowID() to get information about the window, e.g. title, dimensions, etc. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_MacOS_GetWindowFromWindowID (IN INT64 nWindowID, OUT ShareWindow *lpShareWindow)
 Get information about a window by passing its handle (CGWindowID). More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_SendDesktopFromWindowID (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT64 nWindowID, IN BitmapFormat nBitmapFormat, IN DesktopProtocol nDesktopProtocol)
 Transmit the specified window in a desktop session. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SendDesktopCursorPosition (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN UINT16 nPosX, IN UINT16 nPosY)
 Send the position of mouse cursor to users in the same channel. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SendDesktopInput (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN const DesktopInput lpDesktopInputs[TT_DESKTOPINPUT_MAX], IN INT32 nDesktopInputCount)
 Send a mouse or keyboard event to a shared desktop window. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API DesktopWindowTT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID)
 Acquire a user's desktop window (bitmap image). More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API DesktopWindowTT_AcquireUserDesktopWindowEx (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN INT32 nUserID, IN BitmapFormat nBitmapFormat)
 Same as TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow() except an extra option for converting bitmap to a different format. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_ReleaseUserDesktopWindow (IN TTInstance *lpTTInstance, IN DesktopWindow *lpDesktopWindow)
 Release memory allocated by the DesktopWindow. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DesktopInput_KeyTranslate (TTKeyTranslate nTranslate, IN const DesktopInput *lpDesktopInputs, OUT DesktopInput *lpTranslatedDesktopInputs, IN INT32 nDesktopInputCount)
 Translate platform key-code to and from TeamTalk's intermediate format. More...
TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DesktopInput_Execute (IN const DesktopInput *lpDesktopInputs, IN INT32 nDesktopInputCount)
 Execute desktop (mouse or keyboard) input. More...

Detailed Description

This section explains how to use the desktop sharing feature where users can share their desktop applications.

A user can transmit a desktop window to other users in a channel by passing the handle of a window to the TeamTalk client instance. The client instance then converts the window to a bitmap image which is transmitted to the server. The server then forwards the bitmap image to all other users in the channel.

To transmit a desktop window the user's UserAccount must have the USERRIGHT_TRANSMIT_DESKTOP.


Send Desktop Window (or bitmap)

Before sending a desktop window to a channel the handle (identifier) of the window to share must first be found. Windows, Mac and Linux (X11) have different ways of locating the window handle.

Instead of using a window handle it's also possible to simply send a raw bitmap by calling TT_SendDesktopWindow().

Windows Desktop Sharing

TeamTalk for Windows provides the following functions for obtaining different HWNDs:

Once the HWND of the window to share has been found use the following function for sending the window to the channel:

Mac OS Desktop Sharing

TeamTalk for Mac OS provides the following functions for obtaining desktop window handles:

Once the handle (CGWindowID) of the window to share has been found use the following function for sending the window to the channel:

Linux Desktop Sharing

TeamTalk for Linux does not provide helper functions for getting the handle of a X11 window. This is in order to avoid linking the TeamTalk DLL to X11. Instead it is recommended to check out TeamTalk Qt Client Example (qtTeamTalk) which shows how to convert X11 windows to bitmaps and use TT_SendDesktopWindow() for transmission.

Displaying Shared Desktop Window (or bitmap)

When a shared desktop window is received the event CLIENTEVENT_USER_DESKTOPWINDOW is posted to the local client instance. TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow() can then be called to obtain a bitmap image of the shared window.

Desktop Cursor Sharing

It is also possible to share the position of the mouse cursor when sharing a desktop window. Use TT_SendDesktopCursorPosition() to transmit the position of the mouse cursor. When the position is received the event CLIENTEVENT_USER_DESKTOPCURSOR is posted to the local client instance with the mouse coordinates.

Remote Desktop Access

If a user has shared a desktop window it's possible for other users in the same channel to take over control of mouse and keyboard on the computer sharing the desktop window.

To access a remote desktop the user's UserAccount must have the userright USERRIGHT_TRANSMIT_DESKTOPINPUT.

Receive Desktop Input

In order for a client instance to allow remote desktop access it is required to first subscribe to desktop input from the user who wants access to the shared desktop window. This is done by calling TT_DoSubscribe() along with the user-id and subscription SUBSCRIBE_DESKTOPINPUT. Once desktop input (mouse or keyboard input) is received from a remote user the CLIENTEVENT_USER_DESKTOPINPUT event will be posted to the client instance. The actual mouse or keyboard input can then be obtained by accessing the DesktopInput member of the TTMessage. Afterwards TT_DesktopInput_Execute() can be used to execute the mouse or keyboard input.

Transmit Desktop Input

The remote user who wants to transmit mouse or keyboard input to the user sharing a desktop window can use TT_SendDesktopInput(). Remember that the user sharing the desktop window must have enabled the subscription SUBSCRIBE_DESKTOPINPUT.

Desktop Input and Keyboard Layouts

It can be quite troublesome to handle keyboard input since each key-code depends on the OS and the regional settings on the OS. E.g. on a German keyboard the Z key is located where the Y key is on a US keyboard. The German keyboard also has letters which don't even appear on a US keyboard.

Because of the issues with keyboard layouts and regional settings the TeamTalk API provides TT_DesktopInput_KeyTranslate() which can be used to translate a keyboard's scan-code to an intermediate format. If e.g. a client instance is running Windows then TT_DesktopInput_KeyTranslate() can be called with TTKEY_WINKEYCODE_TO_TTKEYCODE which converts the scan-code on a Windows keyboard to TeamTalk's intermediate format (TTKEYCODE). To be able to execute the key-code once it's received it must be converted back again from TeamTalk's intermediate format to the platform where the application is running. I.e. if the TTKEYCODE is received on a Mac then TT_DesktopInput_KeyTranslate() must be called with TTKEY_TTKEYCODE_TO_MACKEYCODE.

Translation of key-codes to TTKEYCODE-format.

When a key is pressed the OS generates a scan-code which denotes the location of the key on the keyboard. In order to generate the same key-press on a remote computer this scan-code must be converted to an intermediate format. The reason the scan-code cannot be sent directly is that the remote computer might use a different keyboard layout or run an operating system which has other values for the scan-codes.

The intermediate format for storing key-codes in TeamTalk is TTKEYCODE. Here's a table which shows how the keys on a US 104-keys keyboard are translated to TTKEYCODE.

   Symbol      | Shifted Symbol | Location | TTKEYCODE
   Esc         |                |          | 0x0001
   1           | !              |          | 0x0002
   2           | @              |          | 0x0003
   3           | #              |          | 0x0004
   4           | $              |          | 0x0005
   5           | %              |          | 0x0006
   6           | ^              |          | 0x0007
   7           | &              |          | 0x0008
   8           |                |          | 0x0009
   9           | (              |          | 0x000a
   0           | )              |          | 0x000b
   -           | _              |          | 0x000c
   =           | +              |          | 0x000d
   Backspace   |                |          | 0x000e
   Tab         |                |          | 0x000f
   Q           |                |          | 0x0010
   W           |                |          | 0x0011
   E           |                |          | 0x0012
   R           |                |          | 0x0013
   T           |                |          | 0x0014
   Y           |                |          | 0x0015
   U           |                |          | 0x0016
   I           |                |          | 0x0017
   O           |                |          | 0x0018
   P           |                |          | 0x0019
   [           | {              |          | 0x001a
   ]           | }              |          | 0x001b
   Enter       |                |          | 0x001c
   Ctrl        |                | Left     | 0x001d
   A           |                |          | 0x001e
   S           |                |          | 0x001f
   D           |                |          | 0x0020
   F           |                |          | 0x0021
   G           |                |          | 0x0022
   H           |                |          | 0x0023
   J           |                |          | 0x0024
   K           |                |          | 0x0025
   L           |                |          | 0x0026
   ;           |                |          | 0x0027
   '           |                |          | 0x0028
   `           |                |          | 0x0029
   Shift       |                | Left     | 0x002a
   \\          | |              |          | 0x002b
   Z           |                |          | 0x002c
   X           |                |          | 0x002d
   C           |                |          | 0x002e
   V           |                |          | 0x002f
   B           |                |          | 0x0030
   N           |                |          | 0x0031
   M           |                |          | 0x0032
   ,           | <              |          | 0x0033
   .           | >              |          | 0x0034
   /           | ?              |          | 0x0035
   Shift       |                | Right    | 0x0036
   \*          |                |          | 0x0037
   Alt         |                |          | 0x0038
   Space bar   |                |          | 0x0039
   Caps Lock   |                |          | 0x003a
   F1          |                |          | 0x003b
   F2          |                |          | 0x003c
   F3          |                |          | 0x003d
   F4          |                |          | 0x003e
   F5          |                |          | 0x003f
   F6          |                |          | 0x0040
   F7          |                |          | 0x0041
   F8          |                |          | 0x0042
   F9          |                |          | 0x0043
   Num Lock    |                | Numpad   | 0x0044
   Scroll Lock |                |          | 0x0046
   Home        | 7              | Numpad   | 0x0047
   Up arrow    | 8              | Numpad   | 0x0048
   PgUp        | 9              | Numpad   | 0x0049
   -           |                | Numpad   | 0x004a
   Left arrow  | 4              | Numpad   | 0x004b
   5           |                | Numpad   | 0x004c
   Right arrow | 6              | Numpad   | 0x004d
   +           |                | Numpad   | 0x004e
   End         | 1              | Numpad   | 0x004f
   Down arrow  | 2              | Numpad   | 0x0050
   PgDn        | 3              | Numpad   | 0x0051
   Insert      | 0              | Numpad   | 0x0052
   Delete      |                | Numpad   | 0x0053
   F11         |                |          | 0x0057
   F12         |                |          | 0x0058
   Break       | Pause          |          | 0x0100
   Enter       |                | Numpad   | 0x011c
   Ctrl        |                | Right    | 0x011d
   /           |                | Numpad   | 0x0135
   SysRq       | Print Scrn     |          | 0x0137
   Alt         |                | Right    | 0x0138
   Home        |                | Funcpad  | 0x0147
   Up arrow    |                | Funcpad  | 0x0148
   Page Up     |                | Funcpad  | 0x0149
   Left arrow  |                | Funcpad  | 0x014b
   Right arrow |                | Funcpad  | 0x014d
   End         |                | Funcpad  | 0x014f
   Down arrow  |                | Funcpad  | 0x0150
   Page Down   |                | Funcpad  | 0x0151
   Insert      |                | Funcpad  | 0x0152
   Delete      |                | Funcpad  | 0x0153
   Windows     |                | Left     | 0x015b
   Windows     |                | Right    | 0x015c
   Menu        |                |          | 0x015d
               |                |          | 
   <           |                | Non-US   | 0x0056
               |                |          | 
   Mouse btn   |                | Left     | 0x1000
   Mouse btn   |                | Right    | 0x1001
   Mouse btn   |                | Middle   | 0x1002

Macro Definition Documentation



The maximum number DesktopInput instances which can be sent by TT_SendDesktopInput().

Definition at line 162 of file TeamTalk.h.



If uKeyCode in DesktopInput is set to TT_DESKTOPINPUT_KEYCODE_IGNORE it means no key (or mouse button) was pressed in the desktop input event and TT_DesktopInput_Execute() will ignore the value.

Definition at line 171 of file TeamTalk.h.



If uMousePosX or uMousePosY in DesktopInput are set to TT_DESKTOPINPUT_MOUSEPOS_IGNORE it means the mouse position is ignored when calling TT_DesktopInput_Execute().

Definition at line 179 of file TeamTalk.h.



If uKeyCode of DesktopInput is set to TT_DESKTOPINPUT_KEYCODE_LMOUSEBTN then TT_DesktopInput_Execute() will see the key-code as a left mouse button click.

Definition at line 187 of file TeamTalk.h.



If uKeyCode of DesktopInput is set to TT_DESKTOPINPUT_KEYCODE_RMOUSEBTN then TT_DesktopInput_Execute() will see the key-code as a right mouse button click.

Definition at line 195 of file TeamTalk.h.



If uKeyCode of DesktopInput is set to TT_DESKTOPINPUT_KEYCODE_MMOUSEBTN then TT_DesktopInput_Execute() will see the key-code as a middle mouse button click.

Definition at line 203 of file TeamTalk.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BitmapFormat

typedef enum BitmapFormat BitmapFormat

The bitmap format used for a DesktopWindow.

◆ DesktopProtocol

The protocols supported for transferring a DesktopWindow.

So far only one, UDP-based, protocol is supported.

◆ DesktopWindow

typedef struct DesktopWindow DesktopWindow

A struct containing the properties of a shared desktop window.

The desktop window is a description of the bitmap which can be retrieved using TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow() or the bitmap which should be transmitted using TT_SendDesktopWindow().

◆ DesktopKeyState

The state of a key (or mouse button), i.e. if it's pressed or released.

See also

◆ DesktopKeyStates

typedef UINT32 DesktopKeyStates

Mask of key states.

Definition at line 1010 of file TeamTalk.h.

◆ DesktopInput

typedef struct DesktopInput DesktopInput

A struct containing a mouse or keyboard event.

The DesktopInput struct is used for desktop access where a remote user can control mouse or keybaord on a shared desktop. Check out section Remote Desktop Access on how to use remote desktop access.

◆ ShareWindow

typedef struct ShareWindow ShareWindow

A struct which describes the properties of a window which can be shared.

See also

◆ TTKeyTranslate

Translate to and from TeamTalk's intermediate key-codes (TTKEYCODE).

See also

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BitmapFormat

The bitmap format used for a DesktopWindow.


Used to denote nothing selected.


The bitmap is a 256-colored bitmap requiring a palette. The default 256 colored palette is the Netscape browser-safe palette. Use TT_Palette_GetColorTable() to access or change the palette. The maximum size of a 8-bit bitmap is 4095 blocks of 120 by 34 pixels.


The bitmap is a 16-bit colored bitmap. The maximum pixels.


The bitmap is a 24-bit colored bitmap. The maximum size of a 24-bit bitmap is 4095 blocks of 85 by 16 pixels.


The bitmap is a 32-bit colored bitmap. The maximum size of a 32-bit bitmap is 4095 blocks of 51 by 20 pixels.

Definition at line 929 of file TeamTalk.h.

◆ DesktopProtocol

The protocols supported for transferring a DesktopWindow.

So far only one, UDP-based, protocol is supported.


Desktop protocol based on ZLIB for image compression and UDP for data transmission.

Definition at line 956 of file TeamTalk.h.

◆ DesktopKeyState

The state of a key (or mouse button), i.e. if it's pressed or released.

See also

The key is ignored.


The key is pressed.


The key is released.

Definition at line 999 of file TeamTalk.h.

◆ TTKeyTranslate

Translate to and from TeamTalk's intermediate key-codes (TTKEYCODE).

See also

Perform no translation.


Translate from Windows scan-code to TTKEYCODE. The Windows scan-code can be retrieved in Windows' WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP event.


Translate from TTKEYCODE to Windows scan-code.


Translate from Mac OS X Carbon kVK_* key-code to TTKEYCODE. The Mac OS X key-codes are defined in Carbon's API.


Translate from TTKEYCODE to Mac OS X Carbon kVK_* key-code.

Definition at line 7706 of file TeamTalk.h.

Function Documentation

◆ TT_SendDesktopWindow()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_SendDesktopWindow ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN const DesktopWindow lpDesktopWindow,
IN BitmapFormat  nConvertBmpFormat 

Transmit a desktop window (bitmap) to users in the same channel.

When TT_SendDesktopWindow() is called the first time a new desktop session will be started. To update the current desktop session call TT_SendDesktopWindow() again once the previous desktop transmission has finished. Tracking progress of the current desktop transmission is done by checking for the CLIENTEVENT_DESKTOPWINDOW_TRANSFER event. While the desktop transmission is active the flag CLIENT_TX_DESKTOP will be set on the local client instance.

If the desktop window (bitmap) changes size (width/height) or format a new desktop session will be started. Also if the user changes channel a new desktop session will be started. Check nSessionID of DesktopWindow to see if a new desktop session is started or the CLIENTEVENT_USER_DESKTOPWINDOW event.

Remote users will get the CLIENTEVENT_USER_DESKTOPWINDOW event and can call TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow() to retrieve the desktop window.

User rights required:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
lpDesktopWindowProperties of the bitmap. Set the nSessionID property to 0.
nConvertBmpFormatBefore transmission convert the bitmap to this format.
TRUE if desktop window is queued for transmission. FALSE if nBitmapSize is invalid or if a desktop transmission is already active.
-1 on error. 0 if bitmap has no changes. Greater than 0 on success.
See also

◆ TT_CloseDesktopWindow()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_CloseDesktopWindow ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance)

Close the current desktop session.

Closing the desktop session will cause the users receiving the current desktop session to see the desktop session ID change to 0 in the CLIENTEVENT_USER_DESKTOPWINDOW event.

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.

◆ TT_Palette_GetColorTable()

TEAMTALKDLL_API unsigned char* TT_Palette_GetColorTable ( IN BitmapFormat  nBmpPalette,
IN INT32  nIndex 

Get RGB values of the palette for the bitmap format.

This currently only applies to bitmaps of format BMP_RGB8_PALETTE.

Note that the pointer returned is non-const which means the palette can be overwritten with a custom palette. The custom palette will then be used internally during bitmap conversion.

nBmpPaletteThe bitmap format. Currently only BMP_RGB8_PALETTE is supported.
nIndexThe index in the color table of the RGB values to extract.
Pointer to RGB colors. First byte is Red, second Blue and third Green. Returns NULL if the color-index is invalid.

◆ TT_Windows_GetDesktopActiveHWND()

TEAMTALKDLL_API HWND TT_Windows_GetDesktopActiveHWND ( void  )

Get the handle (HWND) of the window which is currently active (focused) on the Windows desktop.

◆ TT_Windows_GetDesktopHWND()

TEAMTALKDLL_API HWND TT_Windows_GetDesktopHWND ( void  )

Get the handle (HWND) of the Windows desktop (full desktop).

◆ TT_Windows_GetDesktopWindowHWND()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_Windows_GetDesktopWindowHWND ( IN INT32  nIndex,
OUT HWND *  lpHWnd 

Enumerate all the handles (HWND) of visible windows. Increment nIndex until the function returns FALSE. Use TT_Windows_GetWindow() to get information about each window.

◆ TT_Windows_GetWindow()

OUT ShareWindow lpShareWindow 

Get the properties of a window from its window handle (HWND).

◆ TT_SendDesktopWindowFromHWND()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_SendDesktopWindowFromHWND ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN HWND  hWnd,
IN BitmapFormat  nBitmapFormat,
IN DesktopProtocol  nDesktopProtocol 

Transmit the specified window in a desktop session.

Same as TT_SendDesktopWindow() except the properties for the DesktopWindow are extracted automatically.

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
hWndWindows handle for the window to transmit.
nBitmapFormatBitmap format to use for the transmitted image.
nDesktopProtocolThe protocol to use for transmitting the image.
See TT_SendDesktopWindow().

◆ TT_PaintDesktopWindow()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_PaintDesktopWindow ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN INT32  XDest,
IN INT32  YDest,
IN INT32  nDestWidth,
IN INT32  nDestHeight 

Paint user's desktop window using a Windows' DC (device context).

Same as calling TT_PaintDesktopWindowEx() like this:

TT_PaintDesktopWindowEx(lpTTInstance, nUserID, hDC, 
                        XDest, YDest, nDestWidth,
                        nDestHeight, 0, 0, 
                        'src_bmp_width', 'src_bmp_height');

src_bmp_width and src_bmp_height are extracted internally from the source image.

◆ TT_PaintDesktopWindowEx()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_PaintDesktopWindowEx ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN INT32  XDest,
IN INT32  YDest,
IN INT32  nDestWidth,
IN INT32  nDestHeight,
IN INT32  XSrc,
IN INT32  YSrc,
IN INT32  nSrcWidth,
IN INT32  nSrcHeight 

Paint user's desktop window using a Windows' DC (device context).

An application can either paint a bitmap by using TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow() which provides a pointer to a bitmap or the application can ask the client instance to paint the image using this function.

Typically this paint operation will be called in the WM_PAINT message. Here is how the client instance paints internally:

StretchDIBits(hDC, nPosX, nPosY, nWidth, nHeight, XSrc, YSrc, 
              nSrcWidth, nSrcHeight, frame_buf, &bmi,
              DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe user's ID.
hDCThe handle to the Windows device context.
XDestCoordinate of left corner where to start painting.
YDestCoordinate or top corner where to start painting.
nDestWidthThe width of the image.
nDestHeightThe height of the image.
XSrcThe left coordinate in the source bitmap of where to start reading.
YSrcThe top left coordinate in the source bitmap of where to start reading.
nSrcWidthThe number of width pixels to read from source bitmap.
nSrcHeightThe number of height pixels to read from source bitmap.
TRUE on success. FALSE on error, e.g. if user doesn't exist.
See also

◆ TT_MacOS_GetWindow()

OUT ShareWindow lpShareWindow 

Enumerate all windows on the desktop. Increment nIndex until the function returns FALSE. Use TT_MacOS_GetWindowFromWindowID() to get information about the window, e.g. title, dimensions, etc.

◆ TT_MacOS_GetWindowFromWindowID()

OUT ShareWindow lpShareWindow 

Get information about a window by passing its handle (CGWindowID).

See also

◆ TT_SendDesktopFromWindowID()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_SendDesktopFromWindowID ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT64  nWindowID,
IN BitmapFormat  nBitmapFormat,
IN DesktopProtocol  nDesktopProtocol 

Transmit the specified window in a desktop session.

Same as TT_SendDesktopWindow() except the properties for the DesktopWindow are extracted automatically.

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nWindowIDThe handle of the window which should be converted to bitmap and sent to the server.
nBitmapFormatBitmap format to use for the transmitted image.
nDesktopProtocolThe protocol to use for transmitting the image.
See TT_SendDesktopWindow().

◆ TT_SendDesktopCursorPosition()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SendDesktopCursorPosition ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN UINT16  nPosX,
IN UINT16  nPosY 

Send the position of mouse cursor to users in the same channel.

It's only possible to send the mouse cursor position if there's a desktop session which is currently active.

User rights required:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nPosXX coordinate of mouse cursor.
nPosYY coordinate of mouse cursor.
See also

◆ TT_SendDesktopInput()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_SendDesktopInput ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN const DesktopInput  lpDesktopInputs[TT_DESKTOPINPUT_MAX],
IN INT32  nDesktopInputCount 

Send a mouse or keyboard event to a shared desktop window.

If a user is sharing a desktop window it's possible for a remote user to take control of mouse and keyboard input on the remote computer. Read section Transmit Desktop Input on how to transmit desktop input to a shared window.

When the remote user receives the issued DesktopInput the event CLIENTEVENT_USER_DESKTOPINPUT is posted to the client instance sharing the desktop window.

User rights required:

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe user's ID who owns the shared desktop window and should receive desktop input.
lpDesktopInputsAn array of DesktopInput structs which should be transmitted to the user. Internally in the client instance each user ID has an internal queue which can contain a maximum of 100 DesktopInput structs.
nDesktopInputCountMust be less or equal to TT_DESKTOPINPUT_MAX.
FALSE If user doesn't exist or if desktop input queue is full or if nUserID doesn't subscribe to desktop input.

◆ TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow()

TEAMTALKDLL_API DesktopWindow* TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID 

Acquire a user's desktop window (bitmap image).

A user's desktop window can be extracted when the CLIENTEVENT_USER_DESKTOPWINDOW is received.

When the DesktopWindow is no longer needed call TT_ReleaseUserDesktopWindow() to release the memory allocated by the client instance.

A desktop window is simply a bitmap image. This method is used for retrieving the user's bitmap image.

For BMP_RGB8_PALETTE bitmaps check out TT_Palette_GetColorTable().

To convert bitmap to a different format use TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindowEx().

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe user's ID.
NULL If there's no active desktop window for this user.
See also

◆ TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindowEx()

TEAMTALKDLL_API DesktopWindow* TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindowEx ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN INT32  nUserID,
IN BitmapFormat  nBitmapFormat 

Same as TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow() except an extra option for converting bitmap to a different format.

It is highly adviced to use TT_AcquireUserDesktopWindow() since converting to a different bitmap format is very inefficient.

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
nUserIDThe user's ID.
nBitmapFormatThe bitmap format to convert to.
NULL If there's no active desktop window for this user.

◆ TT_ReleaseUserDesktopWindow()

TEAMTALKDLL_API TTBOOL TT_ReleaseUserDesktopWindow ( IN TTInstance lpTTInstance,
IN DesktopWindow lpDesktopWindow 

Release memory allocated by the DesktopWindow.

lpTTInstancePointer to client instance created by TT_InitTeamTalk.
lpDesktopWindowPointer to DesktopWindow to release.
See also

◆ TT_DesktopInput_KeyTranslate()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DesktopInput_KeyTranslate ( TTKeyTranslate  nTranslate,
IN const DesktopInput lpDesktopInputs,
OUT DesktopInput lpTranslatedDesktopInputs,
IN INT32  nDesktopInputCount 

Translate platform key-code to and from TeamTalk's intermediate format.

Section Translation of key-codes to TTKEYCODE-format. has a table which shows how the keys on a US 104-keyboard are translated to TeamTalk's intermediate format.

Section Desktop Input and Keyboard Layouts explains how to transmit key-codes.

nTranslateThe key-code format to translate to and from.
lpDesktopInputsAn array of DesktopInput structs to translate.
lpTranslatedDesktopInputsA pre-allocated array of DesktopInput struct to hold the translated desktop input.
nDesktopInputCountThe number of elements to translate in lpDesktopInputs.
The number of translated DesktopInput stucts. If value is different from nDesktopInputCount then some uKeyCode values could not be translated and have been assigned the value TT_DESKTOPINPUT_KEYCODE_IGNORE.
See also

◆ TT_DesktopInput_Execute()

TEAMTALKDLL_API INT32 TT_DesktopInput_Execute ( IN const DesktopInput lpDesktopInputs,
IN INT32  nDesktopInputCount 

Execute desktop (mouse or keyboard) input.

When executed either a key-press, key-release or mouse move will take place on the computer running the client instance. Remember to calculate the offsets for the mouse cursor prior to this call. The mouse position will be relative to the screen resolution.

The content of the DesktopInput struct must been translated to the platform's key-code format prior to this call. I.e. uKeyCode must be a either a Windows scan-code, Mac OS X Carbon key-code or one of the mouse buttons: TT_DESKTOPINPUT_KEYCODE_LMOUSEBTN, TT_DESKTOPINPUT_KEYCODE_RMOUSEBTN, TT_DESKTOPINPUT_KEYCODE_MMOUSEBTN.

lpDesktopInputsThe mouse or keyboard inputs.
nDesktopInputCountThe number of elements in lpDesktopInputs.
The number of mouse and keyboard events inserted.
See also