After a long pre-release period we’re finally ready to release the first BETA of TeamTalk v5.7.
The list of already known problems is available on the TeamTalk 5 project site so please consult this list before reporting new issues. This is also a good place to find solutions of already known issues.
New Features and Bug Fixes
Again there’s a long list of changes for this release thanks to TeamTalk’s contributors. Many thanks goes to Corentin Bacqué-Cazenave (aka Oreonan) and Igor B. Poretsky.
Changes in Accessible Windows Client
- SpeexDSP echo canceller replaced by WebRTC
- SpeexDSP automatic gain control (AGC) replaced by WebRTC
- SpeexDSP noise suppression replaced by WebRTC
- Ability to create and join hidden channels
- Channel messages can be blocked in classroom channels
- TTS events when sending a private or channel message
- Option to join channel immediately in create channel dialog
- Option to disable emojis and text for channel/user states
- New audio files for default sound events
- New sound events when user logs in/out
- Faster login on servers with many users or channels
- New option to play sounds for outgoing messages (disabled by default)
- Users logged in/out displayed in chat history
- Save server configuration displayed in chat history
- Status message is saved and reloaded on startup
- Fixed tab index on server properties dialog
- Fixed labels on server properties dialog and preferences
- Display ban type on banned users dialog
- Return who has kicked when we are kicked from a channel
- Change label of start position bar on CTRL+S
- Return exact duration of file on CTRL+S dialog
- Reconnect if initial connection attempt fails
- Facebook login no longer supported
- Private text messages now ordered the same as channel text messages
- Display man emoji in channels tree
- Fix double event when we leave a channel
- Return root channel when appropriate on CTRL+G
- Correctly return speaking for ourself on CTRL+G
- Window’s title is now updated if channel or server name is changing
- Support for neutral status
- New option to choose playback mode of sound events
- Text message area disable when client is not in a channel
- Specific message when kicked from server
- Ability to play OPUS .ogg files
- Option to display both server and channel name on window title
Changes in Default QT Client
- SpeexDSP echo canceller replaced by WebRTC
- SpeexDSP automatic gain control (AGC) replaced by WebRTC
- SpeexDSP noise suppression replaced by WebRTC
- Ability to create and join hidden channels
- Channel messages can be blocked in classroom channels
- New audio files for default sound events
- New sound events when user logs in/out
- Option to join channel immediately in create channel dialog
- Option to disable emojis and text for channel/user states
- CTRL+L to leave a channel
- Save server configuration displayed in chat history
- Fix navigation problems using tabulation
- More items displayed when using up arrow in message area
- Add emojis for unread messages and now speaking in channels tree
- New option to play sounds for outgoing messages (disabled by default)
- Display ban type on banned users dialog
- Reconnect if initial connection attempt fails
- Facebook login no longer supported
- Display man emoji in channels tree
- ALSA sound system on Linux is faster to initialize
- Window’s title is now updated if channel or server name is changing
- Support for neutral status
- Specific message when kicked from server
- Ability to play OPUS .ogg files on Windows
- Option to display both server and channel name on window title
Changes in Android Client
- SpeexDSP automatic gain control (AGC) replaced by WebRTC
- Ability to create and join hidden channels
- New audio files for default sound events
- Change default stream volume from 100 to 50
- Support for Italian language
- Option to specify gender
- Facebook login no longer supported
- Server list export facility
Changes in iOS Client
- Ability to create and join hidden channels
- New audio files for default sound events
- Change default stream volume from 100 to 50
- Support for italian language
- Option to specify gender
- Facebook login no longer supported
- Alert when kicked
Changes in Server
- Support for hidden channels
- Ability to disable user accounts
- Channel messages can be blocked in classroom channels
- Facebook login no longer supported
Download TeamTalk BETA1 – v5.7.0.5024
TeamTalk v5.7.0.5024 for Windows
TeamTalk Classic v5.7.0.5024 Portable for Windows
TeamTalk v5.7.0.5024 for macOS
TeamTalk v5.7.0.5024 for Ubuntu 18
TeamTalk v5.7.0.5024 for Debian 9
TeamTalk Server v5.7.0.5024 for CentOS 7
TeamTalk Pro Server v5.7.0.5024 for Ubuntu 18
TeamTalk Pro Server v5.7.0.5024 for Debian 9
TeamTalk Pro Server v5.7.0.5024 for Windows
TeamTalk Pro Server v5.7.0.5024 for CentOS 7
Hello admin, I don’t see the beta version for Centos 7, can you provide the download link?
thank you. 🙂
Now with CentOS7
Hello sir! How to install bearware login? Some time ago, I was activated bearware login with the administrator user on the server. But after I tried it, it didn’t work, what’s the solution? What to make from vps? Thank you!
bearware login will be work if you have license TeamTalkPro
I have a question concerning moving rights/privileges, is there a way to specify for instance I only want a certain user to move from one channel to another but block channels he/she cannot move his/herself or others in? Thanks.
I can’t think of a good way to implement this besides perhaps allowing sommeone who is an auto-operator of both channel A and B to move someone from one to the other. That would require a server change and right now it is not possible. Once you give someone the move right, they have that for every channel, and can move themselves even into password-protected channels.